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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/10/16 in all areas

  1. Welcome. I'd be interested to hear your views on whether the Westfield Parts Department really exists?
    5 points
  2. Haha sorry I find it all too tedious to bother watching videos. I guess the conversation went something like this back in the 60s Hey like dude we should go to the moon man. Yeah we should, but like hey dude we can't really do that can we? No but like we could fake it man! Totally awesome dude! I have a 120 billion dollar fake moon landing budget so I say let's do it! Yeah but like maybe we we need to blow up a few astronaut dudes along the way man you know make it look real. Totally dude. And we we need to like fake it at least 6 times man and pay all those Astro dudes never to tell. Yeah and pay the Russians off too man as they would know for sure that we didn't go. Awesome!
    4 points
  3. My Christmas list for this year: 1. Lego Caterham 2. 1. 3. 2. For serious.
    3 points
  4. Moon temperature varies between -200 and +200 'C depending upon lattitude and time of day. The walks were carried out at dawn. Next ... PS you do realise you can also get a Troll in Mcdonalds this week and next if you buy a Happy Meal ;-)
    3 points
  5. Not a predicament for me at all - he and his giant brass balls went to the Moon. He is not a liar, he's the bravest, smartest, most honest man I've ever met. There is a body of suspicions, not a body of evidence. As Blatman says, if it was faked, why did the Russans not expose it? And how did they get the 500,000 people who worked on it to keep it secret as well? To what end? Finally, please explain how several reflectors are on the surface of the Moon that anyone with a sufficiently powered laser can fire at them and get a return signal, thereby proving Man placed them there. It's good to question that which we do not understand. But in science, it is up to the scientist to not only develop a theory and provide the evidence but the undeniable proof of its accuracy as well - they do not think of a theory and tell others to prove it isn't true. If you're happy in your beliefs, good for you. I'm very content in mine.
    2 points
  6. Sold and collected! The mighty Crossflow will live on in a Mk1 Escort
    2 points
  7. There was a Mythbusters dedicated to proving the moon landing conspiracies. It was interesting. But I guess as it's in "the media" they were being controlled to produce results that fit in with the views of the believers. Oh well...
    2 points
  8. Should be an interesting thread! I'm going to stay out of it after this post as I have a vested interest, which I have disclosed in here before. The man in the link below is my second cousin, who I have known quite well since the late 60s. He was, and is, a hero of mine and the man who inspired me to become a pilot. He might take an opposing view to some of the above. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Young_(astronaut) It's my belief he didn't tell me any untruths in the matter.
    2 points
  9. I've been waiting for this for years. A member that makes me appear sane by comparison.
    2 points
  10. I've been an avid viewer of the imagery from the Mars rovers, some are totally amazing and this is one of them : http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/imgs/2016/09/MSL-Curiosity-360-degree-mosaic-panorama-Murray-Buttes-pia20840-Mastcam-full.jpg
    1 point
  11. Gits the pair of you. Best I can do is get hight off the paint fumes
    1 point
  12. Tonight's choice just about to start on E4 "Paul" an excellent film You bet your big fat dangler it is lol
    1 point
  13. wow my thread did escalate quickly ...
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. We have three traders specializing in carbon, all get good feedback. (Actually, they get great feedback, now I think about it!) Aerodynamix, Carbon RV and Mickmade* in addition one of our long standing traders, Playskool Motorsport is an agent for The German made carbon from Mog - expensive, but top end Motorsport quality. *Mick is somewhat like the A Team, though, "If you need carbon... if no one else can help... and if you can find him..."
    1 point
  16. If you've seen the spoof film with Charlie sheen 'formation shooting' all the baddies.....commando is less believable than that lol. Still entertaining though! Mart.
    1 point
  17. Oh wow, that's neat, sort of like coming full circle... No turning back now then!
    1 point
  18. Oh - by the way - welcome to the club Mulder - you should really introduce yourself and tell us about your car - and I'm being serious
    1 point
  19. They were not standard Hasselblads, and were specially built for the moon, so I assume were insulated, radiation proof, and ridiculously expensive. The film was specially made by Kodak, with a very wide latitude to allow for the bright and dark. Instead of 12 shots to the roll, there were 150. The photos do show a little "photoshopping" (as we now call it) but given the extremes of bright and dark this has to be expected, but given the reflections from the ground, wasn't as bad as expected. Much of this was covered in an episode of Mythbusters, and whilst they aren't the most accurate and reliable laboratory in the world, on about 6 tests, they proved genuine, and replications on the movie lot didn't work. Myth Confirmed I'm afraid, and let's face it, the Russians would have told us if it was fake
    1 point
  20. If the NASA moon landings were faked, why didn't/haven't the Russians exposed them as fake? I'm ready for the answer to be that the Russians and the USA are conspiring to keep the secret, but why? And if the Russians "know" they were faked, surely the Chinese and North Korea know as well. Why would they miss such a massive opportunity to discredit their biggest enemy/competitor/whatever? Or are they all in it together? What do they gain by keeping the secret? Ah the age old "the media is controlled" beloved of conspiracy theorists everywhere. Again, there are MILLIONS of journalists out there. Some of them must be sitting on this "well known truth". Why not expose it and set the record straight? What is it that makes every single one of them keep the "secret"?
    1 point
  21. Oh my what a laugh. Conspiracies all around us. Fact is we didn't have the technology to fake the moon landings in the 60's but we did have the technology to actually go there! Temperature damage relies on heat transfer not external temperature so in a vacuum it wouldn't transfer like it would in air. Stick your hand in water at 50C compared to air at 50C. Surviving the temperature is such an easy answer you not got anything more challenging?
    1 point
  22. Come on Scott, don't be modest, we all know you were the secret member of the Apollo 12 mission and the 8th person to walk on the moon;-)
    1 point
  23. The ISS must be real, this video was shot on the space plane going up to it... https://youtu.be/LWGJA9i18Co
    1 point
  24. I think Mulder is Bert Jones. Hows that for a conspiracy theory...
    1 point
  25. Most reruns in a season! Rerun- Bunn!
    1 point
  26. How about one for John Loudon for helping you out while he was winning the championship
    1 point
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