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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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  3. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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  4. Greenstreak-Andy D

    Greenstreak-Andy D

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/16 in all areas

  1. Robin had arrived in his brand spanking new Alfa, which he proudly showed off to us, and quite rightly so, it was lovely. Allan I showed us his very original Westfield, now that would have sat nicely at the front of the parade lap at Silverstone, it is an untouched example, a classic. We left the show in sunshine and went back through the Peak District on much drier roads. It has been a great day and thank you to everyone for coming. Next weekend it is the Curborough Breakfast meet on Saturday and The Horsepower at the Hall on Sunday BUT we are away on holiday so you will have to go without us, have a great time. I am off to pack, I only booked it this morning and we go tomorrow. The last 3 holiday's have been in the Westfield so I am having a 'packing fest' tonight. I can pack more than one pair of shoe's yippee, all this space, yippee.
    5 points
  2. For those who don't have one, how can you ignore a 1KG ABC Powder Fire Extinguisher for £7.49 (use code SUMMERSALE for discount) delivered! Rated 5A 34B C BS EN 3 http://www.eurocarparts.com/ecp/p/car-accessories/car-accessories-products/emergency-and-breakdown/car-fire-extinguishers/?545773051&0&cc5_825
    1 point
  3. As the title has anyone tried this https://youtu.be/r8eYsW4zsUw Looks like a handy product to have along side my tube of epoxy putty
    1 point
  4. Thanks Mike, I think I might take a "scenic" route to the Lodge... then see how the land lies :-) See you at the kart meeting?
    1 point
  5. Thanks all for a great afternoon ... and all those who arrived early at the Flouch left with pockets full of stainless washers and m5/m6 nuts and bolts you should have seen us all collecting them
    1 point
  6. I think we can officially claim a wet event on this one! Good fun actually, made Mira quite technical even for those with less power.
    1 point
  7. My older brother passed his 11+ and went to a Grammar School - I failed mine and went to a (good) Secondary Modern school. Both of us have grown up fairly equally in terms of ambition and intellect (I think) though I have a slightly better mechanical hands approach to things (a lot of that down to the school I went to as well as my fathers engineering background). I also had friends at my school that went on to universities and the last time I saw them, most were struggling to maintain their "aspirational" jobs (and for a few, their marriages as well, though I suspect that applies to all regardless of your schooling !!). My son went to a local secondary school and enjoyed his time there before leaving with some good GCSE's and getting his first job working for Jedi (racing cars). He has the same approach as me in terms of practicality and problem solving (cars, caravans, lorries etc). I have no objections or anti feeling about Grammar schools, what I do object to is the "social engineering" that was started by Blair back in 1998 - as mentioned, one size does not fit all, and trying to obtain some form of "socialist utopia" by standardising the level of education and achievement to almost the lowest denominator (and remember the "no-one is allowed to lose philosophy" ..... my !!). It is hardly surprising we have just about the least qualified young people in the whole world and for many, they are trapped exactly where Blair wanted them to be trapped (and I suspect Corbynista's want the same as well). In my opinion, what we need to change is the expectation from just about every youngster that after school they will go on to university as a "right". It should be that when you get to 16 you should be looking to what you'd like to do for a career - at least for the next 10 years of your life - not which university you can get into so you can have as much fun as you can get away with (after doing your "gap year" trip around the world of course ). Bring back career advisers, bring back apprenticeships in ALL industries (especially manufacturing rather than "media studies") and let's get this younger generation thinking for themselves for a change - state, grammar or private. As for all those luvvies who are whinging ....... // rant mode off <as well> //
    1 point
  8. oh I never have a problem there; tool kit, old plastic ice cream tub full of roadside spares, (fuses, tie wraps common nut/bolt sizes etc) an old towel, and my old golf waterproofs. And depending on the weather, my cars hood!
    1 point
  9. Bought and fitted in the boot and bolted in place.
    1 point
  10. Thanks, ordered and collecting one this morning. Between the seats is deadly. In an accident, they do fly out with enough force to land in the passenger footwell and punch a big dent in the end panel and without doubt would have broken the passengers foot if it hit. As you can guess I know. Since I have an easy access boot, mine will be in there. Although not 'handy' to get to, I dont have to worry about it flying around.
    1 point
  11. The problem with this is that those who hanker after it have a rosy view of them. My preference is to have streaming in the same school otherwise we will end up with the Grammar schools hoovering up the best kids and the best teachers forcing the less able at 11 to have a worse education. The biggest single issue in schools today is the lack of meaningful options for teacher to deal with those who don't want to be taught. In France you are not allowed to leave school until you can do everything to an acceptable level and teachers do appear to have more control so there is no advantage to be disruptive, you will be there much longer if you don't pass.. I failed the 11 plus and was deemed so thick I couldn't go to the comprehensive so it was Northcliff secondary modern for me, but we had great teachers who instilled the fear of god in all the "bad" kids so classes worked. I ended up with O levels and went on to do Okay in motor engineering. My daughter is also dyslexic and even though we wanted her to go to private schooling, she and the school convinced us that there was no need, she got a fist full of GCSE and A levels follwed by a degree in Biomedical science , and went on to study Medicine and is now starting her third year as a Dr working to become and anesthetic consultant. If the school has a good head, good staff and good rules even the most difficult kids can exceed many of their parents aspirations for them. Her school was first class engaged with parents and pupils. We do need to accept that manual work is not a dirty word. I was asked to do a presentation at a local school about the opportunities in the motor trade. I was introduced to the class that I was going to speak about being a mechanic. I corrected the lady and then went on about all the varied things electrical, mechanical body repairs sales development racing etc. At the end she summed up with these words, there class if you don't do well enough to go to uni then there is always something else!! I waited till the kids had gone before I tore her a strip off. Her view was clearly if you don't go to uni you have failed and that is one that has driven kids to do meaningless degrees with no use in gaining employment to end up with mountains of debt. This policy is all about pandering to what they see as core voters, thats all.
    1 point
  12. I went to a non selective non grammar school. I'm perfectly dyslexic. Some subjects I was in the top off the top groups others bottom of the bottom groups. I'd have never made it to grammar school and the old system would have failed. I went on to have a honours degree in mechanical engineering and a decent job. I believe in streaming kids and giving them every opertunity but I can't see why kids of different abilities need to be in different schools. It creates even more social seperation. I don't believe in any selective school wether academic, religious or !. Academic education is just a small part of school life... Pew I wait to be shot
    1 point
  13. What's on your mind, Dave - do share
    1 point
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