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Showing content with the highest reputation on 22/07/16 in all areas

  1. I think I need to change the title of this thread to 'Going to Silverstone on Thursday'
    3 points
  2. Dont worry I have Ash's card details and have already taken a deposit, picked his options and colours.
    3 points
  3. I just have to say that no matter what life throws at you, there is always a thread on here that makes it all better. Credit to you chaps. Felling the right now.
    3 points
  4. I was at the factory today collecting some part and got talking to Simon and was offered a ride in the new sport 250 and i didnt need asking twice Anybody that know me knows that i'm a massive s2000 engine package fan so i was interested in how the two engines compare. My test pilot was Mark walker on stepping into the car the first thing i noticed was the taller windscreen and side screen which have been taken from the sport turbo car and got to be honest they get the thumbs up from me and also the new digi dash package massive improvement over the old digi dash.We left the factory driving through Kingswinford and one thing I noticed straight away was how quiet the new mazda diff was and the car performed as it should nice and smooth,The biggest difference from the s2000 motor is the induction and turbo noise but you get used to it,We got out on to the open road and the go faster pedal was pressed and oh my god its awesome the power is instant not one bit of turbo lag got to be honest I cannot believe how instant the power is and it delivers the power so smooth and sounds great. I'm sure if the car had wings it would take off.But if you have one of these cars on order or are thinking about ordering one the first option you should be buying is the bigger brake package trust me you will need it. The biggest question is do I prefer this over the Honda motor I think I do as there is a massive potential to get 300bhp very easy out of this motor and I just love the power delivery It was just a good job that I had left my debit card at home Big thanks to Simon and Mark you left me with a big smile on my face all the way home thanks guys
    2 points
  5. I wish my wife was a supercharged monster as well still not worth selling the westy for though
    2 points
  6. I just had to up my policy from 5000 miles a year to 7500 as I have done 4500 since April and it's a 500 mile round trip to silverstone next week. Loving it!
    2 points
  7. I think these could be a cracking car and good for touring or fast blast I thought Simon would have memorised your card by now ;-)
    2 points
  8. hi all, Sorry for the delay but I've been on holidays this week and I can't wait to get back to work, a list as long as my arm of things to do and nowhere near finished yet - roll on friday :D Anyway, here are the results for Llandow, please let me know if there are any problems as Tel is off this week so all the results have been done solo !! Llandow Results - Experts only - R25 Tiggs
    2 points
  9. Frank from Belgium, have posted on this forum for a short while, many years ago (about 2007/8 I believe). I built a MX5 SDV back in 2008/2009 and have had a lot of fun with it. Unfortunately I totaled the car in 2015 and decided to rebuild it. The kit is a MX5 SDV again, but this time with the FW body. I have already rebuilt it, but I thought it'd be nice to make a build thread about it . The Tech Talk section is probably best to post?
    1 point
  10. The thing is though, Westfields aren't transport, they're a hobby. So as long as they fulfil your requirements as a hobby, be it racing, driving, polishing or tinkering, it doesn't matter, they work for you.
    1 point
  11. It's not through lack of trying just can't seem to find the time
    1 point
  12. 24000 miles in 16 years. My kids will inherit it.
    1 point
  13. Thinking of going down Thursday after work might as well get your monies worth! camping info from SC website: The campsite will be open from 7am on Thursday 28th July until 12 noon on Monday 1st August
    1 point
  14. I've done 10000 miles in 18 years... But I could never think of selling. For me, it's an argument where the heart will always win over the head- but I've been lucky enough to be able to afford to keep the money locked up in it. So I'd say keep it unless you really need the cash from selling!
    1 point
  15. How about using something like an Arduino to read the fuel tank sender and output to the gauge with a 1 minute delay?
    1 point
  16. Hi All, I've been attending the Classic with MG's for a few years and thought I would say they are pretty relaxed regarding the times for cars arriving and leaving the infield. I don't know how it works for parade laps though. Arrival around 9am - 10am is always pretty hectic, but great fun with the queue forming a great slow moving classic car show. If you want to get supplies, your best bet is Buckingham. Come out of Siverstone and turn left and just follow the road to a tee junction and turn left into Buckingham. If you bear left at the mini roundabout and then go straight over the next one, the next right is into the car park behind Waitrose. Hope this helps. If you need any local info just let me know. Gary Gary
    1 point
  17. I'm really interested in this car, so many thanks for the write up. I want one even more now!!
    1 point
  18. Seriously thinking of coming down Thursday evening myself now there seems a bit on on the Friday.
    1 point
  19. You can save some money if you knock the plaster off to a metre high yourself. I had to do that about 26 years ago, messy old job but saved a few bob. Because I took care to do it in a straight and level line, I disguised the join between the old and new plaster with chair rails, which worked a treat, just need to make sure they're at the right height.
    1 point
  20. Looks a lovely example and there cannot be too many early se knocking around now in good nick? Always think the older cars sit nicer somehow...looks like a low line as well, which adds to the appeal IMHO....same as mine lol. Obviously less roomy for the larger person, but a great car none the less. Also 100 bhp at the wheels is not to be sniffed at and will surprise much more powerful cars. And then there's the cross flow noise at full chat which takes some beating..... Bump for a nice car at a very good price! GLWTS. Mart.
    1 point
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