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  1. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    Area Organiser

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  2. Andy Banks

    Andy Banks

    WSCC Life Member

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  3. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

    Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO


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  4. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/16 in all areas

  1. Guys.... I can see thank yous appearing on the forum... It was not an individual effort, and the club should be proud of some exceptional members.... please excuse me if I forget people but English Pandas do hibernate and I'm about to! Stephen Herbert - Start Line Jane Algar - Office signing on & Office Wendy Richings - Office signing on & Office John (Smegs Mate) Nigel Curry - Paddock Superstar (I had lot of people come to me and say thanks be passed on.) Dave Eastwood - Start Line Marcus Barlow - Start Line Tricky - Start Line Michelle - Paddock Barney - AKA Graham Chris King - Paddock Julie Hodder - Hope Cake Stall Gary Kuga Westie Richard Usher - Track Owner for letting us use a fantastic venue Dave Richings - "Hope Floats" bar raffle man Adam Read - Track Instructor (amazing, he drove my car and I know know its the driver not the car... well done) Graham Frankland - the gluten free meal... you're going to need a bigger pub + I never got the Gloria answer Louise Williams - Putting up with me and 4 days away from home! (if I forgot anyone I'm sorry I'm about to crash and burn) Approx. we had 50 drivers track day 116 drivers Saturday 98 Drivers Sunday as people said Blyton isn't just a track day. Its a social, its a time to put names to faces.. so thank you from me for sharing your time we me. and reserve july7th's weekend 2017
    6 points
  2. Huge thanks and well done to everyone involved - another great weekend and absolute highlight of my year. Such a good, friendly spirit everywhere, best paddock comraderie of any event and all down to the helpers and volunteers. Thanks again!
    5 points
  3. All the helpers were brilliant
    4 points
  4. A couple to add to your list who are also very much in need of hibernation. Much like Nigel, Marcus S and myself were out all day Saturday and Sunday morning in all types of weather in the paddock, getting the competitors lined up and ready to go, assisting with bump starts, noise testing, pushing hot cars, changing wheels so the guys could get their practices in, feeding in double drivers, stopping spectators (and some drivers) from being run over, erecting the Hope tent, etc, etc. and generally trying to keep a smile on our faces. We got soaked to the skin and sunburnt on the same day! But we loved it and will be back as usual to it all again next year And of course a certain Panda, as others have said. Yet another cracking weekend, well run with minimal issues, great Friday track day (thanks Adam) too.
    4 points
  5. Consistently the most enjoyable event of the year in my opinion. Huge thanks and congratulations to all of the organisers, especially to Mr Panda himself! All the hard work really pays off and shows in the final product, proud to be a member of the WSCC. Congratulations to all the class winners and those who had PBs but regardless of the lap times and weather I'm sure it was enjoyed by all!
    4 points
  6. John, Apart from your lamentable inability to control the weather, you and your team produced another excellent event. It was slickly run, but friendly as a club event should be. If you got a little stick for "failing" to give us a fourth timed run on Sunday, you may take it as a compliment -- it means we were all enjoying ourselves so much we were loath to stop. Giving 100+ people a thoroughly good time whilst enhancing club funds and (thanks to Julie) also raising £750 (IIRC) for Hope Against Cancer is something about which i think you should be justifiably proud. Many thanks Clan H
    4 points
  7. Superb Event Well done and thanks to all the organising team and helpers. It all ran like clockwork It was good to meet up with everyone again ( might even try a few more) Shame about FTD speech
    3 points
  8. Fantastic event again - well done to all those all those involved it is really appreciated. Apologies for spinning a couple of times in the wet but I did gather my senses and restart the car and continue without impacting the following competitor on both occasions - so I did my little bit to the smooth running of the event
    2 points
  9. I'm very pleased to report that we now a new full team behind Stoneleigh 2017. Please welcome and please offer your support to: Stu Faulkner - "finkangel" Dominic Banks - "dombanks" Marcus Barlow - "marcusb" Geoffrey Carter - "Buttercup" Trevor Little - "Trevturtle" I trust everyone will make them very welcome and most importantly, lend a hand by signing up to help out when the time comes for what is likely to be an even better Stoneleigh than 2016 Any thoughts an ideas that the new team may want to consider, please add to the 2016 feedback thread here. T H A N K S
    2 points
  10. Ssshhhh, don't say anything about the traction control...
    2 points
  11. Absolutely great weekend as always- great people, brilliant competition and a few chuckles along the way! Huge thanks to all those who made it happen
    2 points
  12. Session with Big Ron acting as ballast
    2 points
  13. And another to add to the list; David Birch, who spent the Saturday as the third startline marshal with Stephen and I; he had a busy and often soggy day, not just feeding the cars into Stephen and I on the line, but also briefing them of any hold ups, checking that their belts, helmets and Hans devices were all done up/fitted properly, and just like Andy and Marcus, giving more than the odd one a push!
    2 points
  14. My thanks as well for an excellent day on Friday. Good to meet both old and new faces and well organised (thanks panda) Finished the day with an eye opening track session with Adam. What a speed increase, some really useful tips, and appreciation of what the car is capable of. Thanks Adam
    2 points
  15. me, maurci and dave cleaver were talking about a pressure relief value so you could maintain the same pressure throught the sprint... so thinking we are going to make a million pound and heading to the patent office i checked the internet. but I think an American was listening in.... flew back, designed, made and put a website up in the time from driving back from Blyton. https://www.pegasusautoracing.com/productselection.asp?Product=3336 never mind...
    1 point
  16. Wow, the Ratty...! Brings back great dim and distant memories, we've camped many a time as Eskdale, not too far from the end of line station at the end of your video (with the turntable). Those carriages haven't changed one bit. Thanks for posting Geoff.
    1 point
  17. I was only looking for cigarettes
    1 point
  18. It's been said before, but I'll say it again; thank you to John and the entire team for sacrificing their precious time, come rain or shine, to do such a great job. It was a brilliant event in every way.
    1 point
  19. Mine has travelled to Lewis Hamiltons pit garage at Silverstone. And then onto pole position.
    1 point
  20. Fabulous weekend! Well done to John and his team! Looking forward to letting John Graham know how disappointed I am next time we loose a run because the British Sprint over run with their top 12 run off! ****!
    1 point
  21. Big fat welcome to the diff less bracket club oh and this thread needs pictures for us to help you. Enjoy the build and keep us updated on the progress, which seems to be off to a good start so far !
    1 point
  22. Here's a video showing what a huge difference Adam's tuition makes! First outing top-left without a clue (and it was damp honest) - then after first lesson top-right, with a run just after a second stint with Adam as the main bottom one.
    1 point
  23. Of all the slippery slopes out there, I can think of many worse that this one
    1 point
  24. CraigHew, not the only downside! Actually though, the only problem I've had that hasn't been down to very low usage was the fuel pump from tank to engine went very noisy. Otherwise I love it - even though it has a bl**dy fly-by-wire throttle that makes manoeuvring very difficult. Oh, and a notchy gearchange... Still love it though! Thanks for the input; I might just live with it and rely on meticulous records when I come to sell together with the old coding plug and a dated receipt. The main dealers will only program a brand new uncoded plug. Ebay specials they won't touch. Backstreet clockers will but at a cost of two to three hundred pounds I have found. I don't trust them not to introduce more problems than they solve.
    1 point
  25. Last one from me, penultimate session of the day.
    1 point
  26. Had a great time, what an awesome little circuit, I reckon my new favourite. Organisation was excellent, especially the paddock and start line marshalls who kept us all well informed and remained jovial despite the weather! Particular thanks to Rich Kerr for the loan of his spare fuel pump which kept us in the game for the weekend
    1 point
  27. Interested to see pics.
    1 point
  28. I don't mind spending a bit of time each day "manning" the gazebo - if there are a few cars present etc. BUT Scott had tried to make very clear from the start of the Silverstone endeavour; this is a thirtieth birthday "present" to each and every member that can make it, so the idea is that everyone gets to enjoy what's on, without feeling like they have to be part of the organisation, Stoneleigh style. I would treat it more a a rallying point, than a normal display. That said, if you can get your car in there for most of the weekend Stu, it's a great looking example to represent the brand.
    1 point
  29. Just to add my appreciation to everyone who helped make this a truly brilliant weekend. To all the helpers and organisers in the office and in the paddock, Thankyou, you are all a huge credit to what is a great club. Credit to Richard Usher and his dedicated team of staff who provide a fantastic venue and facilities to allow us to play. Hopefully see some of you soon, best get some events pencilled in, quite enjoyed these slick things! Rich (tired - very tired)
    1 point
  30. I'm attempting to get to Silverstone Thursday and set up a small gazebo on the infield, it's not industrial by any means so I'd appreciate if Members could keep an eye on it. It will have a small number of canned drinks left over from Stoneleigh and the 30th Tees (available from Saturday) and I'll plant a few of our 30th flags out too - same thing, if Members can be minded to keep an eye on these please. I'll be there Saturday all day (and Saturday only) so will be able to assist in dishing out 30th Tees - the drinks should be used sparingly as I think these need to be kept for the Members who might want to hang about Friday, Saturday and Sunday helping others and helping dish out the Tees in which case, please feel free to bring your own chairs, beers, etc. Of course, at your expense and risk, but please do make use of the area as gathering spot. I'm not convinced on the BBQ front, if I get the opportunity, I'll ask and get back to you but assume this may not be allowed due to H&S and existing concessions. As has been said, Silverstone has never been an event where we expect to have a full on managed and manned Club presence, it is meant to be for all the Members to come and enjoy themselves and to get involved in a infield display and subsequent parade lap, I think the marquee, making use of excess from Stoneleigh for the Membership and the "controlled" handing out of remaining anniversary Tess warrants a little something as above though.
    1 point
  31. i have a few videos of the drive there and half way home but there a little boring and the best part of the drive home i didnt restart the camera after filling up for fuel
    1 point
  32. Looks like the weather should clear up in time for the meeting tonight. If I leave work on time today and its dry I will be there in the Westfield.
    1 point
  33. Good to see so many of you braving the weather to support us.
    1 point
  34. 5 minutes after setting off this morning it decided to tip it down with rain, we pressed on, got to McD's and proceeded to put the roof on. As we were doing this 2 soggy bottomed Westfielder's turned up, Ben (Bunje) and Andy (Sycho) all the way from Shropshire, I am impressed, very impressed. It is a long way to come though for a free coffee! Gareth soon followed with his grandaughter, then Andy and Debbie, Russ and finally Martyn and Sue. We were in no rush to go anywhere until the rain stopped, which was a good job because Russ forgot which McD's he was supposed to be at (you can stop sniggering at any time) and Martyn had naughty windscreen wipers to contend with. It had stopped raining so, after a discussion, Russ told me which route I was leading and off we went in warm sunshine, roof now off. The roads were nicely quiet and we skipped along very nicely in our 7 car convoy. On arrival at Blyton it was nice to see that we now have a decent bit of new tarmac on the access road, we parked up and scattered off in different directions to indulge ourselves in all things petroly. Shaggydoo was sorely missed on the track with his sideway's finishes but it was nice to see him spectating, and on his 'unicycle' is that what a bike on one wheel is called? It was a great mix of people, photo's, cars and time comparisons and the sun stayed shining all afternoon. We made our way home with Martyn and Sue, stopping off at McD's again for a final brew before the last leg of our journey's. My apologies to Smeg but I did not have my zoom on and this is the best photo that I have of you, sorry
    1 point
  35. Massive congratulations to Panda for organising a such a brilliant weekend, I can't begin to imagine how much time and effort it's taken but however much it was, it was well worth it, thanks John. Also a huge "Thank You" to all the other volunteers who help everything run so smoothly. See you there again next year
    1 point
  36. sorry I edited the post by accident.... you were superstars and not being on track I don't always appreciate the hard work done by everyone else
    1 point
  37. Chris King and I Panda is hibernating
    1 point
  38. Here is some footage from my car This was before a lesson with Adam, who got me going quicker on certain areas of the track, but by then the GoPro battery was dead!
    1 point
  39. Thanks to Kevin for the area, the ps4 and the tea and coffee. Was a really good morning, shame we didn't have any lightweights to weigh the gerneral ball park appeared to be 700kg - I will publish the numbers later. Nearly forgot, too work on bbq by Mr T.
    1 point
  40. I have finished installing a new engine today, seems to be good and will test drive tomorrow. So I'm available either date.
    1 point
  41. Hi Rab, 31st would probably suit me. Hopefully have my car back by then. Matt
    1 point
  42. You have pm regarding the exhaust bracket
    1 point
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