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Cobra 427 Build


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39 minutes ago, KugaWestie said:

Just had my best guess at coolant pipework routes, so a load of gear ordered!

Lets hope your guessing at shopping for coolant stuff is better than Mrs TJ's ability to shopping for our food ................... this week, we had 4 tubs of Bertolli and previously over a few weeks, 7 squeegee bottles of honey............ :rolleyes:

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I started to have a look at the exhaust system tonight. Not much fun laid on the floor trying to wiggle things around and support the pipes etc. It is a good start though.

Firstly I joined up the cherry bomb centre sections to the rear sections, and then supported them on what I thought might be a good route. The centre sections are pretty tight up to the underside of the floor pan, and then the rear sections are tucked up underneath the diff/wishbone pivot points.






A look from the front down the passenger side, you can see the downpipe at the front and then the centre pipe can be seen further down the car



The same view under the drivers side



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The pipe runs through from the diff to the rear of the car




A look back up the undrside from the rear



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A view from the side



A view from the front, the pipes are not that much lower than the sump


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Next I started to see how to get from the centre pipes to the downpipes. This also meant trying to incorporate the X pipe.

So out came the cardboard, knife and tape to try and mock it up.

The ends of the X pipe will need cutting back to exaggerate the pipe angles into and out of it.


X pipe to centre pipe sections




X pipe towards downpipes




From the side






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Impressive design work Gary, those rear pipes were a good buy IMHO. Tucked up out of the way pretty well, plus under floor heating for your derrière by the look of it as well ;)

Keep it up, that soundtrack is going to be Superb!

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Its not looking like its much trauma to get that fitted Gary , although I would use bobbins than nylon string to hold it in place :d

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2 hours ago, Thrustyjust said:

Its not looking like its much trauma to get that fitted Gary , although I would use bobbins than nylon string to hold it in place :d

Thanks - I will recycle the string once the bobbins/mounts are sorted (I know where you live remember ;))

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1 hour ago, KugaWestie said:

Thanks - I will recycle the string once the bobbins/mounts are sorted (I know where you live remember ;))

Thats good to know Gary :d (I also know where you live too :laugh:)

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It's  big thank you time tonight.

Over the last 8 weeks or so @CL290005 has been building me a wiring loom for the car. He has done an absolutely amazing job on it and tonight we strapped it into the chassis. There is still more to do on it dashboard side but it is a massive step forward. It fits like a glove.

We started off at the end of November by laying a rope through the car and taping/ labelling it up with take offs, connections etc.

Chris then took this away and started thinking about the loom. We went through a couple of fuseboxes (BMW Mini and Corsa) before finding one that fitted the needs. I sourced a Vauxhall Corsa C column complete as well as a matching wiper motor and assembly  which I hope to use.

As the weeks have gone by we have got together a few times to lay the loom in the car to check for cable lengths and positions.

So here are a few photos of the loom when being built





And the moment before we started fitting it to the chassis



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Not very photogenic  :cry:

the most important thing is I’m still married and allowed in the house :laugh:

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A few shots of it fitted to the chassis. There is not much to see because of how well it fits and is tucked away. I need to properly fit the fuse box onto the bulkhead.










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Whilst Chris was over tonight we also spent a bit of time looking at positioning the Corsa Column, so I now need to make some brackets up for this to try and nail the position

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1 minute ago, CL290005 said:


I thought you had been a bit quiet recently Chris.................. it all makes sense now :t-up:

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