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  1. Blatman


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  2. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  3. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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  4. Man On The Clapham Omnibus

    Man On The Clapham Omnibus

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/06/16 in all areas

  1. Have a read of article 50. I wholeheartedly agree with Dave and (if you hadn't guessed) I am a brexiteer. The issue of reform is important. If the EU reforms and we decide we like it, we can withdraw our Article 50 application. Article 49 sets out the framework for a country that has left to be able to re-join. In other words we have not lost any of our choices here. Our exit vote IS the catalyst for reform and isn't that what we as Brits do best? We stand up and if necessary we WILL stand alone. It has served us well for a millennia or two already. Long may it continue to do so. Another key consideration here is that we, the majority of the UK population, have spoken. Usually that doesn't mean much. The good and decent politicians in office will recognise they are out of touch with the majority of the population and should seek to rectify that. In doing that at the same time as influencing the EU reforms (and we ARE influencing EU reforms whether they like it or not) we have already begun to shape things that I hope will prove advantageous for the UK and EU in the medium to long term. Suddenly we (the UK) have some real power here that hopefully cannot be as diluted as it was if we went for the status quo.
    5 points
  2. Sorry to hear about your grandad Maurici. I have to thank lots of people for helping me to keep running at Aintree yesterday. Fuel pump needed changing (I had a spare) but the electrical surge fried 2 of my batteries and luckily I had a spares. The support was great with people providing tools, drip trays, making tea, helping diagnosis, calming me down etc Steve Everall, John Williams, John Loudon, Dave Cleaver, Kevin Jones, Graham Frankland....Thanks again!
    5 points
  3. Have a look at the link I posted yesterday. It suggests that the gun now being held to the head of the EU may be a valuable bargaining tool for a 'proper' revamp of terms. A second referendum, one that returns a decent majority either way, could then be held. We (the major members of the 'club') have allowed the EU to develop too far in a wrong direction and like the frog in the saucepan we have (almost) left it too late to jump out. Luckily we now have the opportunity to either steer it in a direction more to the taste of the populace(s) or to get out of the pan with minimal injuries. UK is far from the only member with a restless population. Democracy is not age dependent - at what age do you become disenfranchised? What price life experience vs naivety and ingenuousness? Is this Logan's Run time? Sorry Maurici but please credit we oldies with the intelligence and responsibility to bequeath a sound country to our descendents without selling their future for today's benefits.
    4 points
  4. We met at The Grandstand where Sue fed us with Birthday cup cakes. Happy Birthday Sue for tomorrow. Andrew led us the short journey through the myriad of streets to Lincoln Castle to view the poppies. The Castle A quick nosey over to the Cathedral, that was closed until 12.30, so it was external viewing only Then we went to Mrs Miggins Pie Shoppe (Browns Pie Shop really, but we like saying Mrs Miggins with the exaggerated Rowan Atkinson lips) Full of pie and cake we followed Andrew to the Horsepower at the Hall.............
    3 points
  5. Greenland... They left back in '85 and the EU didn't make it easy BUT they are a Danish colony so there were all sorts of caveats. We are no-one's colony. We are he 5th biggest economy IN THE WORLD.. We are a permanent member of the UN security council and a member of NATO. Our place in the WORLD is far more important in these days of GLOBALISATION. Never has geographical proximity bee more irrelevant thanks to the internet, jet travel and the like. The trade deals the EU are trying to make with Canada, India and (I think) Australia which were ALL being held up by single nations for various reasons may now be open to us to pursue alone, as they will be with EVERY country in the world. I'm thinking India, China, the Middle East and pretty much wherever we like because within a reasonably short time we will be able to do these things for ourselves without the [insert name of EU member country here] holding everyone else in the EU to ransom. As for Horizon202 and Doms doom and gloom... what did all you scientists do before 2014 when the programme started? What will you do when it ends in 2020. Lets have a dose of realism here. Someone earlier mentioned Thatcher. She was 30 years ahead of the game. Remember the "No No No" quote? Revisit that and see what she was actually saying No No No to. It was the Federal EU superstate where we lose the ability to make our own laws and are forced in to accepting EU mandates. History has proved her correct on this one. Last point from me for now... The EU ministers this morning stated on the record that they now need to reform the EU because they know it has flaws. So did we pal.
    3 points
  6. TEL's TALE's 066/16 Ty Croes, Anglesey 18th and 19th June 2016 Introduction This was my first trip to Anglesey in the motorhome and also with Margaret so I was hoping for some good weather and socialising in the paddock and certainly a better night's kip compared to sleeping in the back of the trailer and I was looked after with sandwiches etc and we had a good BBQ Friday night. It was good to see that Michael Skidmore was back out following his problems at Pembrey. A total of 12 Speed Series on Saturday and 11 on Sunday was a reasonable turnout but not compared to the 30 plus we had a few years ago when we were regularly thrown out of the bar at midnight! Scutineering was pretty slick and some got it done Friday night. The two issues seemed to be that we were asked to use tiewraps to provide extra security for the cameras we use but with Go Pro stuff and roll cage mounts this was a waste of time. Tim Nunn was also challenged about his Cage cage dimensions as it did not have a homologation sticker on it. Luckily he found a certicate that covered it. It was noticed that on Saturday other scrutineers were seen to be looking closely at ROPS sytsems and in some cases measuring the main elements. We were in two classes and Steve was the only true “Roag Going” car in class 01 whilst the rest were in 02. Saturday 18th June 2016 The weather was overcast but dry and not too cold so it was looking promising for a good day of sprinting using one lap of the International course. In P1 Steve Everall (still getting used to the syncro box ) set off in 3rd gear instead of 1st and still did a 3.31secs 64ft time! Not a lot of drama in P1 but I did manage to be quickest Westfield with 90.69 secs on my old tyres. Barny Francis was new to the track as were Adam and Charlotte Phelps in the slick shod Busa. P2 saw the two Margaret Everall's deciding that moral support would be best provided by them going for a walk down the coast to the old church. Michael Skimore had more problems with his car as the engine cut out and he had to be towed back to the paddock. After changing the plugs due to a suspect spark I fiddled aroud with the connector to the coil pack and the engine sprang back to life and ran ok all weekend but we dont know what the original problem was so a bit more diagnosing is required. In this session my mate and biggest rival Tim Nunn was quickest Westfield closely followed by Dave Cleaver who was on a mission again! Just as we were getting ready for T1 before lunch it became apparent that this would be P3 but who the hell wants P3? After a lot of muttering and debate a few of us did not bother with the extra pointless practice and it actually lost us a third timed run later in the day so we were not best pleased. To add insult to injury Richard Kerr's rear diffuser broke and nearly fell off so he removed it and it did not seem to have any detrimental effect and reduced the car's weight. T1 and T2 commenced after the lunch break and the battle to get close to Target Times as well as other driver's times was intense. Tim Nunn banged in an 89.90secs agianst my best of 90.25secs but Dave Cleaver pipped us both with 88.99secs on his last run to be quickest westfield. Also scoring well was John Loudon (Jane had gone cycling again) and Barny Francis was close to the Novice D target time and was very happy with his pace although it would be nice if we had more novices/newcomers battling it out together as we saw last year. Charlotte Phelps enjoyed her drives but was also seen helping out the Calders in the big Gould car. Her brother Adam Phelps recorded some consistent times and even go to grips with using Richard Kerr's heat gun to clean his front tyres. Then just as we were getting into it the British Sprint top 12 run off took place and there was no time for a third timed run so that was annoying particularly in view of the third practice that was held. Sunday 19th June 2016 National x 2 laps The weather forecast was spot on as we awoke to a light drizzle blowing in the wind, which by the time we stated was proper rain. At this stage some of the southern softies decided to pay for space in the garages and headed for shelter. The hard northern lads – aka tight b******ds- (me, Tim, Steve, Richard etc) decide to save our cash as we were not wet through yet and we would only get a bit rusty rather than sunburnt and also £20 is 11 pints of John Smith's old brewery bitter!!! P1 saw Richard Kerr, Dave Cleaver and Steve Everall post some ridiculous quick times which if correct would have blown away all records so the timing gear was checked to ensure no mess up with the timed runs. In P1 John Loudon was seen in a panic as his car would not start and the alternator had failed. Nick Algar luckily had a spare Lithium battery to keep John going and I heard that Nick also provided Adam Phelps with a starter motor for the Busa. By P2 it was raining hard and the track was deteriorating fast so the slick guys put on their wets (apart from Adam Phelps who did not seem to have any) and Michael Skidmore had a bit of trouble as his engine developed a metallic rattle which we diagnosed as a broken timing bracket on his XE engine. T1 was on a very wet track and as usual nutter Nunn kept it on the black stuff despite taking a few gambles, to record a very respectable 127.15secs time against my miserable 129.99secs as I hoped we would have another run. Adam on slicks stood no chance and did 144.47sces whilst Michael Skidmore and Barny Francis had 4 wheels off and therefore did not record a time. Richard Kerr and Dave Cleaver and John Loudon were in the low 130s with Steve Everall on 139.63secs and Mark Bishop on 146.12ses as they struggled for grip. Steve thought that the Avon ZZStyres were quite good in the wet. Matt Hillam had good results on both days with Nick Algar (not in the speed series) doing well on Saturday but spinning out on Sunday near the finish. After a short break it became apparent that there would not be any more runs due to the track conditions and there was not even a top 12 run off as the meetimg was abandoned. The wet time calculations proved that John Loudon had scored best compared to target and Tim Nunn was second. I am looking forward to the October Ty Croes weekend and see if we can get closer to the targets when I hope a few more of you are entered. Terry Everall Class G competitor
    2 points
  7. We met Gareth and Fraser there, who were already busy photographing the cars and the Yorkshire Terriers, Rickyboy and Robin Andy and Debbie soon joined us, we bumped into Jason in his Tiger too, so all in all it was a good turn out. Richard and Brooke Robin Too soon it was time to disperse Thank you to Andrew for leading and to everyone for coming the long journey, Lincoln is not really on anyone's doorstep and the roads are mind blowingly straight and flat, so the show of commitment was admirable. Next weekend is Robin's car show in Wakefield on the Friday (good excuse for an early finish) and very possibly a run around the Peak District on the day with the better weather, stay posted
    2 points
  8. Found this McLaren F5000 brochure , thought some of you might find it of interest http://www.myf5000.com/files/McLaren_sales_Book.pdf
    2 points
  9. I was on the stand opposite you this year with my local club but got some photos to share with you: http://www.crisiswolf.com/Cars/Motorsport/Classic-Kit-and-Retro-Action-Day/ Plenty of track shots!
    2 points
  10. There have been a couple for sale recently AFAIK including that on on Pistonheads. I think they're worth whatever someone will pay, like a lot of (rare) stuff. I think it's telling that this has been advertised for a while now, it's certainly not the first time I've seen it recently. There was a recent forum thread mentioning the FW's and their whereabouts: it also mentioned fire-damage to one?
    2 points
  11. You help enough people each year Terry so its only just that you get something back. Comradely at its best
    2 points
  12. Spotted this at Goodwood yesterday. Looks very interesting. Especially for me as its uses the MX-5 gearbox, diff and shafts. He said it was 120bhp at 45KG with the entire car coming at 400KG. Its both water and air cooled. They are aiming to get it done this Summer to start testing in the Autumn.
    2 points
  13. one thing I am getting p******** off about is peoples need to share their strong political/religious views on FB - really gets on my tits anyway that is changing the subject really
    2 points
  14. I'm absolutely a supporter of democracy. And I voted out. I have my reasons and these are personally justified. I absolutely understand people's strong beliefs in the other direction and actually often other than a idealistic views it's the effect on real lives. I appreciate both points of view. . And although I might believe something I don't want others to suffer. I think we should now negotiate with the eu with the ultimate threat. realistically we don't need much. Sovereignty over our laws. Control over who lives, works and claims benefits here.
    2 points
  15. Some more photos of the final days Route of the Monte-Carlo Rally Tour Sticker added to the window Pass from France to Italy One of a number of not so well disguised Maseratis at Stelvio Spaggetti Vongole - very nice Great St Bernard Pass between Italy & Switzerland - part of the opening scene of the Italian Job Petit St Bernard Pass Italy to France - scene of the Mafia warning at the start of the Italian job Magny-Cours Loire Valley, near Sancerre after a wine tasting Guinness on the ferry home
    2 points
  16. Here are some photos from the Cotswold Organised Castle Combe Classic, Retro and Kit Car Action Day Its stayed dry all day right up until about 4pm when a massive black cloud was heading our way, we had a massive club spirit pack up and run to the sun.................... well not sun but lighter clouds lol Costa Meet Point
    1 point
  17. I have similar fault and it turned out to be this part http://www.espares.co.uk/product/es970776/excess-current-complete?pageNumber=1&PartTypeId=1642&ModelTypeId=18 Glad I found it as I didn't fancy spending £300 on new one.
    1 point
  18. Hi Scott Had similar issues with what turned out to be a pressure inlet assembly fault. Found the advice and parts from here really useful: http://www.espares.co.uk/browse/ma877/karcher Scroll down the page for videos and fault finding guides. No good for doughnuts though... Gary
    1 point
  19. Scott, This is a car forum so I have edited your post :-)
    1 point
  20. Hi Terry You forgot to mention the "Big Funnel" If you had such a large amount of help in F1 you would have been docked about 12 secs and made run from the back of the grid! Good job our "Target Times" do not include such penalties! Enjoyed my first sprint at Aintree, friendly people and we were lucky with the weather! Happy to help, see you at Blyton! Glutey
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Evening All, It was a long slog getting to this point and I'm really pleased that I can finally say I now own a Westfield! After swapping a clio 197 for a 1.0l suzuki alto due to work commuting distances a few months ago, the plan has always been to get something fun I can enjoy in these summer months. I collected an amazing example of a Westfield this week and I haven't stopped grinning since. The car in question was purchased from Shaggydoo, I truly believe I've been very lucky to get such a great car from a top bloke! Not sure what my plans for the car are yet, although I do want to get stuck into some track days a little later in the year. For now though, I look forward to meeting and speaking to as many of you as I can at the Yorkshire meet over the coming months. Chris
    1 point
  23. Stick and rudder... DSCN0567 by Blatmanuk, on Flickr
    1 point
  24. Lay the first run then start the 2nd run with the offcut from the end of the last board , or if using a new board so the joints overlap by say 1/3 or so , followed by a full board etc etc . Simples
    1 point
  25. ok so that's me booked into the BAY HORSE INN , WEST WOODBURN for the saturday and sunday night so will study your route and meet up somewhere any one want to join me ?? travelling south on the Saturday, route variable, sunday meet up with Buttercup and friends, ( I put buttercup cos she has plenty of friends and Geoffrey .... well.... ) the rest of sunday explore a bit around hadrians wall, Monday ramble back northwards , home Gary
    1 point
  26. Welcome Chris good to see Shaggies car is staying local
    1 point
  27. I will have that on my go pro as I came into quarry behind him with my feet taking 100 degree water from the overflow and pulled off as he was spinning . (Unless That was another red Westfield)
    1 point
  28. Back again. Having actually bought a throw-away gazebo and even put it up over the car, I thought it rude not to do some work. My son helped move the car by pushing it down the garden a little so we could cut the grass under the car. I say grass, it wasn't really, more mud. Some donated slabs covered that nicely and we tried pushing the car back again. Oops, a combination of an under-inflated tyre and a slight uphill gradient made it too hard. Crossing fingers we connected the battery. Then it dawned on me that I'd pulled all the wiring out of the dash including the ignition barrel. Seemingly foresight was with me that day though as I'd connected the terminals back up after removing the barrel. Number one son wiggled the key whilst I tweaked the carb/choke. A healthy squirt of carb cleaner and patience saw it fire up after six months of being idle. It ran well enough to reverse the car back and onto the new slab base. It's just laid on grass but will eventually be done properly on a sand base. Following that success and a two hour round trip to return son to his mother, I got back on the tools. The thermostat controller for the fan is now connected and I've also popped some new connectors on the nosecone indicators. Unless the leaden skies prevent me, it's back out there tomorrow for more!
    1 point
  29. Wrong attitude Bernie. We need to all pull together however you voted
    1 point
  30. I didn't expect that to happen really. I really thought project fear would have got the undecided voters last minute. Now we need to focus on the future...Democracy and the people have spoken. As the arguments have been so passionate we need as a country to be together. 52 % of the voters have voted leave belief there is a better future.. 48% the opposite. Every one now needs tobelieve this country can be independent and we need to strive for the brightest future even if it's not the one they expected. Because we really can. If we predict doom and act as if doom is eminent we will achieve our bad dreams. No one really wants that. our economy is absolutely dependent on consumer confidence. We could crash our own economy without a single outside factor, legislation change etc and that would be very foolish. I believe we can do this and come out of it fine
    1 point
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