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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/12 in all areas

  1. Some people are just like that unfortunatly. But really, who cares what he thinks? Laughing about it is the only way to go. It never seems to occur to people like that what r500 drivers might think of them We all work to different tastes and more importantly probably, budgets. One thing I really like about this club (compared to 'real' life) is you can blow a fortune on a new kit, or buy a ferrari and start a thread...'look at my new toy', and there's no judgement, no envy just interest and compliments.
    2 points
  2. in case some of the essex boys dont know this is what tiggers looks like
    1 point
  3. As I stepped from the back door in the early hours of the morning to wheel the Westfield from the garage, the air was clear and the sun shining, but a frost covered the ground. The thermometer on the kitchen wall confirmed it was a very chilly 3 degrees outside. I however hoped the weather man would be right and we were in for a good day, so I wrapped up warm for the short drive to the first meet point for us Colchester few. Sadly Luke had made is apologies for not being able to make it, having only recently passed IVA with his Locost and still struggling to fix the last of the gremlins, so it was only to be two of us that were to head off from PC World to the main meet point at Woodham Ferrers. I’d plotted a scenic route I regularly travel out through Tiptree, onto Maldon and then along the Burnham Road. A combination of the early hours and possibly some fears of fuel shortages meant the roads were fairly clear, and any Sunday driver were effortlessly despatched along the way. A brief stop off in Maldon to panic buy some fuel saw us arrive ahead of time at the car park to be greeted by 4 others that had beaten us to it. As 9:30 approached a dozen or so sevens of various marques had gathered and as the crowds were beginning to get restless the inevitable was to happen….. Anyone would think I was April Fools Day, as the phone rang and on the other end was Tigger who had been reading through his book of excuses the night before and discovered his insurance had expired his loss was to be our gain, as at least we wouldn’t be held up should he break down along the way. There was some final planning, handing out of maps and picking of our leaders, before we pulled on our woolly hats and headed for the exit. Straight away the fast group team Greenwood made their first mistake, placing too much trust in the tom-tom the Tiger turned right and away from the first waypoint whist the slow group team Pistol made to the left. The winter hadn’t been kind to the road across to the Hanningfield’s and I needed my wits about me to miss the craters hiding at the side of the road, luckily as we left towards the reservoir the roads improved, opening up and giving us a chance to stretch our legs for the first time. I’ve never been into that part of Essex but the drive through Stoke and Ingatestone were beautifully rewarding, and picturesque. Equally favoured by the bikers and a fair few groups of horse riders who we tried our best to quietly creep by. As we approached Blackmore team Greenwood were to inevitably catch us up, but equally as quickly they vanished again from sight of my mirrors. The briefest of halts in Ongar to welcome Andy to out group and it was onto the B-road to Dunmow. By this point the Sunday church goers were beginning to arise and our group began to part amongst the traffic, I was grateful to those that waited for us at the turns otherwise I may have been hopelessly lost in the darkest depths of Essex. The final stretch of the first leg was to carry us north to Finchingfield and our first stop-off on the village green. We were clearly not alone in enjoying the morning sunshine as the village was full of bikers gathering on the manicured lawns and outside the tea shops. It was a welcome break to be able to stretch the legs, do the necessaries, have a warming brew from the tea shop and enjoy the predictable tyre kicking amongst the other cars. By this time the second group had joined us as we jostled for parking spaces with the bikers and a rather miserable looking local. The second shorter leg was to take us back south through Braintree and onto the final rest stop outside Witham. Braintree was to also give us our first significant amount of traffic, as we queued to make our way across the town, but the boredom of the traffic jam was soon forgotten again as we left it behind in our mirrors. I was glad to be near the front this time rather than having to play catch up from the back which allowed me to keep Pete within my sights and relax a bit on the country roads. All too soon though we turned into the car park of the 8-ball diner and our journeys end. Well when I say we, those that weren’t paying attention were to overshoot the slip road and go for an impromptu blat up the A12 to turn around. Journeys end and 11 cars finished, no breakdowns and no stoppages. By now the sun was high in the sky, warming the air, and all the layers of clothing had been shed and stowed. What a great day, excellent company and wonderful roads. :love: Thank you to Pete for your route planning and organisation, thank you to everyone who turned out to join us, thank you also to the members of the public that waved us out ahead of them at the junctions and finally to the gods for giving us such a nice day for it. Bring on the next one     
    1 point
  4. Did you hoover it out because it was full of pringle bits. Sales have been good this year especially with your able assistant Gadgetman. Bob
    1 point
  5. No one forgets you Mr Billsberry!!! I did think I saw you at one point tho
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Its worth exactly what some one out there is prepared to pay for it , sticjk it on Ebay at 99p SP it will find its own price , alternatavely get it down to Stoneliegh and stick in the westy bits for sale tent
    1 point
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