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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  3. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

    WSCC Member

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  4. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/12 in all areas

  1. Just to let you know what I have been arranging for this year, which I hope will meet with general approval, certainly gives you more options. First some background as I see it:- 1) in today's climate it is difficult for the club to orgainse a WSCC only trackday that does not make a significant loss 2) A lot of club members like to do trackdays and would prefer there to be other WSCC guys around for the social side / support / similar cars on track So given the above I have been speaking to 3 trackday orgainsers and am putting together a Calendar of approx 1 trackday per month that will be a nominated WSCC track-day for that month. This calendar will be published in the Magazine as well as the Boardroom and an individual thread will be started by me for each day in the events section. The orgainsers for that day will be free to post comments on that day they are orgainising. Also in the discussions I have had so far every orgainser is prepared to offer a discount to WSCC members for this. Hopefully this will be a positive move to allow more WSCC members to meet up, but it in no way excludes other from doing there own thing and orgainsing joint days etc, so please carry on with doing so. Some Dates for your diaries so far:- 1) 2nd March 2012 - Oulton Park - Trac Action 2) Friday 20th July - Blyton Park - WSCC 3) Friday 2nd Nov 2012 - Oulton Park - Trac Action Further dates to be added soon, suggested dates gratefully received. Nick
    2 points
  2. Before you all start asking, just to let you know the regs will be out before the end of Jan. We are working on an On-line Speed Series joining system which should simplify so many things, but as I am sure you will appreciate, Mrs Tigger who like to see and bit more of him as he has been working rather hard on some funny boardroom thing :d As soon as they are up on the boardroom I will send an e-mail to all 2011 competitors to let them know
    1 point
  3. Hello all I am replacing the water pump, cam belt and tensioner on my Pinto engined narrow. The crank pulley has a chunk missing from the edge of the V where the fan belt runs. Can't find one on E bay. Anyone have on in the garage? Thanks Mike
    1 point
  4. Ran into this one myself. It would indeed be nice to be able to search TLA's. Perhaps something for the future?
    1 point
  5. Me testing x5
    1 point
  6. Please post your best punch lines to this straight line below - thank you!
    1 point
  7. LOL credit to you though Dave your post is longer than mine
    1 point
  8. Doh, must type faster
    1 point
  9. as everyone was saying beforehand you need to tape up your car - that argument falls flat on its face if you are saying your screen has some damage though For me I am not fussed about Mallory - not enough variety or run off to have real fun Bedford, Snetterton and Cadwell would all be very good indeed - although Snetterton is a bit out of the way for some I personally think that people would make the effort to travel to Cadwell as it has a certain "tick off the list" sheen about it, and once you have been once you will want to go again, so should get all motivated to make the effort of attending Another suggestion would maybe to advertise it right from the start as being an all "7" or light kit (fishers etc) event to get the numbers up Having said all that I would happily do Cottesmoore again if it has re-opened, although I can see why some would prefer a proper surface
    1 point
  10. . itS a cAr foRum nOt a eNgLisH leSSo. N dOnT knoWS Why peO. plE go ON AbouT it TO Be hoNesT. Im THe WoRlDS woRSt B. UT i dOnt care im me anD i F you d. onT likE . TouGH **** you NE. ED To gET a LIfe , NOt ME I . F IT WAs FOLK WERe DOING . IT IN A JOB .aPLiCaTIOn THEn Th aTs DI. FerEnt But TheRE iS more TO .. LiFE thaN A few CAPITaLS oR full StOPS . ay captain
    1 point
  11. All email addesses are in the contacts section on the main www.wscc.co.uk site. If you open up the pdf memership application form JC's address to send the cheque and application to is at the top of the form under the wscc logo I can't work out though why the membership price quoted on the main site is £5 cheeper than using the store on the forum
    1 point
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