A word of warning to Paypal users. I had an email apparently from Paypal this morning advising me that a request for payment had been received from some Italian sounding bloke for 699 pounds, and on checking my Paypal account the request was there awaiting approval. The Paypal fraud line number in the email turned out to be the fraud itself! After a long and increasing fraught conversation with some woman I decided that this probably wasn't Paypal's number despite the payment request appearing in my Paypal account. Eventually I cancelled the invoice request via my Paypal account, cancelled my credit card pinned to my PP account, and changed my PP password.
The lesson is do not call the fraud line given in the apparent Paypal email if you get one. It's a clever scam and I nearly fell for it. The origin of the email was apparently Paypal and the links contained in it were to Paypal, not some gibberish address as is usually the case when you hover over them.
A bit of research suggests this is new and the real fraud is the fraud line number which puts you through to what you assume is the Paypal security centre.