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Bye Bye all - I`m barred - how shortsighted!


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One question I do have, isre a way of changing my boardroom name when I pay my membership? 


Silly Kingston - of course there is, any time you like, just give me a nod. :)

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:d  :d  :d  see what you mean  :d


PM the MemSec, I think you can change it in your profile, Sure he will let you know. And even more important sort it out if it's done some other way. Don;t forget to tell us you have changed otherwise we will all be wondering who this new guy is  :o  :blush:

  ;) Don't want to confuse the membership anymore than they clearly already are! Now what was it that you went upstairs for? ;):d


ETA: Just seen your post cap'm will rememeber to notify you in my email when the time comes :) Thanking you!

Edited by echoz
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How do WSCC members benefit from preventing non members from posting? 


How does the committee defend to paying members giving away things of high value (knowledge, advice, and support) for free to non-paying members?

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What's to stop none members logging in under a new name every month ???



Technology - we haz it. :)

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You can keep your username and you can browse. Whats more when you rejoin in teh future it will keep all your membership history and number etc that way.

Thanks for that.

Have a good Xmas everyone.

I'll be back (At some point!)

Dave O

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I've missed all of this having not been on so much lately. From what I gather of you join up new to the forum you get a trial for 30 days then it's read only? Is that trial period like being a full member? If that's the case then it sounds preferable to the situation when I joined earlier this year. Plenty of time to do your research and decide if you want a Westfield and / or to join the club IMO.

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I think you either approve of the changes, or not.........................................................and folk are not going to agree on this one I fear, nomatter how much discussion :down:

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Thanks for that.

Have a good Xmas everyone.

I'll be back (At some point!)

Dave O


Look forward to seeing you again soon, Dave.

Merry Christmas

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How does the committee defend to paying members giving away things of high value (knowledge, advice, and support) for free to non-paying members?

You don't it is very much the expected norm that Internet forums are free to use.

I don't believe any member has complained about non club members using the boardroom for free, there may have been one or two complainants about specific non members, but that has nothing to do with not paying, more the non member themselves.

By all means restrict them to not being ale to post for sale adverts and PM's, but they should be allowed to ask advice and respond to for sale adverts. This devalues the club in my opinion.

For example, if I choose to sell my car next year, I'm not sure I'll put it on here. Why? Payed up members only, most of which must surely already own a Westfield. Therefore Pistonheads is much more likely to generate a sale.

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For example, if I choose to sell my car next year, I'm not sure I'll put it on here. Why? Payed up members only, most of which must surely already own a Westfield. Therefore Pistonheads is much more likely to generate a sale.

Perfectly demonstrating the short sightedness of a nay sayer without actually thinking the issue through.

If you want to sell your Westfield, put an ad in here. This is where an internet search will bring buyers. If you want to sell it to a non member, put your email address in the ad...

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You miss the point Martin - if you take something of value (tactic knowledge, experience and support) that costs money to maintain, and give it away for free, it ceases to have any value at all, and if it has no value, no one will pay for it (membership).  If no one pays for it, there are no funds to maintain it and it disappears, then everyone wonders where it went and what went wrong.

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Somebody from the committee had better tell Pistonheads, AV Forums, etc and tell them they have given away all their value for free.

I think we are blurring the line between club membership and boardroom membership here.

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Perfectly demonstrating the short sightedness of a nay sayer without actually thinking the issue through.

If you want to sell your Westfield, put an ad in here. This is where an internet search will bring buyers. If you want to sell it to a non member, put your email address in the ad...

Ok, may it was a poor choice of words, or a poor example, of course I am going to put it on here, but only because it will be a copy and paste of the pistonheads advert.

Do I expect it to sell through here? Sorry, but no. If I choose to sell, I hope to be proven wrong.

ETA: a google search of "Westfield for sale" the first result is Pistonheads, second is air and classic, third is Autotrader, WSCC does not even appear on the first page, in fact the first WSCC is 39th.

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How much advertising is there on Pistonheads?

And lets not forget who owns Pistonheads...

Do I expect it to sell through here? Sorry, but no.

You can't possibly KNOW that.

Your ad has as much chance of success here as anywhere else.

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