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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/07/12 in all areas

  1. Really sorry to hear this Tom, I've posted an alert on Blatchat so hopefully any Caterham owners will be keeping an eye out for it too
    2 points
  2. Beleive me, nothing will change. I have been a qualified football coach for a fair few years now running youth football teams from 8 to 15s and the behaviour is shocking, more so from parents. The FA spent a fortune on the RESPECT campaign, barriers around the pitch, posters, captains arm bands,etc. every parent, coach and player had to sign the respect forms. A total waste of time in my eyes, i know a parent that had a good kicking at the side of the pitch by another parent and his son who was playing at the time, are they banned? No they are not, who wants to be involved in that? Clubs and youth leagues are so desperate for people to manage/coach youth football they turn a blind eye to what goes on. I spent a lot of my own money to be correctly qualified (for no financial return) only to see clubs let any parent take over a team so the team doesn't fold. You only have to look how we lack the technical aspect of our footbal at the highest level, it starts at the 6,7,8 year olds. In this country our pro licence coaches teach the pro players, in Spain for example they teach the young kids. I have seen 9 & 10 year old lads, copying the cheating and foul play from the players they watch on the TV. In my opinion the respect and honestly should start from the top and filtered down to the young players after all they are supposed to be role models?? Rant over.
    1 point
  3. Email sent to the Surrey list and a link posted up on the Surrey forum... Hope you find the car soon and safe. jc
    1 point
  4. I have posted up on my own facebook page plus the local area page - see below fingers crossed for you
    1 point
  5. Tom, I've put a post up over on the Southern Kit Cars Website for you http://southernkitcars.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3061
    1 point
  6. BOB! hat's not to like? The subtle interplay of the light and dark beads. The exotic way that the top just flops languidly over the seat back. The way the beads erotically massage your back and buttocks as you bounce over speed bumps. Just think of the way that other Westfield owners will drool over your upgrade if you fit this. I'd buy this myself but unfortunately I've committed my cash to shock absorbers. You know you want one.....
    1 point
  7. Owdo how about this instead of a fiesta Boney
    1 point
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