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Westfield Sports Cars have gone into Administration

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Yes, paid in full and I'd already sent the itemised PayPal receipt with an explanation of what I've already received and what I'm still waiting for.

I also explained that I had talked to Jase a couple of weeks ago so I know some bits were in stock, but I told Jase to hold off sending the parts to me until everything was in stock.


I'll try again with the administrators...


A sorry state of affairs.


What if Toybox could carry some of the line here? Seems like a decent oppurtunity for him?


Please all stop sharing private discussions with the Insolvency practitioner on a public forum. We appreciate you're trying to help your fellow members etc.


Also discussions on how to handle reclamation of parts etc aren't helpful to the current situation.


Hence quite a few posts above have needed to be hidden


@Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman will be along later to discuss further.




Ian, on behalf of the WSCC Moderator Team


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