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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/16 in all areas

  1. So, the Mrs & I are doing our first Westfield roadtrip, starting this weekend for a week. I've managed to persuade her that going in a 'comfortable' Westfield with an aeroscreen, half doors and no wet-weather gear apart from a cockpit cover when stationary will be an 'adventure' (runs to garage to adjust Nitrons to softest setting). She's excited. Should be c.1400 miles in total over 7 days, stopping off in Glasgow, Glencoe, Fort William, Skye (a round-trip of the isle over 2 days + a flight in a seaplane if the weather is ok..), Loch Ness, Aviemore, Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival, Newcastle and back home. Any last minute words of wisdom or advice we might not have thought of?... Cheers R&L http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/robj1987/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zpsuylhmet5.png.html'> http://s1036.photobucket.com/user/robj1987/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps5bsuxycw.png.html'>
    1 point
  2. Happy birthday Marcus from Sunny Manchester See you tomorra Italy here we come
    1 point
  3. Happy Birthday M From Glen and Julie
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Not sure but knowing Delta, I predict a voucher of some amount only applicable to a future off-peak Delta flight to a hub location within the continental USA. Just a prediction, sorry, got nothing else. Worth a try though, good luck!
    1 point
  6. so is anyone actually going to this im not gonna make the boring run up there if theres no one for me to converse with lol
    1 point
  7. Careful Terry he'll have a heart attack
    1 point
  8. MHR Marcus. Have a great time in Italy.
    1 point
  9. Drinks are on you on the boat
    1 point
  10. Certainly do - car park under the hotel fortunately!
    1 point
  11. Happy birthday Marcus, hope you all have a great trip in Europe, stay safe and enjoy. I will be lying in the sun thinking of you all. ;-)
    1 point
  12. The engine bay scuttle had loads of holes etc, so bought a couple of CF panels and went for it…also made a fitted a parcel shelf for all the better half's rubbish…
    1 point
  13. I like hanging baskets too. But that's because lethal injection or a firing squad is too good for them.
    1 point
  14. Many Happy Returns Marcus, have a great day!
    1 point
  15. MHR fella. Hope you have a great day.
    1 point
  16. Have a great day Marcus!
    1 point
  17. MHR Marcus, Hope it's a good one
    1 point
  18. MHR and have a great day
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Happy birthday Marcus.
    1 point
  21. Happy Birthday Marcus. I sent you a box of those "secret" things you like. I hope I got the address right. if not they will have a shock. Have a great day and a great trip.
    1 point
  22. Hi Julian I might have one from my old dash I'll look later for you
    1 point
  23. I would make sure that you have plenty of stops to keep her happy. That way she won't be put off. Plan on it raining in Scotland. Then if it doesn't then it's a bonus. if you do a search for my 2015 Scotland trip, I did a daily "lessons learnt" which may help with anything. There looks to be a lot of motorway on your trip. I can give you details of a "pretty route" that I have used to Glencoe and back from Edinburgh from the Yorkshire area but its not as fast as the motorway.
    1 point
  24. The plan for us is to head to Alston and then, time permitting run to kielder and back to the Toon. Yet to talk to everyone, but should be between 6 and 12 cars in our crew
    1 point
  25. Sorry chaps can't make this one, I'm away with work until Thursday then off on a weekend jolly on Friday! If Marto is overly boastful of Hethel, can someone politely remind him about Blyton for me please??! Banter! Have fun!
    1 point
  26. Over the weekend I got the engine bits painted and baked in my home made oven. I also collected the remainder of the parts from powdercoat I've also ordered the tyres for the wheels so hopefully will drop the wheels off to be built with new spokes at the weekend.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. So I managed to get the filler spread on, sanded off and the final shape of the piece cut to shape/size. I also go the holes cut for the gear and handbrake and it fitted for size into the car to make sure it fits. I am now waiting for the gaiters and skinning stuff to arrive before I continue. However I am really pleased with the results so far and the finish is really good - so should give a great finish I hope. Just 1 photo I am afraid. I was covered in dust so left my phone in the house.
    1 point
  29. I know the secret of how Paul gets those great camera shots, I tried one of my own, But can you spot the camera man on the right catching me at it.
    1 point
  30. Well here is what I have learnt from this trip. I will keep updating this page for the next couple of nights. Some of it I have already said in my previous comments. A half hood, clear wind deflectors will get you through any amount of rain. Half doors are worth every penny as you can see so much scenery. A Paul Ash luggage rack is great for carrying luggage. Rok straps are brilliant for securing luggage. The west side is more WOW factor than the East. There are more petrol pumps than you think. Some are not proper garages but little shops with a pump outside. Bring a supply of microfibre cloths for drying up any water. A buff is brilliant for keeping out the cold. The zips on my coat and fleece made my neck sore after a while as I had to wear them for so long. Plan enough time to be able to go slow and enjoy the views. Plan that it will rain. We encountered no midges but Avon skin so soft is brilliant for protection. I wore less clothes than I thought but glad I brought plenty of underwear and socks. budget £80.00 a night for hotels. Can save money by going direct rather than through booking agents. Wear a pair of glasses as rain in the eyes hurts. Do not expect the car to stay clean. I had no need to carry cash apart from one garage that would not accept card payments under £15.00. Nearly all parking is free. There are masses of clean public toilets. Take notice of people who know the local area as they know some beautiful routes. Take an umbrella as handy for keeping dry if stopped admiring a view or darting into a shop. Take packs of glass cleaner wipes. Some places / garages shut earlier than you think. Would pay to ring ahead if an important stop to check. Nearly all the roads on the west coast we travelled on are a million times smoother than roads south of the border. The sun sets late in the highlands at this time of year so your days are really long. Be aware of animals in the road if whizzing along as lots of sharp bends. We had close shaves with sheep, deer and cows. Budget for between £10.00 to £12.00 for your evening meal plus drinks. Make sure you have recovery insurance before leaving. Phone signal and 3G reception is better than you think. Not available everywhere we went but nearly everywhere is fair to say. One day on the Isle of Skye is not enough. It gets windy in the exposed highlands so make sure you have enough straps to hold any rainproof protective cover down on a night.
    1 point
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