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  1. Alan Cutler (Adge) - Dorset AO

    Alan Cutler (Adge) - Dorset AO

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    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  4. Kit Car Electronics and Essex AO

    Kit Car Electronics and Essex AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. I'm hoping for rain to test my new windscreen...
    2 points
  3. I get 8inch flames out off mine on deceleration
    2 points
  4. Don't change his mind Chris Kin I have to say, Christiano is being an amazing guy to deal with - nothing is too much trouble - and I was a pain to begin with trying to lock the deal down (diary issues - oh and wife issues!!) Haha! Talking with my dad last night and he is good friends with a guy who does training in these things - Dave Jenkins - not sure if anyone has heard (he also races Trucks in the European series) - I think W7 WSC could be popping along for the once over and a look at recommended upgrades and set up!! Not too soon though, want to enjoy it for summer touring
    2 points
  5. Back to the normal routine, so Midday at the Lodge. I can feel a bumper turnout coming on, so who's in?
    1 point
  6. As a further back up, if you can get it Stratford to solihull or NEC I can get it to Trevor in Derby on Saturday
    1 point
  7. I'm going to try my best to make it to this one
    1 point
  8. Will do. Have family up now will look tomorrow.
    1 point
  9. Hi ALL Great response everyone .. I'm overwhelmed with the efforts! Okay, this is how I'm seeing your efforts, guys:- Mark (samfransisco) - to - Geoffrey (Buttercup) in Worcester Geoffrey (Buttercup) - to - Trevturtle in Derby Trevturtle - to - Dave (OnliestSmeg) in Blyton Dave (OnliestSmeg) - to - John (Hornet600) in Ramsbottom John (Hornet600) - to - ME! Have I got this about right, everyone? If I have, this must be a contender for the most epic Westfield Courier Service ever! I've yet to ask Mark if he's willing to do the Worcester leg!!
    1 point
  10. Hi Geoffrey Thanks for that, but Mike Rowlands (a great guy and deserves a Spirit of the Club Award!) has given me a pair of Canary Yellow wings which are a perfect match and are now proudly presented on my car (bolted on, of course!). He saw the pictures of my broken cycle wing on your Scotland Tour thread and pm'd me about them. Again, many thanks for keeping me in mind. Cheers, David
    1 point
  11. Be great to join you again kev,
    1 point
  12. Sorry, had a quick search on the bench test for the viscous diff, but ended up on various Ford/Pistonheads threads and lost the will to live VERY fast. I just had no idea there was such a complete lack of understanding and so, so, much misinformation about them out there! Bara know what they're doing with these and you're in safe hands with their advice. But as we've repeatedly said, you can see the viscous module casing in your photo! (Had a look on a proper computer monitor last night), so there's no debate about what it is. It just may be that the silicon fluid in the viscous pack is a bit tired.
    1 point
  13. Spoken to BARA motorsport and he was very straight forward that it is an LSD. Service costs about £280 and an updated LSD costs about another £280 more. I can get a proper breakdown of this cost from them in an email. will update when I get that.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. It is a Ford viscous lsd, I suppose it is possible that if it's had a hard life that it might not be working to normal levels, but they are serviceable at places like Bara Motorsport. However, do before you go tieing yourself up in knots, make sure that you are testing correctly, if you start testing. Viscous LSD's don't perform like plate/clutch type LSD's and nor do they behave like the torque biasing ATB's.
    1 point
  16. Pity you needed to sell @Christiano - hope we didn't scare you off! Nice car, having seen it in the flesh and goes well too
    1 point
  17. As per the locost link I posted Rab - see the photos in the thread, they clearly ID it as an LSD
    1 point
  18. Don't Worry mate the gauge works fine Craig, the car is topped up with fuel and before you come to collect I will get a 5 litre petrol can and get it filled up for you, would hate to think you ran out on your way home! - Not entirely sure where you can put it though
    1 point
  19. If you can get it to Derby (or close), I can take it to Blyton. I'm sure someone can help it make it's way North from Blyton?
    1 point
  20. I was able to get a letter from the leasing company for the car scheme stating "x" years accident free and was able to get a discounted quote from a broker.
    1 point
  21. You need to speak to an insurance broker. Try A plan for starters and they will arrange something direct with the underwriters.
    1 point
  22. We'll stay at Woodbridge for this one, Snetterton is not far off and a few of us are going there, you need to do it Tim.
    1 point
  23. Terrific. I'm so new to Westfield ownership that I'd really appreciate the help getting the right bits, and would love to take it off your hands. I'm not sure what happens next but please feel free to send me a private message with details on how to pay / arrange postage etc..
    1 point
  24. Happened to me when I retired 4 years ago. Company gave me a letter certifying that I had been accident free for however long it was. Direct Line accepted that for NCB.
    1 point
  25. Some insurance companies give a discount for having a company car for years without incident. I lost my no claims due to the 2 years non-use for the years I had. I got 2 years free from somewhere, when I ditched the company car, so that helped. cant remember who, someone like Direct Line.
    1 point
  26. Yes that's true, and IIRC your NCB expires after a time. Can you use the NCB from the westie, and insure the westie with 0 NCB?
    1 point
  27. At least if nothing else it's made the rest of the season's Lewis vs Seb a bit more lively. When you look back at some of the stuff with senna v prost. Mansell grabbing senna by the throat. Schumacher chasing coulthard etc makes vettels hissy look silly really. Still unacceptable but not as bad as the actions of the legends of the sport. James hunt even decked a steward at one point if I remember rightly
    1 point
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