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Petrol vs diesel - the great debate


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This https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/03/12/agenda-21/ throws up some worrying statements.



It was back in 1992 that the Earth Summit was held in Rio de Janeiro, and here 179 nations officially signed up to Agenda 21 — many more have followed since. Maurice Strong has been the driving force behind the imposition of Agenda 21, and was also a member of the UN’s Commission on Global Governance. Below are several quotes by Maurice Strong that I feel make scary reading.

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialised civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” (Founder of the UN Environment Programme)

“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, air conditioning, and suburban housing – are not sustainable.”  (At the Rio Earth Summit)

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that …. the threat of global warming would fit the bill ….. the real enemy then is humanity itself …..we believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realise world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is a real one or …..one invented for the purpose.” (Maurice Strong at the Club of Rome)


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Living with identical cars, one with petrol averaging 36 mpg, the other with diesel averaging 60 mpg there is no debate from where I'm sitting.

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But imagine how good a 330/335 petrol engine would be.

Now were talking.

i have the earlier M54 3.0 in my Z. cracking straight 6 engine. but i would wonder if it is dulled a little in a heavier 3 series.


the 35i engine is supposed to be great but i have heard of some problems with it.



when everyone is calculating the number of miles to recoup the costs are they taking into account the cost of road tax? i was looking at a 640d and it had £135 tax. and equivalent petrol would be much more. at least £285. its not much but it might make a difference.

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The biggest thing that will decide the future of petrol v diesel in the UK will be taxation. As a company car user a diesel is a no brainer for me and with the new hybrids like the Mitsubishi 4x4 this will mean more choose the best tax deal for them.


It was the BIK advantage that drove people to diesel engines as that is what Government wanted us to drive, so tax was used. If the believe the anti diesel brigade they will alter the tax to kill them off for company car users and company cars drive the second hand market.

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The latest diesels aren't so dirty as they all seem to make out they are. Electric cars BIK as of April will be 5% so at least someone is starting stir the pot on the so called "green" technologies. 


Exploring the niche early seems to be the way to go. We had it with LPG which the government killed off almost overnight. They were cheap to own cars initially, now they are not. Now we have electric vehicles becoming more popular so they will no doubt kill these off too. Maybe the next niche will be dieselgas if particulates and not CO2 become the next reason for higher taxation, or maybe hydrogen fuel cells.

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This morning in Sheffield the 'traffic' signs displayed - 


"Drive Petrol not Diesel" 


Time to trade in the 435 for a M4 then, as the government says that's better.

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This morning in Sheffield the 'traffic' signs displayed - 


"Drive Petrol not Diesel" 


Time to trade in the 435 for a M4 then, as the government says that's better.

i wonder which one generates more tax?

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Diesel automatics for towing and high mileage, petrol for everything else!


You're not trying hard enough ;)




I've done 9k miles in that in 5 months. Who says dailies have to be boring?  :d

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Diesel = Crap

Petrol = Good


Have to say, I have yet to buy a diesal.


I am at the other end, on the bangernomics scale, where diesals can still attract high prices but also costly repaired.


At 10k a year and has a 4mile commute I am not a heavy user.





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Have to say, I have yet to buy a diesal.


I am at the other end, on the bangernomics scale, where diesals can still attract high prices but also costly repaired.


At 10k a year and has a 4mile commute I am not a heavy user.





I'll agree with that.    I have a petrol V8 daily driver on my radar at the moment, if it ends up being costly to run, so be it. 

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I'll agree with that.    I have a petrol V8 daily driver on my radar at the moment, if it ends up being costly to run, so be it.  


Well said that man.


As Westfield drivers the only thing that should be diesel in your life is the van that delivers your parts.

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Should I be feeling guilty 


4 x Motorised vehicles  (5 if we count lawn mowers )


2 x horses ( **** & fart for england ) = greenhouse gas 


1 x  boat c/w auxiliary diesel engine + 5 hp oatboard  


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+ 5 hp oatboard

Is that for the two horses..?

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Should I be feeling guilty 


4 x Motorised vehicles  (5 if we count lawn mowers )


2 x horses ( **** & fart for england ) = greenhouse gas 


1 x  boat c/w auxiliary diesel engine + 5 hp oatboard  




( **** & fart for england )


Should I be feeling guilty. (the wife thinks I should)

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