After I blew the Zetec in my old Westfield, I had to put it in the astravan from work and take it to my mates to get the head back on, as he had all his tools in the his workshop. Engine rebuilt and brought back to home. I enlisted the help of a neighbour and I wiggled the engine the the rear edge of the car. The engine stand frame was still on the block, so the plan was to lift it out and put on the floor. We actually lifted out and stuck it in the engine bay on top of the trolley jack and steel plate. We then just stuck it on the gearbox and bolted in. All going good.
Next day, I found my back wasnt good. In fact I couldnt stand up and spent the day lying on the lounge floor as it was the most comfortable way to rest. The wife told me to 'not go near that bl**** car' I got bored and would shuffle out the house on my hands and knees and crawl in the garage and then being the westie was at a decent working height for someone with a duff back, started connecting it back up. By day three, my back was getting better, although the wife wasnt impressed to see the car magically start and run
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