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  1. Onliest Smeg David

    Onliest Smeg David

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

    Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


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  4. Stu Faulkner

    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/16 in all areas

  1. I've never considered a geo set up an upgrade or an extra; just another vital bit of the build, if you have the facilities and knowledge to do it yourself, fine, otherwise use one of the various companies dotted around the UK that have. It's one of my hobby horses! It amazes me how often, in the past, particularly, utterly rubbishy and occasionally downright dangerous handling would be laughed off as OK because "it's a kit car, they're all a bit like that"! No, no they're bl**** well not, it's just you and a few other fools who put up with it and try and drive around it. (At the risk to the rest of us and to the way our cars are perceived by the public and ultimately the governments). Either do it properly, or have it done and you will be amazed at the difference, both to safety and drivability, but even more importantly, to driving pleasure!! Thankfully, those sorts of beliefs do seem to be on the steady decline now. It's funny, we've had a few new cars to the Cheshire Area meet recently, one of them in particular looked a real handful, the first time it appeared. (A quick change to the rather high tyre pressures gave an instant improvement to some extent), but the new owner remarked straight away that it had, ahem, handling issues. And yet the previous owner must have just lived with it.... [/rant mode] where's that "get your coat" emoji?
    3 points
  2. PART 1: A701 to Edinburgh Morning checks in Edinburgh It just had to be done! Cairngorms Highly recommend Glentorets B&B, Tomintoul Assynt was stunning as was Torridon... Our accommodation was in the building hidden behind! Then the rain started Applecross then on to the Clachaig Inn, Glencoe
    3 points
  3. Loch Broom No View Applecross Pass Now View Applecross Pass Dornie Castle View accross Loch Leven to Glencoe Glencoe View from Clachaig Inn
    2 points
  4. What a brilliant day. Thanks to everyone and a big thank you to Robin for organising.
    2 points
  5. Probably very true John! To say I've been pushing my luck all year is understating it though!!
    2 points
  6. I'm interested in everywhere except curborough.
    2 points
  7. Mallory needs about 50-60 drivers @ £200 a head to cover costs, Donny about 70 @ £250, Silverstone (GP) more like 120 @ £300. Not so sure about Curborough, obviously hugely cheaper but it's a sprint course, not a trackday venue so you can only run one car at a time, pretty much kills the fun of trackdays which is chasing round after your mates and other cars.
    2 points
  8. Depends on the model of standard car we're talking about, but if you mean a standard sigma or Duratec model, gearbox every time. A standard Mega S2000, throttle bodies, every time. Not really spent enough time with one of the bike engined models to tell.
    2 points
  9. To get most members there possible... Mallory Park / Donnington / Curborough / Silverstone are most central Social/BBQ evening and something for members that might not want to get on track Weekend Very advanced notice to plan around families and other commitments Personally I'd be happy to make more effort, travel further if it was a WSCC event attended by similar numbers to Blyton trackday.
    2 points
  10. Hi, As usual I've booked two days at the Curborough Track, Wednesday the 18th of May and Friday the 16th of September. ** To save the WSCC from any liability issues I have to let you know that the Curborough Track days ( As for the last 12 years ) have been booked by me ( or the previous Area Organisers ) and are not organised or sanctioned by the Westfield Car Club. ** There will be a £30 Deposit ( Non Refundable ). The remainder then will be paid on the day depending on the number of people attending ( with a maximum of 15 people ): Attending 15 people – £23 to pay on the day Attending 14 people – £27 to pay on the day Attending 13 people – £31 to pay on the day Attending 12 people – £35 to pay on the day Attending 11 people – £41 to pay on the day Attending 10 people - £45 to pay on the day Attending 9 people - £52 to pay on the day Attending 8 people - £62 to pay on the day I don't make a profit on these events and if there is any left over it will be given to the Local Hospice Charity. Warwickshire Area WSCC Members will get 1st Priority Non-Warwickshire Area WSCC Members will get 2nd Priority Non-WSCC Members will get 3rd Priority Both of the Track Days are usually over subscribed so if you are interested in attending please get in touch ASAP ( You will need to pay your deposit to secure your place ). These are always a great day and a safer way to explore the limits of the car / driver going round the circuit one at a time. If you need any more information on Curborough please don't hesitate to get in touch. Attending 15 out of a maximum of 15 : 11 Confirmed With Deposits ( £484.10 ) 4 Deposits Pending. Nick Clark ( NickPC ) - £60 Deposit Paid ( PAYM ) Tony Shakeshaft ( Scimdiesel ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( PayPal ) Shindha Singh ( Rusty Nuts ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( Transfer ) Rakesh ( Via Rusty Nuts ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( Transfer ) Martyn ( MartynV ) - £60 Deposit Paid ( Cash ) Paul Medhurst ( ? ? ? ) - £48.10 Deposit Paid ( Pay Pal ) Trevor ( Trevturtle ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( PayPal ) Stu ( Finkangel ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( PayPal ) Andy ( Sycho ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( PayPal ) Ben Draper ( bunje ) - £53 Fully Paid ( PayPal ) Ben Yates ( YakATAC29 ) - £53 Fully Paid ( PayPal ) Geoff - Half Day - Phoned & Confirmed attendance - No Deposit Paid Steve Potter ( Harry Potter ) - Phoned & Confirmed attendance- No Deposit Paid Simon ( Fitzy ) - Phoned & Confirmed attendance- No Deposit Paid Gaz ( gazzooks ) - £30 Deposit Pending Reserves Pulled out : Steven Mead ( WE51STE ) Martyn Son ( MartynV ) ? ? ? ( Foxterrier ) Adam ( Resto157 ) - £30 Deposit Paid ( PayPal ) Be safe and see you soon, Steve
    1 point
  11. I do not want to diss certain mechanics but need to tell everyone when I find a good one. I have had a fuel issue with my V8 since last April. 1st mechanic diagnosed (correctly) a fuel starvation issue and changed a fuel pipe stating that it was corroded. This did not resolve the issue so back we went. This time new fuel pump and regulator. Issue still not fixed. Went to A P Racing Engines (more details below) who logically researched the problem and diagnosed that I had a blockage in the front to rear fuel line. As I needed to buy the bits, came home with plans to re-arrange a further visit. Desperate to get back on the road and be able to go over 60mph, and not being able to get a prompt appointment, went to another garage. New mechanics obviously thought they new better and changed a bit of pipe I had changed before and handed the car back with the same outstanding problem and had the nerve to try charging me. Been to A P Racing Engines again today where we changed the front to rear fuel line which magically fixed the problem. Then a rolling road test which could not be done before due to the engine running out of fuel. Torque of 220, Bhp 195. Fantastic drive home. Shame summer has almost gone. Andrew from A P Racing Engines, is a really knowledgeable chap and easy to chat with and not shy in passing on his knowledge. Logical and thorough investigations which I could understand. He let me be as hands on as I wanted (within the realms of H&S). He is at 2 Burma Road, Blidworth NG21 0RT 01623 490777. He is busy so keep trying. The rolling road test part today cost me £100 plus Vat which was a special deal as he knew how long I had been waiting and £50 to lift the car and fit the new fuel line. We were the only car in today as he promised to do all that was necessary to resolve the issue. As a secondary comment, I ordered 4m of fuel line from Demon Tweeks which was 'in stock and be with you 1st class post'. It didn't turn up so I chased to be told that when I placed my order they had it in stock, but it was in shorter lengths! 2 weeks later still not arrived so chased again. Why can't they call you when they have an issue rather than ignoring it? Competition Supplies Ltd at Silverstone on 01327 857991 - discussed spec with a very knowledgeable person, ordered it one day and it arrived the next. Much better service! Recommend A P Racing Engines and Competition Supplies Ltd!
    1 point
  12. Went along here as usual yesterday and was pleased to see a couple of Westfields competing. One, I suspect a Duratec by the exhaust position, was really quick and showed the couple of Caterhams and other odd Sevens the way to go! They were No.63 in up to 2 litre and No.80 in over 2 litre classes. Both won their class as far as I could deduce from the results sheet. Well done to both! Later edit: One was Martin (gunplumber on here) I think from looking at his profile, but I cannot identify the other except from the Speed Trials results.
    1 point
  13. And, by the way, blyton track is quite nice...Even I love proper race tracks like oulton or Anglesey, blyton is quite technique, and you can learn a lot about the car limits with this great brake areas at high speed, an the esses... That I think is one of the fasters change of direction you will find all around changing weights while steering in forth gear flat out... Is a lovely layout, very safe, an really good to learn.
    1 point
  14. I only recently joined myself and am a member of the £6k club of Westfield motoring so welcome :-) You will find everyone really helpful on this site and the amount of info I've found out over the last few weeks has saved me a bundle in mechanic fees. I managed to get a Wide Bodied with the mighty X-Flow engine ... which is in generally good mechanical condition but needing some work (mostly cosmetic but with some electrical gremlins thrown in). My reason for setting that budget was I wanted a car that was road worthy (e.g. not a half completed project) but also something which I could upgrade & potter with in the garage. £6k on eBay will get you an older vehicle and if you are willing to travel you will find a solid & honest car. Don't get caught up in the romance of the first car you see ... believe me it's intoxicating driving in even a rubbish Westy so keep your head screwed on and be willing to walk away. Finally I've found that Easter to Summer tends to increase the price of the vehicles (first bit of sunshine and everyone wants a two seater) but over the winter months they will be slightly cheaper ... although there will be less choice around.
    1 point
  15. I don't know how you missed the main event of the year CosKev. The Blyton weekend is just that, WSCC organised trackday and 2 days of sprinting after. Think of it as a weekend away and all things Westfield related. Friday and Saturday evenings down the pub or bar-b-que at the track, whatever you fancy. Trackday was £90 and camping, hot showers free. What more could you want?
    1 point
  16. Cheers robin loved it great day out Look forward to the next one
    1 point
  17. Cheers Robin good job. Sorry to everyone being late, further than I thought. Did think I might have need my passport lol
    1 point
  18. It was a trip that ruined the idea of no more upgrades for the car!
    1 point
  19. I agree totally Dave, but as you say it's an unfortunate fact that so many owners spend fortunes on engines etc, when a relatively inexpensive geo set-up transforms the car and the way it drives.
    1 point
  20. Hi All, The car is now sold to a very nice chap who will probably molly coddle her even more than I did! Thanks for you help All :-)
    1 point
  21. 2L blacktop zetec best single upgrade was defently new BGH gearbox with 2.66 long first gear. Soooooooo much better to drive on road and track,love it
    1 point
  22. Changing the ratio on your diff and fitting an LSD if it hasn't already got one can 'wake a car up'
    1 point
  23. Full Suspension setup AND professional driver instruction. (shameless plug for AdamR and Clear Motorsport) By far the best value improvement in 'spritely' progress on road & track. Then start on the Westfield - next being good gear ratios to optimise engine characteristics as others have said.
    1 point
  24. We've done Combe this year for 35 cars at £150 per car, and llandow for £100 per car
    1 point
  25. Tut - not starting off as you mean to carry on is a recipe for disaster :-)
    1 point
  26. ...but then they find out how quick you are
    1 point
  27. Gearbox with better ratios. Definitely the best upgrade on Mr Toad thus far.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. What someone will pay for it Yours is a nice one, but potential buyers may be put off by the wrap as you can't tell the condition underneath...
    1 point
  30. I've used him a couple of times before Andrew....I think I was the first from the forum :-D
    1 point
  31. What I thought before going to Blyton for 1st time. Although flat it's a very enjoyable drive, a drivers technical circuit with mixture of fast and slow corners IMO. Now I wouldn't miss the WSCC Blyton track day, with added bonus of the great fun off circuit with all us Westyers there overnights.
    1 point
  32. Could a WSCC trackday venture be combined with an introduction to sprinting session to round out the experience?
    1 point
  33. Ha ha last time i was in the Clachaig Inn the barman refused to serve us because my mates wife asked for water in the Glenfiddich Great Pickies keep em coming
    1 point
  34. It's great when you can find somewhere that's knowledgeable and reliable . These guys tend to be busy and often just a one man band so how they juggle the phone, emails, the cars, the accounts and just general business issues I've no idea - but let's keep using them
    1 point
  35. Hmm trying to talk SWMBO in to going but it's hard work. Said we could do up the zips lol. Marcus will know all about them.
    1 point
  36. Andrew will be doing my rewire over the winter - he needs a P.A!
    1 point
  37. forecast still good - see you at the fire station. Dave.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Thanks chaps for all your feedback. I've been looking at the Clarke, Sealey and SIP welders. I've particularly enjoyed reading through the very helpful info on this site too: http://www.mig-welding.co.uk/equipment.htm Just have to explain to Amanda now why we really need one...!
    1 point
  40. I took mine arround the car park at work with instruction is not to tell mum! which quenched their need for speed. A few 0-15 Mphs and some tyre smoke I'd class as exciting but not dangerous. Unfortunately their secret holding abilities are still crap.
    1 point
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