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Comprehensive Or Incomprehesible?


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Update from Jason during the week:

Exhausts have started to arrive, with Jan/Feb 12 shortages made good. Most of the next batch (expected end of last week) will go to the 4 cars held in the factory waiting to go to France, then to Mar/Apr/May etc I guess this means they are about 20 cars behind.

Windscreens - Glass has arrived and is now being fitted to the WF frames - should be shipped in the next week or so in wooden packing cases for protection - bet they weigh a lot too.

Upper Steering Columns - Still waited from France - WF have outers if you want to fit your scuttle but short of inners and lock/ignition switches.

Rocker Switches - Fogs arrived this week - still waiting on Head/Side Lights - guess which one I need? - I've given up on a solution to the rocker back shells and have individually heat shrunk the pins and connected them direct to the switches.

Harness - 3 point seat belts are now in stock with 4 point harnesses to follow soon.

Based on the above I'm not expecting the Exhaust & Upper Steering Column until late July/early August - hopefully I'm not being too optimistic!

Still progressing the build though: http://2js-westfield-build.blogspot.co.uk/

All the best


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Steve D,

The factory seem to be listing lower rear wishbones on their eBay account. Don't know if they're the ones you need though?

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This is laughable. I read all the excuses made by people in defence of this company but I cannot believe people paying for stuff in January / February are only now recieving their gear. I am out of patience and will now be contacting Westfield for a refundon the bits I don't have. I reckon it's wellover £2k's worth. Pathetic really.

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All the parts listed in Jon's post, with the exception of the windscreen surround, are available easily. I'd start with the sponsors / links pages on the main site ;)


Try a wanted ad here or in the mag. The glas is available from Autowindscreens as they have a pattern. That's where mine came from. The surround is the bit that will be from Westfield only.





Exhausts By Design




Rocker Switches



Europa Spares

Caterham :o








Places like Merlin Motorsport, Peter Lloyd Rallying and Demon Tweeks will have these in stock

And I can't let that pass without:- "steering columns from France" what the devil? Are they Citroen, Renault or Peugeot parts?

The column will almost certainly be a production car part available from a decent motor factor or if they really are French, GSF.

Back in the day, Westfield used to modify the steering column but I don't know if they still do for the current cars. If they do, then sourcing the column and getting the mods may require a little leg work, but at the end of the day it's a bit of tube or bar with a notch out of it for the steering lock, and either a new bit welded in or a bit chopped out. Either way, plenty of us have made our own over the years.

Maybe (again) have a look at a Caterham part.

I can't imagine any of my customers forking over several grand for supplies and still be happy to wait 7 months later, much less other customers leaping to the defence of a supplier in support of their position. I admire the loyalty but there's a limit, surely...

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I dont think anyone (or many) of us are saying that it is an acceptable situation - but you really are venting your annoyance in the wrong place unless your intention is to try to do them some damage in recompense for your situation

get your money back - get up a wanted advert or/and ask in here if anyone has part numbers for the bits you need and see how your situation changes - you will even save yourself a shed load of cash :t-up:

I am sure you feel pretty let down by Westfield - but try not to let the situation spoil what should be a very enjoyable experience - you still have a great high quality product that especially when complete will probably change your life, bring you many new friends and give you many years of joy

Christ I am taking ****e today :laugh:

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Speaking personally I have no desire to damage Westfield after all I am depending on them to deliver the rest of my car, however I feel the forum whilst reflecting the great car it is should also reflect what the current situation is or it is letting down members who may not know. From my own experience what the salesman tells you is drivel, what the parts guys promise when you collect is fanciful and what the front of house staff tell you when you pay the balance of your money is at best ill informed ! Yes they are nice people, yes the car is very good but the buying experience is woeful and no amount of hedging around the subject will change that. My build is enjoyable but soured by the buying experience. I hope when I finally get it on the road all will be long forgotten ! Oh and thanks to all on here for help and advice !


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I would echo those sentiments Paul. I am truely amazed that no one has kicked off in a major way and this can only be down to the fact that people love the car and the brand and are HUGELY tolerant as a result.

Yes I had a bit of a frustration whinge yesterday but hey wouldn't you!!

In this compensation led consumer world it is amazing that I have not seen the word mentioned once in any moan. That is great praise indeed for the members here who I have to say are collectively the most helpful and selfless bunch of peoeple I have ever come accross.

Crickey Cleggy the ****e is catching!!

But Paul is right. People do need to know what they should expect. A previous poster hit the nail on the head. When you know this is likely, tell them you will not part with your money until they confirm delivery details.

Cleggy I really do appreciate your concerns over damage to the brand but if you look at the tone of my posts it is clearly not my intention. It is easy these days to set up campaigns to bring attention to a poor company and get something in return for your silence. So whilst I acknowledge your seniority here mate I would respectfully suggest this is the right place for such a discussion. Please do not think this is a vengeful post or some way to gain recompense.

I actually pitty this company as it will be the cause of it's own demise which will be very sad for me, past, current and future owners.

I suppose I am hoping they get the message and see the light.

Trust me if my intentions were different they would get a more "direct" reaction!!

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With regards to the steering column I understand that Westfield are presently working on a new design using different parts to overcome the supply issues

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On the broader issue, and this is not just a comment directed at Westfield, it does surprise me how companies get away with charging 20% deposit and then another 50% or full payment before the goods are ready. It seems to be a motorsport industry problem of under capitalised business.

More often than not it is customer funding the working capital of the business. Customer deposit or even full payment is being used to pay their suppliers. You do need to be careful where you stand in this situation if the company you order from goes belly up. You would be surprised how little stock some of the big name motorsport wholesalers have and it will normally be only commodity or very high mark up items.

I would suggest using a credit card even if there is a charge. Cheap insurance really.

I am the largest stockist of Tillett Seats in the UK. We won't take payment for a seat if I don't have in stock to ship. If a special order item then I will charge 10% deposit but this is made clear at the time and the balance is only taken when ready to ship. But it seems we are not the norm in this sector.

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So whilst I acknowledge your seniority here mate

You got the wrong man there chap - I don't have any seniority in here :laugh:

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Has Julian commented on here recently or is he waiting in the wings. He has once or twice responded to comments about Westfield as a company and I would have thought he would be defending their honour and making some peace making comments with maybe the odd compensatory offer. Maybe I am mistaken and not that any excuse is really effective over this mess. Maybe PR is not his forte'.

I recall when we collected our two kits in 2008 I think it was, we were offered a good deal on some other parts as items were missing as a form of compensation for the inconvenience, which we where frustrated at but pleased with the end results..

Bob :p

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I got a shirt and a hat but not 50% of the car in April LOL !

I am not an ungrateful person this is meant to be ironic i should add !

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didn't get a shirt or a hat! not even a phone call or an email!!

and Cleggy perhaps greater experience would have been a better phrase? 7000 odd posts versus 24 was the seniority I referred to :blush: !!! No offence intended pal.

Julian - it would be great for you to engage! Use the two email addresses two landline numbers or mobile number your sales people tried (not) to use when they "tried to get hold of me" before I turned up to pick up the (less than half) kit. :bangshead:

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on the upside we have a promised delivery date on pretty much everything except the steering column. I really wanted to try and drop the engine in at the weekend but I am conscious that the column mounting bracket needs drilling / fixing. Is this possible with the engine in and has anyone done it in this order?

thanks as always

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  • 5 weeks later...

Anyone heard any positive news about parts ?

Getting frustrated again !!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR still I suppose I am being unreasonable expecting to be able to finish my car !

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