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I'll be coming in the Quattro, don't fancy queuing at the tunnel on the way home, in the dark and rain. See you at 2.30


I'll be coming in the Quattro, don't fancy queuing at the tunnel on the way home, in the dark and rain. See you at 2.30




Couldn't resist :d



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Many thanks to everyone for a great afternoon and evening at Buckmore Park Kart Track. With a dry start in the daylight tuning into a rain soaked track in the pitch dark under floodlights, it certainly tested all our driving skills. Special thanks to my Essex Westies team mates Dean, Dave and Kelly for a most famous victory by the slimmest of margins (only two minutes separated the Westfield Teams after three hours of karting). It wasn't overall victory I admit, but simply victory over our most worthy rivals the Westfield Warriors! Well done to Pete, Mike and Bernie for pushing us to the very end. We really must do that again... in a few years  :)

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Well put, was a fantastic evening racing - shame we were all little off the pace but I think all the other drivers has been there several times this year before - and a slow kart didn't help the warriers for the first hour :).

Well done everybody.

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Yep good fun and enjoyable afternoon evening,special thanks to Kevin for organising just a shame he couldn't make it.


Yep good fun and enjoyable afternoon evening,special thanks to Kevin for organising just a shame he couldn't make it.

I'm pleased you all had a good time and we will never know how much difference my Senna like reflexes would have made in the wet :laugh:


I'm pleased you all had a good time and we will never know how much difference my Senna like reflexes would have made in the wet :laugh:

I reckon you would pushed us up the standings a bit more if you like it wet.      It's damm scary driving with a misted up visor in the dark and rain. Pistol Pete and Mike loved it though.   All good fun in the end.

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Even I thought it was too slippery :d

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It was a cracking good day and a real pleasure meeting you all and obviously being ever so slightly faster than the Westfield Warriors. I guess a return race is on at some point in the future!

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Any photos, or is Pete saving them for the next mag?


Sorry, no photo's (that I know of) everybody was too busy driving, getting suited up or keeping an eye the race  :getmecoat:  :getmecoat:


Indeed. Some of us didn't even get time to buy our team a pastie and a mars bar.  :down:  :down:

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