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Sprint Style Track Day @ RAF Barkston Heath 5th October ( new photo's added )


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I agree James, a bit of spit n polish she'll be good as new  :t-up: and I guarantee whatever it takes we'll both be in the paddock at Castle Combe in march  :black-westy:

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Martin, I've got some off road tyres on my Navarra if you want to borrow those buddy ;-) (joke) glad you are a ok mate. JSA

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Not sure I should post these but here goes  :down:











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Jesus!!! I'm not joshing about now Marto when I see how close those concrete posts are from the roadway!!!! You are very lucky mate that is just a few bruises and a scuffed car - I feel bad for you having crashed the car but I feel even better that you are ok as person and walked away. See you at Combe but hopefully before mate. Thumbs up, James

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James, cheers mate  :t-up:


I know those posts look close but there are plenty of tyres between them and the track, no different to some armco with a tree behind and thats a common sight on the hill climbs.


I should also point out that the response from the marshals and medical team was fantastic, they were with me in seconds, I was fully checked over and double checked again before being allowed to drive home.


A big Thank You to the team at Barkston  :t-up:

Edited by Marto303
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What a nightmare, glad to hear you're alright, must have been a hell of a scare. If you'd like a hand with the rebuild, just let me know. Hope you're fit for next Sunday, will give you a bell during the week to see how you're getting on & plan the drive up. If its a decent day I'll be taking the Westy!

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