Whilst I'm here, a bit of info/reiteration re Area 15, our infield spot.
I'm heading over tomorrow afternoon / evening to set-up a gazebo, table and a couple of chairs along with helium tank and the remaining 30th balloons. I'll also plant a few 30th feather flags. I WILL NOT be around Friday (or Sunday day time), but I know a lot of you will so please...
Do keep an eye on our stuff, park up as directed by the marshals or failing that as you think best, make use of the gazebo, table and chairs, if you feel the need, re-plant the feather flags, blow up a few balloons (making sure they do not float off!), enjoy yourselves
As said before, this is not a thing where I or anyone else is supposed to set-up, run or manage, but I'm happy to fill a gazebo with WSCC stuff that we can all use to publicise the Club. If you feel the need to hang around and chat / help others, it would be much appreciated and there should be stock of canned drinks for you.
30th Tees will be dropped off Friday afternoon, again, if anyone is around to help, great. Please... treat these with respect, many Members who missed Stoneleigh and Blyton are coming to Silverstone across the entire weekend and will be most disappointed not be able to pick one up, the remainder will be packed off to the AOs for local distribution later. I'll aim to be around as much as possible on Saturday to help see fair play, your help and understanding whilst I'm not around would be appreciated.
Above all have fun, come find me on Saturday and tell me where not to spend my money and where the best sights are...!
Thanks all