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Very O/T - Anyone had a flexible cystoscopy?


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This thread was supposed to set my mind at rest...it seems to have somewhat derailed...

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Faecal occult blood test (FOB). It checks for minute amounts of blood in bowel movements - too small to see but that may indicate an incipient problem. Over 55 and you'll get a kit in the post every two years. You 'simply' collect a stool sample over three days, and smear two specimens in a couple of windows (using a cardboard stick - the poo stick that's provided) on a special card, and post it off to the lab. Easy really!  :rolleyes:


After my last one they wrote back saying my result was unclear and to do another. The second one was positive so I had to have a colonoscopy. That's the camera on a long flexible probe passed up and round the large intestine looking for abnormalities. They found a couple of small polyps which they snipped off as they passed, and minor internal haemorrhoids - the source of the blood traces found in the test. No nasty lesions though -  :)


Before the colonoscopy you have to have the mother of all laxatives. Either Picolax or Moviprep. The experience is well documented by the author of the forum post http://singletrackworld.com/2009/02/the-picolax-thread-returns/ here.  :oops:


Ah right cheers, I think that must be different between different health authorities,as I've never heard of it around where I live.

Be amusing if they send me one when I reach 55,as the last time I sat on a toilet was January 2012......


This thread was supposed to set my mind at rest...it seems to have somewhat derailed...

Sorry Russ but a camera down your old man is never going to be nice!! :o

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To be fair, the camera is a compact model, not a full-on DSLR... :p


Russ, it's an indignity more than a pain partly because you'll find that the cold water effect with which you will be familiar and the 'shrinkage' that usually accompanies it, will be somewhat greater! Or should that be smaller? I had a scrotal ultrasound once and I'm sure the ultrasonographer held the dangly bit up with a pair of jewellers tweezers!  :blush:

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This thread was supposed to set my mind at rest...it seems to have somewhat derailed...

Bet it makes your eyes water
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To be fair, the camera is a compact model, not a full-on DSLR... :p


Russ, it's an indignity more than a pain partly because you'll find that the cold water effect with which you will be familiar and the 'shrinkage' that usually accompanies it, will be somewhat greater! Or should that be smaller? I had a scrotal ultrasound once and I'm sure the ultrasonographer held the dangly bit up with a pair of jewellers tweezers!  :blush:

Was she wearing jewelers specs or an eye loupe as well? :p

Just thinking about this has produced that cold water effect... :oops:

I wonder if they can do the procedure if the patient is hammered? I can see me asking that question if the time comes :oops:

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When is the torture scheduled for RussH? We should be told!  :rolleyes:

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Oh b*******! I can't remember whether I would have found that a problem because my journey home was only about five miles. Good Luck! 

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Reading this thread has me concluding that you young whippersnappers are a load of whimps , just close your eyes and think of England  :)

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T - 1hr 40 mins.

Best of luck!

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