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Spider Season seems to have started...

John K

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Anybody else's house start to fill up with them last week?


Threw about 6 out over the weekend (I'm talking about the big hairy long legged ones).


One fell on me when I took the towel of the shower rail and one other was so big I actually heard it run across the wooden floor.


That one was fast and very hard to catch, it's legs easily spanned my palm as I was hoofing it out the window.


Don't know if its just down to having a slightly older house. And I suppose its a good job I don't mind em...

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I hate spiders.

Not pathologically, or hysterically or anything, they just creep me out; I send the cat after them these days, he loves spiders, can play with them for ages. Those does get bored once all the legs have fallen off them.

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No, but they're expected anytime now here in the Chilterns. They play havoc with my CCTV cameras all the time though. It takes an hour after cleaning them for another web to be dancing about in front of them shining in the IR illuminators. Spider-X helps, but isn't a cure-all. On the plus side, the glis glis are snuggling down to sleep soon and my sheds will fall silent again! They have been quite quiet this year but in summer 2015 they were running riot. My pest man said he's caught 'only' sixty or seventy this year against six hundred last year! :o

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I hate spiders.

Not pathologically, or hysterically or anything, they just creep me out; I send the cat after them these days, he loves spiders, can play with them for ages. Those does get bored once all the legs have fallen off them.

My daughter's cat ate a spider and went catatonic (!) for a while then projectile vomited herself across the kitchen floor. Five minutes later she waltzed off none the worse!

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Yeah, I do try and stop him eating them. (I usually know when he's been catching and eating moths though, from the unmistakeable cat vomiting sounds)

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Anybody else's house start to fill up with them last week?


Threw about 6 out over the weekend (I'm talking about the big hairy long legged ones).


One fell on me when I took the towel of the shower rail and one other was so big I actually heard it run across the wooden floor.


That one was fast and very hard to catch, it's legs easily spanned my palm as I was hoofing it out the window.


Don't know if its just down to having a slightly older house. And I suppose its a good job I don't mind em...


Yes, we live in an old house and quite often get an "invasion" of the larger ones - I once read that they come in to find a mate (not as in "best mate" to go down the pub I assume).


We have a cat but he's not usually interested in catching them so I call for my chief "Arachnid Expeller" and she catches them in a glass and throws them out the bathroom window (why do they always head for the bathroom !! :o )


I found one on the towel once as I was just about to use it after a shower - never again will I make that mistake and now check the whole shower area and towels every time - summer or winter. I'm with Dave on hating them but not pathologically - I have actually had to eject a few on my own and it's not so much what they are or how they look, it's just that they move so damn fast and often in your direction :cry: (and let's not mention those you used to see on Dr Who :ghostface: )

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I found one on the towel once as I was just about to use it after a shower...


...so damn fast and often in your direction...


Yeah the bathroom was 'fun', I pulled the towel of the shower rail which I conveniently place right where I stand. So it bounced of my shoulder and onto my foot. But because my balance is so bad, I've trained myself never to 'jump about' in the shower even when a bar of soap is heading for my foot..!


As for why they run at you - apparently there is a reason for this. They always run towards a shadow on the assumption its somewhere to hide. And very often this muppet here is the only thing casting a shadow on a wide open and empty floor. Hence they run at you.


But they are hellish fast...

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Yes, we live in an old house and quite often get an "invasion" of the larger ones - I once read that they come in to find a mate (not as in "best mate" to go down the pub I assume).



That'd be great for when you have to carry 8 pints back from the bar. 

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Yeah, I do try and stop him eating them. (I usually know when he's been catching and eating moths though, from the unmistakeable cat vomiting sounds)

Yep! And there's loads of moths this year too... Tiny ones.

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I know it's irrational but I can't stand the things.  Has to be gloves on when clearing out dark corners of sheds and garages.  I can just about manage the glass and card trick to expel them, but I'd rather not have to do it!


Wonder what it is that makes us so scared of them?

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Wonder what it is that makes us so scared of them?


I listened to a podcast about this. It seems that young children learn the fear from adults.


They had a guy on who runs a 'freak show petting zoo' full of tarantulas, snakes, bugs you name it. And kids upto about 3 or 4 years old love them.


Then once they start going to school and getting taught stuff, that's when the fear starts to creep in. 

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I dont mind spiders too much as they help keep all the other little critters under control and they do  provide food for the bluetits .


HID breaks out in a rash whenever they invade the household  so they have to be evicted  smartish !


Slugs are the problem here , Wigan slugs are king size , maybe something to do with the northern climate,  I recently discovered a new use for the barbecue fork , suprising how many of the slimy sods you can impale on them .


I haven't tried them out on spiders yet   :)

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Slugs are the problem here , Wigan slugs are king size , maybe something to do with the northern climate,  I recently discovered a new use for the barbecue fork , suprising how many of the slimy sods you can impale on them .


I haven't tried them out on spiders yet   :)

Do you get many people coming to your BBQ's?  I wonder if they comment on the interesting marinade......

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Slugs are the problem here ... I recently discovered a new use for the barbecue fork , suprising how many of the slimy sods you can impale on them

Try a full power air rifle without a pellet. The blast of air instantly and literally vaporizes the slug. So its actually quite humane and no mess to tidy up.

Mind you, folk standing down wind who are faintly anointed with "Eau de Slug" tend to have a slightly negative view...

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I dont mind spiders too much as they help keep all the other little critters under control and they do  provide food for the bluetits .


HID breaks out in a rash whenever they invade the household  so they have to be evicted  smartish !


Slugs are the problem here , Wigan slugs are king size , maybe something to do with the northern climate,  I recently discovered a new use for the barbecue fork , suprising how many of the slimy sods you can impale on them .


I haven't tried them out on spiders yet   :)


There's loads of slugs on a grassed area at the side of my house once the light fades. I have a bit of CCTV footage of the local badger coming round to eat at Slug-U-Like...


Here he is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwRvOnvDmIU

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