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  3. Robin Parker (Red Spider) - Yorkshire AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/25 in all areas

  1. Just been round to my sons new house, he has a balcony.
    8 points
  2. Evening, had a successful day doing chores!! Right of way mowed and cleared and car taken for a test drive 👍 so see you on the morning Andy & Becky
    6 points
  3. That was probably the best turnout to a GBS coffee morning. The weather was perfect and there was a good selection of cars to take a look at. Westfields were in attendance in good numbers. Photos stolen from @Jakejmagee so thanks to him. There is also a great video on the GBS facebook page.
    6 points
  4. Passed its first MOT under my ownership this morning. Not a single advisory either. So pleased!
    6 points
  5. Absolute beautiful and fabulous day today at the GBS cars and coffee first meet of the year. Plenty of sun, cars people and best of all cake.
    3 points
  6. TRAVELLERS REST, BRADWELL 12.30 That's more than ok Jim, it'll be great to see you and Julie x We are going to The Travellers Rest, Bradwell, Hope Valley, S33 9HG and we should be there about midday/12.30. To everyone else, please put this in your satnav/phone, thank you.
    3 points
  7. Sorry people it's my fault with my Facebook picture 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    3 points
  8. A little bit of map tweaking at AP Racing Engines this afternoon, great service as usual from Andrew 👍
    3 points
  9. Hi @Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative Will be 2 if us if your booking for lunch Looking forward to our second run out
    2 points
  10. Nice shiney rear shocks. 1 against the old ond from the 98 build
    2 points
  11. Thanks Julie , We look forward to meeting up there
    2 points
  12. Hi Julie, Where is you’re lunch / cake stop going to be , I don’t think we can be at the GBCJ for breakfast but wouldn’t mind lunch /cake !! Hope that’s ok Jim &Julie
    2 points
  13. I guess I undersold them! I'm fully onboard with this hobby being financial nonsense so it's ok 😄
    2 points
  14. And i thought i had put my rear number plate on wonky must be the tub after all lol
    2 points
  15. The solution to this is to be always on the move 🏎️
    2 points
  16. Bu**er, I’m going to notice this every time I get in and out of my car too! 🤬🤣
    2 points
  17. Ready for summer after a few jobs over winter, new wide track kit, new engine and gearbox mounts, new timing and aux belts, oil and filter change, new windscreen, new tyres, various new fasteners and a new plate is the cherry on top👌 I have also just ordered a new soft bits half hood today, can’t wait for the better weather, hopefully……
    2 points
  18. I had a run over to Oulton Park today, as there was a MSV run trackday on. Firstly to get my car sound checked and secondly to observe what the standard of driving looked like. Happy to say my car is relatively quiet at 96.5db for the static test, and the standard of driving looked good. Some nice looking Westys, on track and quite a few Caterham. Green car below was very well preped with lots of carbon 🤩 Duratec Engined Car, also looked nice.
    1 point
  19. Due to lack of use and a bad back I’ve decided to put my Westfield up for sale. Registered August 2004 £10995ono Owned by myself since January 2012 2 previous owners before me. The guy who built it then a chap called Perksy who is well known on the Kit Car scene The car has covered 10800 miles and there is a large ring binder with all the build details and receipts totalling over £20000 It weighs approximately 560kg SBD 225 kit giving 225BHP which was confirmed by a recent comprehensive service and rolling road session at Northampton Motorsport by Troy SBD taper DTH throttle bodies MBE 967 ECU Saab Turbo ‘Red’ injectors 87mm Omega high compression pistons Steel con rods Coscast cylinder head Cometic steel layered head gasket ARP head stud kit SBD spec Kent camshafts, springs, caps and platforms SBD vernier cam pulleys SBD lightweight small alternator SBD high exit 4-1 exhaust manifold SBD 7”x26” repackable silencer (Acoustafil Competition Packing) SBD heavy duty clutch plate SBD heavy duty clutch cover SBD lightened standard flywheel SBD (Pace) dry sump BGH Geartech type 9 gearbox with long 1st gear (2.66) 3.92 Ford viscous LSD Carbon Caterham airbox Fluke motorsport carbon fibre boot cover SPA carbon wing mirrors Carbon fibre footwell cover Odyssey PC680 lightweight battery RAC type roll bar Momo detachable suede steering wheel Westfield wide track suspension with Procomp dampers and springs Willans 4” four point safety harnesses GRP seats Playskool carbon fibre dash VDO gauges for fuel, oil pressure, oil temperature and coolant temperature LED shift light and LED low oil pressure warning light An accident in February 2015 required a chassis repair resulting in a decision to replace the whole chassis along with nose cone, bonnet and manifold Enquiries and more photos call or email Pete on 07956 268545 Pete.adshead@hotmail.co.uk Thanks for reading
    1 point
  20. For anyone that fancies this from east of Cotswolds there's a couple of us heading over from Stratford/Banbury way let us know if you want to meet on the way. Looking for to this 👍
    1 point
  21. I was wondering why the vultures had gathered to circle over this thread… One lucky vulture swooped and grabbed a bargain. /goes back to circling…
    1 point
  22. Chrome roll bar, reasonable condition albeit some areas of the chrome are lifting. £65 plus postage or collection from Bath.
    1 point
  23. Looking forward to tomorrow’s runout, weather forecast is looking sunny and dry 😎 Just to confirm timings for the run: First meet at the big lay-by just down the road from the Winford Arms pub, 08.15am Second meet at the Cross Hands pub car park, around 9.00am Drive up to the Classic Motor Hub to arrive around 10am
    1 point
  24. Have a great day @CRAIGR 🎂🍺
    1 point
  25. Mine is a 12”x3” from Showplates.com who appear to have stopped trading. A quick Google search for “Show Plates” and I and sure you will find an alternative supplier.
    1 point
  26. New Spax front shocks to replace my 30+ year old original Spax front shocks - look at the shiny shiny!
    1 point
  27. It's normal very warm in our SLK @aeg so not many layers required for us.😂We will hopefully see you there 😁
    1 point
  28. Had a nice drive out this afternoon to Elstree Aerodrome for a cuppa and some cake. It took an extra 10 minutes to exit the carpark with people coming up to have a chat 🙂.
    1 point
  29. Oh, and chatting to @Maurici- CleaR Motorsport just before Christmas, about a handling issue that had been niggling me for a bit - ever since I had those horrid ditch finder tyres on, in fact. (The Uniroyals though much better, still lacked the superb turn-in and "bite" the car used to have. After chatting about my set up - which will need a refresh as well, Maurici suggested refitting the front ARB, (Playskool item, so softer than WSC Ltd's), set to full soft. I knew the rose joints were a little worn before I removed the bar previously, so got a fresh set from McGill and re-instated the arb. First trip out was a couple of weeks ago, but the roads were a bit damp and cold to get any sort of decent feedback. Today however, was a lot better in the Peaks. Though a bit damp in places, in the morning still, and cold. The car still felt noticeably more pointy and re-assuring though. The trip back over the hills and moors was great fun though, with the car back to feeling way more like it should, quick and sharp turn in, feeling like it just wants to bite and grip! Many thanks Maurici!
    1 point
  30. Fun times in the sunshine today
    1 point
  31. Filling up on the way home on Thursday night. A tad chilly and very slick conditions but great to be out. First run this year.
    1 point
  32. That's funny - I sometimes have people that are fans of the show ask if that's really what Montana is like. The views are like in the show most of the time...in fact some of those very same views are what I see when I ride my bike on the back roads around here. The weather is clear most of the time. It really is sunny much of the time and if it's not it's snowing. But one gets the impression from the show that you need to murder people all the time and that's just not true. I've hardly ever killed anyone and then thrown their body in a ditch by the side of the road! dave
    1 point
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