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St Goueno Hillclimb France 2015


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Might be a bit like Les Dawson playing the piano by I'll try !

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I'll also try put something together Terry

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Well volunteered Martin and Richard.

A full article for our WW would be brill.

I think there's a fair few of us who were interested competing there but couldn't for various reasons, so will be great to soak up the experiences through those going.

Mybe in the future it will become a regular WSCC expedition.

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There are a few of us flying out Friday evening from Gatwick.  Not too late to tag along ;-)

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Thats a good call but sadly can't leave home while Debbie is still out of action.... enjoy gentlement and ladies :-) 

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Adrian.  those driving and taking the ferry are going Wednesday evening.


Me and two others fly Gatwick to Nantes Easyjet around 6pm Friday and come back around the same time Monday.


We have a rental car booked.


There is space in the car and gites if you fancy coming.



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Wscc on tour here we go, just leaving to pick the trailer up from work then heading down to Portsmouth for our overnight ferry to St Marlo, will arrive at St Goueno mid morning Thursday.

I'll try and keep you all updated as we go but very dependant on signal / wifi in the paddock. Also pictures posted on my fb page.

Mange-tout Rodney Mange-tout

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Good luck and have fun!

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Have a fantastic trip guys, we're all very jealous back here!

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Have a fantastic trip guys, we're all very jealous back here!


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