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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/07/12 in all areas

  1. Probably worth a call to Reverie, although i can't see zetecs listed on their website http://www.reverie.ltd.uk/product_list.php?group=A%20CAMCOV&subgroup=A%20CAMCOV%20E
    1 point
  2. Shows what happens when they don't have the team radio telling them how far ahead the leaders are. Same rule will apply with the TDF next year, so will make the results far less predictable. Its a farce anyway - won by a drug cheat and the peleton led by a drug cheat David Millar
    1 point
  3. And what exactly have we done recently, apart from a pointles war, selling off the famous names to every Tom,d*** and Harry............................................we should be proud of the fact that we have allowed the borders to be open to everyone else and very proud that the UK can afford to pay the social welfare for most of Europe. Whilst everyone in Europe is talking about how European they are we have said, we don't want to be part of the Euro currency and stop short of being total Europeans but we welcome you to come and make Britain the New Europe, everyone living in one country...........United...............Kingdom........................of Europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! First moan on this thread, bet its not the last.....................how long before total thread drift?
    1 point
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