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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/07/16 in all areas

  1. Update barrel 2.... Well my mate did ok with what was left despite not all being sold as by the Saturday eve it had gone off. We were aiming for a net gain for the cause of £30, but in the end we made £36.50 :yes: Anyway.... I'll add in a bit extra in to make up the donation to £40
    2 points
  2. Ok here is a link to the pictures for anyone interested - clearly no westies involved but some nice machinery I made it a shared album so not all my photos https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1272687859421849&type=1&l=b80a649f19
    2 points
  3. I sold my last Westie in 2012 to build a Sylva....Having completed and IVA'd it, I've been getting the urge to continue to build. As it happened I came across a bit of a 'barn find' in the shape of a half build Seight kit with a new 4ltr block...I couldn't resist. So, let battle commence...V8 here we come!. Paul.
    1 point
  4. Just a couple of observations. As Paul says Singke seater and other slick cars on the new smooth Tarmac please. This would reduce time messing about cleaning slicks after a run so less excuses for not being ready for a run. Very few of the electric hook ups could be used as tents had been pitched against the building. If possible signing on the night before would be good. ( I know this was planned this year but stuff had to be checked out first) Gluten free meal great. Scrutineers were good no issues here but had a scare with the noise meter. Great event despite the weather.
    1 point
  5. My views. Questions Scrutineers - No problems with myself... but, adviced me placing a rigid piece of metal behind my head. They told me about "instructing rather than banning"... I'm not sure if I want it this rigid metal behind my head. MY engineering mind would like to see some crash tests and a risk assestmen TBH. Car park Layout - Brilliant. My car was in a posh, nice, new, clean and flat tarmac... please, next year, same spot for me. Eastern Circuit for afternoon on Friday and sunday? As I´m limited in experience... I like to repeat twice rather than change the layout. Early Bird Offer, did it help? You should tell us this... did you see a great flow of entrants during the early bird? For those that haven't met me do I look like a panda? Pandas are probably under sized and not that funny against you... I´ve never seen a panda with a cowboy hat. Cheers. Maurici.
    1 point
  6. A few minor thoughts. I would look at the running order of the single seaters as the driver change was taking a long time. Maybe not have them running last. I think it would be useful to have a defined list of helpers that you need similar to Stoneleigh and put names to it a few weeks or so in advance. If allowed I would start earlier on the Sunday as almost everyone is on site from Saturday There were some comments on uphillracers as to whether the event was happening this year so maybe look to email previous entrants. I would have a loyalty rather than just early bird discount perhaps? David
    1 point
  7. Always go Portsmouth these days - partly because of our usual intended destination but also due to the potential delays at Dover/Calais There is something rather nice about sailing out of Portsmouth on the 8.45 ish boat - looking at the naval base and city as you leave - sitting down for a very nice meal in the posh restaurant, some cheesy entertainment and a few beers followed by a good nights sleep in a cabin - roll off the boat at 8.00 ish in either Caen or St Malo after a relaxed breakfast Very little queuing and all very civilised I justify the extra cost by including it as part of the holiday experience Clearly the wrong side for Spa or Germany but I would definitely go from Portsmouth if I was going to LeMan
    1 point
  8. They were Fiesta XR2 MKII header tanks. Last year my local ford dealer got me one next day. There are a few 2nd hand ones on ebay. David
    1 point
  9. All sorted now, and entry form in!
    1 point
  10. Hers the results from the first Essex Weight Watchers for additional reference: http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/107990-essex-weight-watchers-8th-june-9am/?p=1139370
    1 point
  11. it might well be a bit less, but it's a safe ball park to guess in. There are really to many variations of the car for there to be true averages, also bear in mind a narrow body car is shorter and narrower(!) than a wide, couple this with say a live axle in the narrow, and they can be quite a bit lighter than an otherwise identical wide bodied car with a Sierra diff. I've seen relatively standard build Zetec cars, with screens and heaters from about 620/30 kg, but there's probably lighter.
    1 point
  12. I think it's really time that the ferry companies looked at ditching using any ports in France and went to Ostend instead - even if that means upgrading Ostend to cope with the extra traffic and longer crossing times it'd no doubt be quicker in the long run and hopefully the Belgians wouldn't be so childish as the French (and it's only going to get worse as we move towards full Brexit)
    1 point
  13. I wish my wife was a supercharged monster as well still not worth selling the westy for though
    1 point
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