Following that... Then I assume a full custom foam seat for the driver won't be allowed either? (those seats are not secured and basically is like going fully boublewrapped and snugly fitted in the cocpit.
The reason I'm asking is FAR away from weight saving. I have all te kit to do one of those, and was planning to do it quite soon, because with a fiberglass seat in the lowest position and rake confortable for me, I'm a bit borderline in the roll hop diagonal to the nose... with the epanding foam seat, I'm winning about 5cm that allow me to sat literally ON THE FLOOR but with an acceptable driving position. (rake, pedal postion, steering wheel...)
And, I would really like an straight answer to that, as all my 2019 season preparation starts by sorting the driving position without the expense of a full roll cage.
Appreciatte the Imput of the regulators here.