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Comprehensive Or Incomprehesible?


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Blatman has hit the nail on the head, many of the things we have been and are waiting for I can buy from independent suppliers off the shelf tomorrow for instant delivery. The only problem with this is I no longer have the cash to do so having given it to Westfield ! For me the car albeit a toy is a big ticket item and frankly the situation is not very impressive at all. FYI my friend has even less than I do on his kit which cost 24k and is now at a complete standstill !

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I bought a brand new kit in 1997 and only one thing was missing - a little bit of supplementary wiring for the heated windscreen. There was one thing wrong and that was that I had standard front shockers supplied reather than the longer ones for the wide track. This post is only to provide some perspective.

Rory's Dad

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As you say Westfield have your money, negotiate it back and source the kit elsewhere. It will all be delivered tomorrow, somehow I think not. You are entitled I'm sure to a refund of none supplied parts and if you speak with Westfield again they should arrange some form of compensation in lieu of parts and inconvenience. You are in a bit of a hole and need to get out of it. Most Westfield prices are reasonable compared to other suppliers and occasionally you can get discounts especially in your case. The parts you will need and source elsewhere you will pay delivery on so their will be a penalty if you go that route. Not a win - win situation I feel but you are the customer demand your rights.


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It will all be delivered tomorrow, somehow I think not

Maybe not, but I bet it won't be *weeks* either...

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I also said negotiate your money back as well, contextual issue maybe. :bangshead:

Its obviously not acceptable but do we want to put the factory out of business or to get improvements made in what is a not very satisfactory situation. Julian and Co should be reading this sorry story and getting some backsides booted in reality. Its obviously going to hurt them both financially and reputationally.


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I wan't ignoring that bit, and indeed it may be that before any more money is spent it should be recoup'd from Westfield. I was simply focusing on the possibility that even with alternative suppliers, delivery times may well be better than what the factory are seemingly able to offer at the moment.

I'm sorry for the confusion...

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No worries.

Bob :yes:

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Initially I had a faint consideration of building a Westfield, but at least at present I have too much else going on to be able to sensibly take on a car build, and build it with the commitment it deserves.

That said, if I were to want to build one, this thread would 100% have put me off.

I'd seen Westfield as the prominent company, I would have used them in a attempt to eliminate the problems I would associate with a smaller company, those problems being exactly the ones Westfield have caused.

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Initially I had a faint consideration of building a Westfield, but at least at present I have too much else going on to be able to sensibly take on a car build, and build it with the commitment it deserves.

That said, if I were to want to build one, this thread would 100% have put me off.

I'd seen Westfield as the prominent company, I would have used them in a attempt to eliminate the problems I would associate with a smaller company, those problems being exactly the ones Westfield have caused.

If I could make a suggestion ..

Although, like many companies, Westfield are not without their problems. The advantage you now have is a little bit of foresight and this can be used in your favour.

When you're ready to commit to a build, call Westfield and tell them that you're interested but let them know about your concerns with their supply and demand strategy. Knowledge is a powerful thing and if they're aware of this and similar threads then maybe they may be ready to create a more robust strategy to improve, if not their supply lines, then certainly their estimated delivery times to customers ;)

After all, I think this is really what is frustrating many people - it is not the lack of parts per se, but the vague and unreliable delivery times quoted. If Westfield have to man up and say "by the way, engines are taking 'x' amount of weeks longer than usual", then they should say so, AT THE TIME OF ORDERING! I would bargain that potential customers would be more inclined to figure that into their build than not ..

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It's all about managing expectations to some extent, and not creating unrealistic ones. It is very difficult in some instances though, when you're being told by a supplier one lead time on a supply of components, and you know from previous history, they may or may not keep to that. I routinely add "extra" time to the delivery dates I give clients when I know we may get hit like that with certain suppliers, but even then, I know I've been caught out before now.

But you do need to keep the lines of communication open, even if it's just to appologise and say there's no news yet. It's very easy for a small supplier/manufacturer/dealer with lots going on and lots coming in and going out to have that sudden, here, weren't we expecting such and such moment, a few days after the event. Whereas the customer has been sat focussing on just that single item since it was ordered.

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I absolutely agree - communication is key in this whole operation. My personal experience is that if Westfield had kept me informed then, if anything, I would've been on their side at being equally frustrated with THEIR supplier and not directly with Westfield! Feeding customers 'untruths', as it was in my case, just boils ones p***!

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Sadly in the great rush to change from people answering phones and running small company "switchboards" for "more efficient" less costly to "run" automated attendant services, it was completely forgotten just how much those humans were doing to "lubricate" the wheels of day to day commerce.

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Oh, [/thread drift] Robert, ta very much for that fog light by the way! Looks a million times better than the old one did, even before the petrol got it. In fact looks so much better, thinking of getting a matching "clear style" fog lamp :laugh:

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Completely agree with bombero, the salesman told me an utter load of drivel !, he either did this knowing of the problems we faced or he himself was in the dark !

Being an enthusiastic supporter of the product is one thing but that does not mean we have to be victims and be happy about it.

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Oh, [/thread drift] Robert, ta very much for that fog light by the way! Looks a million times better than the old one did, even before the petrol got it. In fact looks so much better, thinking of getting a matching "clear style" fog lamp :laugh:

That's exactly how 'the change' happened to me when I went to 'clear' lenses, haha!

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