As is the Tech Section.
In order to make a dedicated archive of technical information that is safe and secure, and where photos or stored copies of manuals, 3D printing files etc don't go missing, at the random marketing whim of a third party photo hosting company, the WSCC owns the server this forum is run on; if we need more storage space because members have had a bumper year of taking photos, we buy another hard drive and fit it!
However, this server is not some re-purposed old PC sat in a club members spare bedroom. It's a dedicated server sat in one of the many national secure data centres.
There is a cost to this of course, as we don't just pay for the hardware, and it's spot in the data centre, we pay for the connection "pipe" to the outside world of the internet etc too. This is one small part of what the membership fees go towards, (as well as we like to think, the Best printed Club Magazine out there, the Best Club stand at the National Kit Car Show, etc).
In fact, joining while looking for a car can have some huge benefits, not just from the wealth of help and support available from the Clubs superb members, but for services such as insurance, vehicle collection and transport, etc, too - many with club member discounts, that can physically recoup the cost of joining surprisingly quickly!