Like the minority of bad drivers, we usually only remember the bad cyclists. I understand how vulnerable they are on the roads and take great care to ensure I don’t endanger or threaten cyclists.
The other cyclists who give them a bad name are the militant ones - we all know the type. Riding two or three abreast in Lycra at 10mph below the speed limit while having a chat, causing traffic to back up behind them. Going through red lights and pedestrian crossings when in use. The ones who give you a mouthful when there’s not enough room for them to weave past you on the offside of your car.
i think the solution is very simple. Everything else that uses the road needs a number plate, so bicycles should require them too. If motor vehicle operators can be identified and reported for illegal driving or behaviour on the roads, it’s only fair that bicyclists have the same rules equally applied to them.
It could aid in reducing cycle thefts if every bicycle had a number plate, particularly if it was permanent and non-removable. The militant cyclists will say its impossible, which is of course nonsense and just identifies the unreasonable ones. There are places where cycle number plates are compulsory.
I’m not suggesting making cyclists pay road tax as they cause no damage to the road surface. I do think adult cyclists should be offered third party insurance to cover them against personal injury and property damage claims, and if they don’t take it up and are found to be at fault, then they have to pay out of their own pockets.