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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  4. Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

    Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/16 in all areas

  1. Woke up, slightly hungover after a night in London... Had a shower with no falling over or rampant headache disasters. All was looking well for the day. Went to put my under cecks on, opened a new pack, put them on and fell over... Looked at under cecks, tried again, fell over... Started to wonder if the night had been better than I remember, tried again and fell over... Had a GOOD look at the new under cecks and some a*****e at M&S had decided to move the label (which since the dawn of ******g time had been at the back) to the left hand side. So I was merrily putting the label at the back and wondering why my legs wouldn't go in...
    1 point
  2. Found this on the internet - I've watched a couple and they seem good so far. http://driver61.com/uni/
    1 point
  3. After I blew the Zetec in my old Westfield, I had to put it in the astravan from work and take it to my mates to get the head back on, as he had all his tools in the his workshop. Engine rebuilt and brought back to home. I enlisted the help of a neighbour and I wiggled the engine the the rear edge of the car. The engine stand frame was still on the block, so the plan was to lift it out and put on the floor. We actually lifted out and stuck it in the engine bay on top of the trolley jack and steel plate. We then just stuck it on the gearbox and bolted in. All going good. Next day, I found my back wasnt good. In fact I couldnt stand up and spent the day lying on the lounge floor as it was the most comfortable way to rest. The wife told me to 'not go near that bl**** car' I got bored and would shuffle out the house on my hands and knees and crawl in the garage and then being the westie was at a decent working height for someone with a duff back, started connecting it back up. By day three, my back was getting better, although the wife wasnt impressed to see the car magically start and run This story was brought to you sponsored by Codeine !!
    1 point
  4. Jesus Dave, did you have to bring that up? The insomnia and night sweats had only just stopped...
    1 point
  5. Don't worry Marcus. Our secret is still safe.....my lips are sealed.
    1 point
  6. I found the easiest way to lift the engine out of the boot or carry it around the garage is to make two rope strops and use a length of wood (old fence post will do as long as it's not rotten ) and then put the rope strops under / around the engine and over the post and then carry it around like they used to carry dead buffalo's !! - should be especially easy as both of you are over 8 foot
    1 point
  7. To unload, just unstrap from the back of Mondeo, tie engine top and bottom to something convenient and firmly located on the drive/house, wrap it in an old quilt, put an old mattress on floor preferably under the rear of the car up to the rear wheels, and accelerate like you're on a drag strip, engine will just plop out - easy. Can i video it please?
    1 point
  8. I bet you could hire a small van for about £25 for the half a day you will need it for
    1 point
  9. You must be the most unlucky guy on the planet. Hope everything turns out ok. If you want somebody to pull the trap door lever in the event that they get caught pm me
    1 point
  10. I've lifted a few XE's in and out of estate car boots in the past, with just one other pair of hands to help. As long as you're more or less lifting from one similar height to another, it's not so bad as you'd expect. I've not really been able to crane one directly out of an estate, but did once get an XE out of the back of a five series touring, without damaging the car, on my own with just an engine crane to assist; I couldn't get the jib in far enough to lift the engine properly, but with enough old blankets and cardboard to protect the boot, I could sort of slide then engine right up to the lip, while bracing it somewhat with the crane - the crane was pulling on an angle, so sort of dragging as much as anything. I then just rigged up some sturdy support, the same heights as the boot opening and manhandled the engine out on to it, with the crane steadying it. Pulled the car forward, so that the tailgate was clear, then I could use the crane to lift it off the make shift bench in the normal manor. not pretty, but it worked!
    1 point
  11. Whether you can use a crane will depend on whether the crane/car dimensions allow it. I'd think it will be heavy for two of you to handle, but I'm sure you'll come up with some way of getting it out (make a ramp to slide it down, take some of the strain on a jack as it comes out the boot??). As an alternative, couldn't you just take the Mondeo's engine out and put that in the Westfield?! You can worry about what to do with the Mondeo afterwards... It's going to be a brilliant project to get stuck into.
    1 point
  12. Just in case any of you who got one are interested. Mine came back with inaccuracies in my address so needed to go back, it also had the "Does it need homologated harnesses" yes box crossed as the scrutineer said was correct. As I was sending it back anyway I suggested this was incorrect in the note I attached. My new passport has arrived with correct address and the "Does it need homologated harnesses" NO box crossed so the MSA technical department obviously agree with us.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. If anyone can get them to Hereford then I can bring close to chesterfield on the M1.
    1 point
  15. Oh yes , got many a guffaw from that little story
    1 point
  16. Yay !! Better late than never. Hope you had a great day !!
    1 point
  17. If by Ford mob you mean the RS owners club Terry? .. I tried to fill a session at their Croft event earlier this year but had to pull the plug as there was no way I was going to get the numbers. Myself and a few others however took part in their Donington national day.. 118db .. unfortunately the day was pretty dire, far too many red flags and mirrorless dragsters! Tbf, we'd done the same day last year and it was OK, so maybe just a bit unlucky with this years entrants.. Not sure what's happened on this forum, but there doesn't seem to be the appetite for trackdays now? I know a lot of trackday regulars have now left this place.. either because of it, or causing it?? dunno.. I'm still doing plenty of days but have given up posting them on this site.. there's either no response or they just vanish off the "Local Area meets, Events, Track days & Kit car shows" section so fast no one sees them! That section is in my opinion overloaded. There are far far more Westy owners doing track days than Sprinting, or building X cars, both getting their own sub section. Given the nature of our cars, I'll say it again.. it's criminal to not have a dedicated track day forum. Is that my outer garment over there..
    1 point
  18. Andy Middlehurst keeps the H16 at his St.Helens Depo. along with his sons formula cars less than a mile from my home There is quite a story about him sourcing that engine from some guy in Aus . I think. I believe that when they unpacked the engine there was no crankshaft, pistons , rods , and many other bits. All had to be made or sourced from elsewhere. Cost him Thousands to put right and from my information they reckoned it would never run a lap of Oulton. So well done to Andy and the lads for the mass of graft put into the project and what a stunning car it is.
    1 point
  19. ...And one of my favorite moments of a Gold Cup, ever! Greenstreak and I were just strolling down the paddock lanes, stopping to admire the cars when Andy remarked at the mass of exhaust pipes on one of them, I was just about to make some smart A*** comment, when I realized I was looking at something with eight upper manifold runners and eight lower! A quick scan over the rest of the car, yep, there were the BRM badges! As I was wandering round the back of the car for a look at that amazing H 16 engine, it quickly dawned on me that they were about to start it, I don't think I've ever grabbed my phone out and started filming so quickly in my life - apologies for the dodger camera work; the hairs on the back of my neck were well and truly stood up and my hand may just have shook a little. An awesome sight, and an equally awesome sound!
    1 point
  20. We collected £26-27 for St Luke's Hospice, thanks to all who contributed, especially the three people who put £5 each in an envelop on the Sunday. Jeff.
    1 point
  21. Hi Robin, I should be OK for this, thinking of meeting at Skipton area with Terry and Rickboy, how does Bay horse car park at Skipton approx 11:30am sound? Cheers Marcus
    1 point
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