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Rear End Grip

chris sideways

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Another set of experiences to put in the wringer.....

Every one is probably going to say that I have gone too far the other way but I run my 195x15 539's at 14psi front and 16 rear measured when cold. The steering is a bit heavy when parking but grip all the way otherwise.   Wear pattern is OK after 2k miles.

When I ran 18 -20 psi I got lots of skittishness on tight turns from the front and the rear never seemed to worry but it seemed the tyres were working harder than the soft suspension over bumps.

Setting it to the pressures above made everything very comfortable and controllable especially under braking and on tight twisty uphills; which it wasn't when I started at 22psi all round.

Suspension settings are at the ones in the build manual on a 1991 SEiW.


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Is this something a complete newbie like me should be thinking about fiddling with? I've only had the car since the beginning of last December...

Only if it has a handling trait you don't like. You'll only know that after some serious "testing" at either a track day, or a long-ish trip over all kinds of roads/road surfaces. Decide if there is something you don't like, then ask us if there is a way to change it so that you will like it........

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So far, the only thing I've found is that the car tends to be a bit understeery (is that a word?). I've put that down to me not having driven RWD for a number of years so not being brave enough with the loud pedal ;)


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Also bear in mind that the standard factory supplied Spax shocks are not that good when compared to either the more expensive TrackSpax option, or a set of (cheap enough) AVO's. I swapped my Spax for AVO's and the ride quality was transformed beyond all recognition. No crashing about over bumps, and good control of the wheels. If you have standard factory spec Spax fitted, I strongly reccommend that you seriously consider swapping them, especially if they are a few years old. You'll be amazed at the difference.........

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Understeery.....soften the front shocks (if you can) or stiffen the rears. Just do one or two clicks at a time, and make sure you know how many clicks were on them (by backing them off anti clockwise until they stop, and counting the clicks) so that if it gets worse, you can put it back to where you started from, then adjust the other way........

Only change one end at a time, 'cos if you get it right, you won't know if it was the softer front you prefer, or the stiffer rear......

Or if you don't fancy playing with the shocks, do the same with the tyres, ie let a couple of psi out of the fronts, or add a couple to the rears......

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Re: swapping the shocks.

Again, bearing in mind I'm a mechanical numpty (give Si a few mins before he chimes in) is this a simple job, or something I should ask an expert to help with?


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Degree of difficulty for swapping out the ones you have for new ones, or adjusting what you have?

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Swapping shocks is reasonably straight forward  ;)  :D  :)  and those black AVO alloy ones look sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sexy  :D  ;)  :D  :)  ;)  :devil:  :cool:

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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM shockers  :devil:  :devil:  :D  :D

I hate that bloke Timberlake  :angry:  :(  :devil:  he may have Kylies  cute firm grabable :arse:  :arse: but I got some sexy shockers  ;)  :)

Wonder if he wants to swap  ???  ???  :)  :D  :devil:

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Degree of difficulty for swapping out the ones you have for new ones, or adjusting what you have?

Swapping them. I think even I can manage to adjust a screw :)


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Andy - honest its straight forward  :D  ;)  :)  :D  ;)  and the AVO units have a knurled knob so no more wedging a screwdriver in, much easier and better adjustment - give Cat a call  ;)  :D  :)

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So if i go for new shocks where do i get them from,how do i know which ones to order and how much should i be paying for some good ones,lots of questions i know :0

Thanks Guys.

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So it's simply a matter of taking the old ones out and putting new ones in? What tools etc. are required?

Si, reckon I / we could handle it? :)


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