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Spider Season seems to have started...

John K

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Recently working in the garage and heard a 'tap' looked round and this mother of a spider had jumped down onto a plastic shelf. I am deaf as a post and heard it.  :oops: . They dont faze me to be honest and a glass and a bit of card and out they go into the outside world. Had a few this weekend, although not shadow casting ones, they should be here soon !!

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You should always keep a glass of water by your bedside.

On a night when you are asleep, the spiders come and drink out the tear ducts in the corners of your eyes.

You know when they have been as you have dried spider saliva in the corners of your eyes.

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I had one in the garage last year and I assume it was a female as it appeared to be guarding a "nest" (or what looked like a small-ish ball of cobwebby stuff) - at the time her mate was still alive and she'd rear up at him but suspect he went off somewhere to die (or be her lunch) - I actually put up with "madam spider" for weeks and it became a standing joke - especially when I ended up knocking on the garage door before I entered.


I know they're in there and I try not to look toooooooooo hard for them though - as long as they're not hanging on the wall where I need to work (and I make sure the car cover is on at this time of year - god only knows what I'd do if one trundled across my lap whilst hurling the Westie around the lanes  :cry:  

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I'm not a fan of them either but I try not to let them freak me out. The loft is increasingly full of dead and recently dead ones at the moment. I sprayed it most thoroughly with Wykamol woodworm killer a couple of years ago and that stuff is not only persistent, it's instant death for anything with more than two legs. I think they come in, touch the woodwork then promptly snuff it. It practically rains dying spiders up there at this time of year so that might be why we don't get many in the house itself? Or maybe a couple of energetic cats are to blame for that.


Getting a few in the workshop outside now too.


The real problem in my household is with Crane Flies. The missus absolutely and totally loses it when she sees one. I have no idea why....


I confess to a sleepless night in Florida once - I saw what I convinced myself was a Brown Recluse lurking in a bath towel so had to track it down. Couldn't - damn thing vanished so that wasn't a comfy night.

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I saw two gay spiders once.


They were playing with each others flies.  :getmecoat:


You know what you did...


Go sit on the naughty step and think on it...

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You should always keep a glass of water by your bedside.

On a night when you are asleep, the spiders come and drink out the tear ducts in the corners of your eyes.

You know when they have been as you have dried spider saliva in the corners of your eyes.


*Applause* :d


I have one living in my "I.T area". I keep it fed and watered and in return it keeps the women and flies away from my gear. I just hope it's a male 'cos if not chances are I'm gonna have a lot more of the little beggars running around...

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Apparently conkers in the corner of rooms help?

Well that's what the landlord said his mum says! And as she had the house before me that's why the bleeding things are everywhere!

Let them carry on with what they do... and if they move too close catch then in a glass and chuck them out

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I've heard that about conkers but never tried it.

In the warehouse at work we have a plug in ultrasonic "thing" that ticks in a random pattern every few seconds. I'm convinced that works because I've never seen so much as a cobweb in the warehouse, and there are any number of hidey-holes to be found. I mean, it's a warehouse fer gawds sake. But not so much as a single string of web in the five years I've worked there. I really must get the make and model number...

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My missus also subscribed to the conker idea and put them into the corners of the bathroom. I've got a photo somewhere of a spider sat on one.

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I can attest to the fact that mothballs attached to CCTV cameras don't repel any spiders, but the elastic bands that held them on didn't seem to like the mothballs much! :bangshead:

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How about a hairy dinner plate spider (official taxonomic name) building a web across a down lighter. Huge spider shadow projected across the wall! Made me jump. Very quickly evicted.

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How about a hairy dinner plate spider (official taxonomic name) building a web across a down lighter. Huge spider shadow projected across the wall! Made me jump. Very quickly evicted.


Actually, that's kind of cool...


A spider with a theatrical sense of drama..!

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OK, the tales have prompted me to do this....you brought it on yourselves.....




A trip to the Maldives. I had a boat dive booked for the afternoon se we retired from the beach so I could get ready. Walked into the beach hut thingy and saw that sat there defying gravity and all common decency. It was a genuine 8" across. No, I didn't measure it, but it was next to a 3" curtain pole and it was easily 3 diameters across.


The best bit...neither of us was going to go near it as we had no idea if it might be venomous so we rang reception. I suspect they didn't quite understand how big it was as after over an hour and more than one call, no sign of anyone. Neither of us was prepared to lose sight of it for obvious reasons......


So...time is ticking and I have to leave to catch the dive boat. Poor Vickie was left, sat alone staring at a spider probably big enough to carry her off.


When someone did finally arrive he was apparently somewhat shocked himself. I had naively expected they would be equipped for such occurrences.... The solution? Spray the poor thing with bug spray until it curled up and died. We could have done that but didn't want to kill it.

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And to think my missus who suffers from arachnophobia big time and cant stand any creepy crawly things of any type whatsoever  , wanted us to emigrate to Australia some years ago  :t-up:

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