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Hello from essex

Kevin Pullen

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Quick hello Im Kevin from essex and looking for a cheap good quality Westie to get me started.

Sounds a bit like a dating site message but im not that sort of boy (honest)

Is there a resaon i cant Pm anyone yet?

Please feel free to shoot me down if i have missed a FAQ somewhere

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Hi Kevin,

Firstly welcome, I also hail from Essex (NW Colchester) so it's always good to see someone local looking to join the fold. :t-up:

There's some excellent value cars over in the for sale section at the moment worth looking at depending on whether you're looking at cars for comfort and touring, big power or cheep summer fun.

Sorry to say you have missed a FAQ somewhere as you can't send PM's or post in the sales sections unless you're a fully paid up member of the WSCC.

Good luck in the search.


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Hi Kev,

Just sent you a PM with my details, I'm in Essex too.


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Hi and welcome  :cool:  Hope your username is more to do with motorbikes than that you scream like one!  :laugh:

Yep, you need to be a full member of the WSCC to get full access to all the features of the forum. Once you've signed/paid up, you'll still have to wait for confirmation, which can take time and require chasing up (committee members are all volunteers and their jobs can take them away from the forum, spells at a time), you'll gain access.

In the meantime, some members may choose to assist you with making contact with sellers.

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Hi Kevin, welcome. I'm also from Essex and just North West of Colchester.

Good Luck with your search. Keep us up to date with your search.



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Welcome from another Essex one here - based in Chelmsfod.


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Hi, I'm also from Essex, didn't realise there were that many in the area. Not that I really count yet as I'm still looking for the right car......
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blimely they all coming out the woodwork now :D
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blimely they all coming out the woodwork now :D

Was thinking the same Pete  :laugh: there's more of us on this thread than at most monthly meets :D:D

Note to self... must go to more monthy meets :p

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Must go to my first meeting! Sadly wont be this month as working!  :(  :mad:  mind you am still trying to fit my RAC Rollbar!

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Cheers fellas in Marks Tey so right in the middle of you all,.

Tiggs havent got the pm is it because not a fully fledged member yet?.

There are a few good prices cars in the for sale section.

When/where is the meet would love to bend a few ears as to what i should look for

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Cheers fellas in Marks Tey so right in the middle of you all,.

Tiggs havent got the pm.

There are a few good prices cars in the for sale section.

When/where is the meet would love to bend a few ears as to what i should look for

Not far at all from me then :t-up: I'm about 5mins up the road in Fordham.  

My Niece's birthday beckons for me on sunday so I wont be at the monthly meet myself, but they're held at the Lodge, South Woodham Ferrers.    

Always happy to talk Westfield's and offer some advice if you need it.  feel free to drop me an email anytime mark_wendon@hotmail.com If it's sunny keep your ears open on saturday and you may even hear me running in my new engine on the A12 :D

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