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KugaWestie's Blog

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Winter Upgrades, Blats, Anything Westfield Related!

Entries in this blog

Half Hood

I have wanted to get myself one of these since before completing the build. I ordered one around a month ago from Soft Bits For Sevens, and I have had it for two weeks at home. I finally got around to fitting it to the car today I may make up some roof bars to span from the windscreen to the rollbar, but for now it is fine



Steering Wheel and Quick Release Upgrade

I decided to swap my flat bottomed steering wheel and QR for some new models So out with the old And in with the new - Brown & Geeson QR with a Momo Team 280mm diameter wheel For the usual suspects - that is a bit LESS blue in the car now



Electric Mirrors Upgrade - Part 3

A bit of fresh air was needed today, so I used some fine cutting compound, followed by Autoglym SRP and finally some wax. Three coats of each left me with this Then I cleaned the mirror glass and applied some Rainex. I also cleaned the plastic glass surround with some trim detailer And finally I re-assembled the mirror The windscreen pillars need a small amount of modifying. I drilled out the fixing holes to enlarge the diameter of them. This allows the mirror to be rotated slightly t



Electric Mirrors Upgrade - Part 2

I picked the job up again this afternoon, and decided to fit the switch into the dashboard. Firstly I chose my position Then I cut away the vinyl and foam very carefully, followed by drilling a series of holes to form the square hole After some tidying up with a file, the switch is in Whilst out collecting some last minute bits today, I picked up a can of top coat paint. I sanded one of the primed mirrors down with 800 grit wet and dry, and gave it a couple of coats. More to



Electric Mirrors Upgrade - Part 1

Several months ago I bought a pair of electric mirrors and a control switch on E-Bay They are from a MGF (Rover) So yesterday I decided to have a go at getting them sorted out and fitted. The first job was to whip the battery off the Westy. I bought the battery inside and sat at the dining room table and got stuck into working out the wiring on the mirrors and switch. This didnt take too long with the help of google. Once I got both mirrors 100% operational, I labelled up all the wires and



Initial set up

Hi Guys, I am busy carry out winter upgrades at present. My intention is to share those upgrades with you all on this blog. More to come when I have completed some of the work



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