It’s looking at the very best, only five (?) cars on the run? In blind faith, I had run off 22 sets of route books, lest there was a flurry of last-minuters!
Because of the nature of the event it is a fairly solitary day but made much less so when there is a good number of cars – you bump into cars criss-crossing the map, catch or pass cars, lunch break etc, and a good gathering at the end for a blether about the day.
It seems that to run such an event, and get a good turn-out in this club, a year’s notice of the date is required for people to add the event to their calendar – three month’s notice is just not enough.
So it’s your call, @ziplob @Matta @Colsum @H.7 @Davep1 we either…
a) run the event as planned, and maybe come up with another route for next year,
b) postpone 'til next year and try again for the event it should be. I’m more than happy to still have a run-out on the 25th (or 26th if it suits you) – meet at Happingdon Services at 10am, try some of the roads I missed out on the nav run, and have lunch at Tibbie Shiels Inn, St Mary’s Loch, and another blat in the afternoon.
Your call people, I'll go with the voice of the people.