Hands on skills some people get it, others don’t. Some people can naturally paint/draw, others some guidance will get them OK, others no amount of training will make them able to painters/ draw. I’ll try most things and can pick up this sort of stuff ok but I don’t have patients for perfection. There’s plenty on YouTube these days to get you started. Mig I’m no artist, but it is decent enough and pretty much self taught. MiG is fairly crude but effective. I’d say For most people if the machine is set up and you can use a silicon gun you can MIG. I’ve had a Tig for a few years now. Self taught. If it’s well prepared, nice gaps, on the bench, easy access my welds look decent and very effective. But it’s far more arty farty, and needs patients, prep and dexterity. The bottom line for me is if it’s on the bench and clean and nice fitting I’ll TIG it. Everything else I’ll MIG it