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Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup)

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Hello team. 


Here are a few pictures of our trip.


I  must apologise for the quality of the pictures as it as raining on some and on others I did not realise my exposure was set to high. A bit gutted really but I hope you like them.


I took loads but they just look like mountains and lochs etc and you don't get the WOW factor as if you are there. Anyone who has been will fully understand.


These were taken in Glenetive where they filmed Skyfall.






Here is Carol and buttercup re-inacting the Skyfall scene. Unfortunately we did it from memory and we were in the right place but the idiot taking the pictures was in totally the wrong spot.


This road is 14 miles long from memory and it is a dead end. The road is stunning and none of my pictures I took do it justice what so ever.




This is castle AAArrggghhhh from the Monty Python films. 




These are the Three Sisters.


I have walked right to the near top of the right hand valley. The valley on the left is known as the hidden valley and I have yet to get there. Was hoping to do it this trip but bad weather stopped me. THESE PICTURES DO NOT DO THESE JUSTICE. YOU WILL SERIOUSLY WET YOUR PANTS THE FIRST TIME YOU SEE THEM.








More pictures to follow.

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These are pictures taken from the next but one mountain to Ben Nevis. There is a cable car that takes you to around 2/3 to the top. I climbed to the snowline whilst Carol sat in the café and boy was it getting cold and windy. The views were terrific. On the same mountain there are some unbelievable mountain bike courses that come down right form the top of the mountain. Views were amazing and cafes and toilets are at the top and bottom of the cable car.





These are Glenfinnan and this place was stunning. The water in the Loch was cristal clear. The viaduct was used in the Harry Potter films and you can go over it on a steam train. Plenty of parking here and toilets and a café.





This is a sunset over Glencoe. The sky changes so rapidly and this was taken from our room in the Glencoe Inn.




This is the Commando memorial and this place made me cry. There is far more than shown in the pictures and you really must go.

The remembrance garden is extremely moving.






This is the isle of Skye bridge that you drive over if you don't want to take the ferry.




I will post more pictures later.

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this is the Quiraing on the isle of Skye and these pictures give no idea what it is like. You have to be there. Do a google search and have a look on the images. The area was used for filming Prometheus and also other sci-fi films over the years. We wanted to walk and have a look round but the weather stopped us but will definitely be going back. It is like driving up the inside of a volcanic crater on another planet.






This is what we did with our half hood with all the luggage strapped on. We rolled it behind the seats so that it was always fastened at the back and the roof bars tucked in behind the seat with the umbrella. it was only like this on days we moved hotels.



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These are some wild deer by Loch Eriboll. please excuse the whiteness in the pictures as I just took the shots.





These are the Hood Stones. I spent a full morning last year trying to find these as they were buried in the heather half way up the hill.


Do a google search for HMS Hood and the hood stones to learn their historic significance.


loch Eriboll is also where the WW2 German submarine fleet surrendered.


Here is a link that tells you about the submarines that surrendered.






Here is Buttercup opposite the old ferry house and the kiln oven on Loch Eriboll. 



I will post more pictures tomorrow and I hope you enjoy the ones above.

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Did the car bottom out the rear bump stops with all the extra weight?

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Hello Tex.


The car was fine. We tried her out for an hour before we went and we had no problems.


To be honest the bags were not that heavy.

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These are some wild deer by Loch Eriboll. please excuse the whiteness in the pictures as I just took the shots.





These are the Hood Stones. I spent a full morning last year trying to find these as they were buried in the heather half way up the hill.


Do a google search for HMS Hood and the hood stones to learn their historic significance.


loch Eriboll is also where the WW2 German submarine fleet surrendered.




Here is Buttercup opposite the old ferry house and the kiln oven on Loch Eriboll. 



I will post more pictures tomorrow and I hope you enjoy the ones above.

Buttercup looks well here…looks like you had a good journey…regardless of the scottish weather...

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Hello MurrayMint.


Thankyou for the nice comment and also all the "likes".


The weather has been...not very good... but I don't think we could have had a better time even if the sun shone all the time.


It was the best holiday I have ever had. [not sure about Carol . She never complained once though]


And just for you, here is a nice picture of Buttercup at Ben Lawer dam.



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Great thread and great to see you using the car in all weathers - never forget the first time you turned up at the workshop in torrential rain looking like drowned rats!


I used to go on an annual motorcycle holiday to Scotland and drove many of the roads you have been on - fantastic stuff and well done. :yes:

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Morning Team Blink.


Hahaha. I will never forget that day travelling over to you lads. That was the first time I had driven in the rain and did over 100 miles in the rain......I could not stop laughing but it was a bit frightening at times going over the Pennines on that M62.


Buttercup is still driving beautifully and the trip to you was worth every penny.

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Morning Team.


Here are some pictures of us in "travel mode".


Poor Buttercup even made a great clothes horse for drying out our clothes.









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This really is an excellent and inspirational thread - I can't wait to get my reg number and follow in your wheel tracks.


Thank you for posting so much info and pics!

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Morning Kingster.


Thankyou for the great comments.


You are more than welcome to tag along with us next year.


This picture is looking down from the top of Glendocherty looking towards Loch Maree. This was in a route suggested to me by Higgy and we were so pleased that we followed his suggestion.


The picture was taken on my iphone and in no way, shape or form gives a true indication of what it was like here. It is absolutely breath-taking. I did not know if to travel the road at 5 mph or on the speed limit. 


The road just drops away in front of you with mountains on either side and it just cannot be seen what it is like in the picture. 


Before this section of road I travelled a number of miles through snow topped mountains with no other cars at all. Only us and Buttercup for mile upon mile.



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These are the Dochart falls at Killin and you can park at the inn over the road as there is a large carpark at the rear and just walk to the falls as they are at the roadside. These falls are absolutely huge and you cannot see them all in the pictures. They are quite shallow and you can just hop over all the rocks. 


The Dochart Inn sells very tasty food and is very well priced.


The MacNab burial plot is located here and it is kept locked. I was able to get the key and we had a walk inside and the smell was lovely. Lots of wild garlic and lilies.


Hundreds of years ago the Mcnab clan emigrated to Canada [ think it was Canada ] and this is the only piece of land that they now have a right too.













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