Oh, and don’t worry about the address and contact information you enter in your profile on the forum, this information is only visible to the admin team, and is ONLY used by the Club, for the administration of the Club, including sending out things like the magazine, membership packs, calendars etc.
General forums areas, blogs and photo albums - viewable by whole world, searched and archived by search engines etc the world over.
Members Only forum - viewable by WSCC paid up Club Members only.
Members Profile information - your own information is only visible to you and the current WSCC admin team.
PM’s - viewable by the sender and receiver(s), who must all be paid up WSCC members.
Just to reassure you though, the Committee, (admins), take their duty of care with all our data VERY seriously, access to the back-office side of things via the forum Control Panel, is logged.