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  1. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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  2. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/07/20 in all areas

  1. High in the hills looking down on lockdown land ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ.
    7 points
  2. Well no going back now. The carbon infil looked awful. Just need some mesh now.
    7 points
  3. Winnats pass today what a great day to be driving round the peak district. Out with my daughter we had a brilliant day and yes that is a 2CV actually making it up Winnats pass.
    6 points
  4. Today in the North Yorkshire Moors.
    5 points
  5. A bit warm for me and the westy on the way down but weโ€™re here. Looking forward to a cold one in a bit t shirt weather all the way down to the borders ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Now for a good weekend
    5 points
  6. Beautiful weather for a run to the Horseshoe Pass ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    5 points
  7. FINALLY. After shielding since mid-March I could wait no more. Blat in the hot sun to a country pub, a big burger and a pint of Peroni in the pub garden, just like normal. So good to once more drive my gorgeous baby and stretch her legs, to grin like a loon and feel human, even if it was technically two days early (screw it). Happy days that I wondered if Iโ€™d ever see again.
    4 points
  8. Bagpuss ready to roll and it's started to rain here..........gr..........
    3 points
  9. See you all tomorrow. Promises to be a dry, if not entirely sunny, day. A bit of cloud cover lessens the sunburn, and helps keep the temp down when there is 'discussions' about directions!
    3 points
  10. Evening chippie run out to Mersea Island with @Kevin (Mr T) and Jim @Fat Thor
    3 points
  11. My excuse for a run out was that yesterday whilst shopping I forgot to get a salad bag, so out I went did 50 miles over Saddleworth and West Yorkshire. Got in and Mrs K has just asked if Iโ€™m hungry, yes I replied. OK Iโ€™ll make a chicken salad sandwich. Bet you can guess what I forgot . Sheโ€™s not best pleased. Still gives me an excuse for a trip out tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    2 points
  12. Today returning home in the tin top I slowly followed 2 cyclists who were riding in line and I couldn't overtake as the road was very windy and extremely limited forward distance viewable to see if road clear. Despite this an A... in a large SUV overtook me and the cyclists with a blind bend just yards ahead. More luck than judgement that he made it as could easily have been a head-on with an oncoming car and the resulting carnage would likely have wiped out the cyclists. Later when road ahead viewable I overtook with the recommended safety margin and gave the bikers a friendly wave. Just to add I had earlier in the day been out in the westie but a bit hot for a Scotsman with strong sun and 25C. Final thought is I suggest that any driver overtaking recklessly is given a fine, plus a ban plus must ride a bike for the next 2 months to learn about safety.
    2 points
  13. Forgot to add its lowered floor and wide body...bit like the wife actually!
    2 points
  14. All ready to set off up M6, hope Iโ€™ve not forgotten anything ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    2 points
  15. Loch lochy! run down into fort William camp with Ben Nevis lurking in the background.
    2 points
  16. Day 5 saw us travel from neist point to fort William, via eilean donan Castle, invermoirston falls, fort Augustus. The day was mostly dry with some stunning views of the south of Skye and then the rundown the A87 and then the A82 along loch lochy ๐Ÿ˜. Again some stunning views and fantastic roads. We did cheat this day by having a camp site booked as we were staying next to Ben Nevis ready to climb on day 6! roads across Isle of Skye! Eilean Donan Castle invermoriston falls.
    2 points
  17. Please don't forget her wanna be stunt driver brother, Skid!
    2 points
  18. Beautiful day for a run up the Peaks! Matlock, Chatsworth, on to Ladybower (stopped for bacon butties) and then a blat over Snake pass ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    2 points
  19. Pleased to report that updated government advice now allows us to meet again, adhering to social distancing rules etc. The Crown Inn, Bridport (DT6 4AX) has appropriate measures in place, therefore August meet will be there on Thursday 6th at 8pm. Subject to weather, aiming to meet outside, but as itโ€™s โ€œGrockleโ€ season, suggest be prudent to bring a chair, just in case! Looking forward to seeing everybody.
    1 point
  20. It cannot be stopped until we have a vaccine but what is clear is we now know more about treating people and the death rate will be less. It is correct that excess deaths is a measure, however there are so many issues in the countries make up to mean that direct comparisons are not a good measure. We have a more densely populated country than most of the EU and the way we have so many older people in care homes made this easy to spread in them. The human cost of this is huge and every death is regrettable but not avoidable, what is equally huge is the mental and financial impact this will have on all of us. Unemployment is going to surge upwards as Furlough comes to and end and people will start to lose homes, get evicted when they cannot pay. Unless the police are going to actually be enforcing lock downs and social distancing in draconian ways, people will ignore the rules if they feel safe. We keep hearing about the mass gatherings causing spikes, yet there hasn't been a huge upward surge in Liverpool, or Leeds or in London where the street parties have taken place. Those protesting the BLM cause did not social distance where is the upward surge from them. There are pockets, Swindon 59 in one warehouse tested positive, these are not ill just tested as one person became ill, and now some want to lock down Swindon why? Leicester, we know why, they locally locked down after a huge spike, now not an issue as the people involved in causing the spread have been stopped. We need to do what we can but let as many as possible live as normal as possible and deal with the fall out. I say this as the father of an anesthetics Dr who works in intensive care, in her hospital where she is this week, they have not got one single case of Covid and this was an area with a very high rate before. We can analyse figures for ever but the economy, feeding people, etc is a key thing that we need to carry on trying to protect.
    1 point
  21. Weโ€™ve got 3 in Rochdale and ones a Warehouse. Beat that!
    1 point
  22. Well done @BigSkyBrad for putting in all the time to bring this together. Gutted I couldn't attend (yet again) but a little bug put paid to all planning this year. Hope all goes well
    1 point
  23. Andy.They are building a new sports centre.๐Ÿ™‚ You've more capital in your cars than wakefield council has in funds!๐Ÿ˜„
    1 point
  24. Thinking thereโ€™s 3 of us Gary someone turned up while I was coming back in after putting cover on
    1 point
  25. see you in the bar ๐Ÿปweโ€™re having dinner at 7.30 ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
    1 point
  26. Just couple of videos of our trip to Norfolk. As you can see I'm the slow one in the car with a chequered flag on the bonnet, Stuart(Storvite) in the Mistral Racing stickered car and Jim (Fat Thor) in the plain car with Jeff Coopers high power Duratec engine fitted. The BMW had a bit off an incident and was stranded across the track, think he hit the tyre barrier as there was quite a bit of damage. Lastly myself picking my way through a few also rans and a Nice Renaultspord Clio.
    1 point
  27. Hello All, After a long wait the goverment advice finally allows us to meet (using socially distancing measures). Therefore it is with great pleasure that I send out this invite. hopefully I see of few of you on the Sunday. I've let the Dudley Arms know so there should not be any problems. Thanks Rhett Location 7pm at the Dudley Arms, Himley. DY3 4LB.
    1 point
  28. I should be on the list already for tomorrow but just double checking.. touch wood westie is up and running and my son Joe is pretty hyper to see all the other westies... see u all at 9am Gary - Iโ€™ll try remember and bring that gauge u borrowed me ๐Ÿ˜
    1 point
  29. That's going to be a great buy for someone, good luck with the sale.
    1 point
  30. As per the title, Iโ€™ve decided, with a heavy heart and a few external factors to pop up a for sale thread I would like to remain the club should it sell, how can I leave a great set of people, and we would still attend Stoneleigh and get mucked in as per usual. You never know, once things turn around I can always get another one.
    1 point
  31. And note a load of us have Cadwell booked for late September..would be a good day to meet some people..and of course very local to you! Also if it's as wet as the other week we were they I am sure the 200 hp or whatever you do have will be entertaining enough!
    1 point
  32. Perhaps your expectations where a little high but they are deceptively quick on road, it may not feel like it but you can be well in excess of the speed limit in the blink of an eye if your not careful. I also had mine mapped, all be it running throttle bodies but it made a big difference to power delivery getting rid of a bit of a flat spot mid range.
    1 point
  33. Hi Julie Sorry we can't make this one we are busy Saturday๐Ÿ˜ญ. Hope you all have a good time and don't forget to post the photos. If your out and about tomorrow in the Peaks you may see my daughter and myself blatting around in the sushine. Regards Sue + Andy
    1 point
  34. If look closely you can see @Chris King - Webmaster and Joint North East AO on a hot lap. He finished it last week!
    1 point
  35. 4WD makes a huge difference compared with a 'normal' 911. Still gets a little happy on the corners but in a good way ... not a hospital visit kind of way! Plus it's a 2+2 so I was able to tell the better half it's actually a family car ๐Ÿคช
    1 point
  36. As sadly, all that's needed to do that currently, is a car with a working alternator, it's not as much of a challenge as it should be! (Too soon? )
    1 point
  37. Very, nice We'll have to rename our group as the Porsche District! Ha ha, with 4 wheel drive, you'll be fine!
    1 point
  38. some great views and roads from duntulm down and across to neist point. setting up camp for the night! when your westie turns into a drying rack after a very wet days Blatting! a couple more pics to close the day!
    1 point
  39. roads to Portree! portree harbour a very wet old man storr. Beautiful views from duntulm!
    1 point
  40. Day 4 (the best day yet!) sheikdaig to Neist point (isle of Skye) via fearnmore, applecross, strathcarron, kyle of lochalsh, Portree, a walk up old man storr, onto duntelm, back through uig, Dunvegan. another huge day driving and a very very wet and miserable start the tent might as well have put itself down with the high winds we suffered through the night. It hammered it down whilst loading up the car but we were soon at applecross where we met with glorious views down the valleys towards loch carron! On from here toward Skye bridge the weather picked up before the sun came out as we got to Portree. As we ate lunch it hammered down once more before the sun came out and we headed north to old man storr. Short walk up there again met with high winds and heavy rain meant we were soaked once again climbing into the westie! The short blast north to duntulm and we were met with more sun and stunning views of the north and west coast of Skye before finally choosing our camp spot for the night around neist point and what a great spot it was! Great end to a somewhat unpleasant days drive in the westie! beach at applecross! roads up up from applecross and down toward loch carron!
    1 point
  41. Day 3s shenanigans! Saw us travel from just south of Durness to just outside of sheildaig via advreck Castle, Ullapool for a spot of fish and chips lunch๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ and a short walk uoand around stac polldaih, then onto laide, Poolewe, gairloch, along loch maree to kinlochewe. In all 200 miles ish and some fantastic views. The car was running better without its thermostat so we could enjoy abit of vtec action and get her singing! just before breaking camp in the morning. Advreck Castle! run down toward Ullapool! short walk up and around here, absolutely stunning. We then got wet! But the rewards meant this! just before our decent into torridon area! and finally our camp for the night hands down the worst spot we could have picked, we were swarmed with midges from the off hounded by gale force winds through the night and met with a royal downpour when we woke ๐Ÿ˜ž. However we were still smiling just about.
    1 point
  42. Day 2 updates, it was noticed the car was running slightly warmer then usual on the run up especially when hitting traffic! Having spoken with @Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Who I believe asked around the wider s2000 audience we believed thermostat could be the problem. With that in mind and the remoteness of our location. We decided not to attempt to remove it there. Instead a stead run from durnoch to Durness stopping regular intervals including John ogroats puffin cove the nuclear power plant and tonge. total mileage was a tiny 250ish by the time we found a spot to camp for the night. our morning view whilst enjoying. Breakfast. roads up to John o groats! light house at John o groats just across from the powerplant I think this bay was called sandside bay! view point just outside of tounge, lovely clear water! just south of Durness searching for a decent place to camp. the brave pill pill was then taken, and the thermostat removed to help cooling! camp for for the night with successful removal of thermostat and a quick road test! Enjoying a wee dram at the top of a nearby hill to round offa great day! That picture was taken at 22:10 and still so light ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
    1 point
  43. Dads car all finished. MOTโ€™d today. Fun doing figure of eights in the field too! ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    1 point
  44. Well last Saturday My chosen victim and I chose to set off for the long haul north. Two pals one westie and a tent for some wild camping around NC500! What could go wrong! all loaded fed ready for the off! sunrise over Birmingham airport as we were 5 miles from home. Day 1 was a mammoth. With the intentions to get north of Inverness and do the route backwards spending a couple extra days at the end of the route around Skye before dropping down to fort william to then climb Ben Nevis. The motorway was the chosen route given it meant only a 9/10 hour drive as aposed to 14 if we had avoided them. We had some rain We had some cloud Then we found the north coast roads! 560 miles for the first days driving but what a spot we found to camp! A well earned beer for us both!
    1 point
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