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  1. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    Area Organiser

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  2. Oily Steve

    Oily Steve

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  3. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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    Kit Car Electronics

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/07/16 in all areas

  1. Guys.... I can see thank yous appearing on the forum... It was not an individual effort, and the club should be proud of some exceptional members.... please excuse me if I forget people but English Pandas do hibernate and I'm about to! Stephen Herbert - Start Line Jane Algar - Office signing on & Office Wendy Richings - Office signing on & Office John (Smegs Mate) Nigel Curry - Paddock Superstar (I had lot of people come to me and say thanks be passed on.) Dave Eastwood - Start Line Marcus Barlow - Start Line Tricky - Start Line Michelle - Paddock Barney - AKA Graham Chris King - Paddock Julie Hodder - Hope Cake Stall Gary Kuga Westie Richard Usher - Track Owner for letting us use a fantastic venue Dave Richings - "Hope Floats" bar raffle man Adam Read - Track Instructor (amazing, he drove my car and I know know its the driver not the car... well done) Graham Frankland - the gluten free meal... you're going to need a bigger pub + I never got the Gloria answer Louise Williams - Putting up with me and 4 days away from home! (if I forgot anyone I'm sorry I'm about to crash and burn) Approx. we had 50 drivers track day 116 drivers Saturday 98 Drivers Sunday as people said Blyton isn't just a track day. Its a social, its a time to put names to faces.. so thank you from me for sharing your time we me. and reserve july7th's weekend 2017
    2 points
  2. John, Apart from your lamentable inability to control the weather, you and your team produced another excellent event. It was slickly run, but friendly as a club event should be. If you got a little stick for "failing" to give us a fourth timed run on Sunday, you may take it as a compliment -- it means we were all enjoying ourselves so much we were loath to stop. Giving 100+ people a thoroughly good time whilst enhancing club funds and (thanks to Julie) also raising £750 (IIRC) for Hope Against Cancer is something about which i think you should be justifiably proud. Many thanks Clan H
    2 points
  3. Brilliant weekend despite some trying weather so thanks to all the team
    2 points
  4. Massive congratulations to Panda for organising a such a brilliant weekend, I can't begin to imagine how much time and effort it's taken but however much it was, it was well worth it, thanks John. Also a huge "Thank You" to all the other volunteers who help everything run so smoothly. See you there again next year
    2 points
  5. I also want to add my thanks to John for organising the track day. I had a great time, particularly in the afternoon when the weather was better. Thanks also to Adam for the track tuition. Steve
    2 points
  6. Got some snaps getting ready to post, thanks for organising hopefully some convoy footage as well when I get two minutes to sort...... Granddaughter is the only person I know that can sleep all the way home, but the sun was nice and warming .......
    1 point
  7. Yup one again thanks all for today, think I need some practice on the game !
    1 point
  8. sorry I edited the post by accident.... you were superstars and not being on track I don't always appreciate the hard work done by everyone else
    1 point
  9. well done Panda. I was only there Saturday but all seemed to run well David
    1 point
  10. Chris King and I Panda is hibernating
    1 point
  11. Not a bad turnout at all from the Northants WSCC We met up with Richard and Colin at 8.30am at the McDonalds at Raunds and after a few minutes James, Martin and Horace showed up. Quick coffee later we headed off to the show ground. Had a few spots of rain, but nothing that a quick swipe with the fingers couldnt get rid off the goggles. Richard had brought the WSCC banners and Colin a gazebo, so we managed to fill our space nicely. The sun came out, we had some rain, it dried up again and a good day was had by all
    1 point
  12. Sorry I didn't make it to Blyton... but Chateau Impney was fantastic. I really want a Tipo P3 now :-) Luke
    1 point
  13. Also meant to add, nice vid Gary!
    1 point
  14. She's thrown out all your flowery cups?
    1 point
  15. Great run out today. Thanks for the coffee Julie and Glen it was much needed. Finally dried out now
    1 point
  16. Things like this are really getting on my nerves.
    1 point
  17. Video games are useless, I kept crashing, never done that in a real car.
    1 point
  18. Seconded. They are pants at actually being headlights. Hopeless. Mine lasted 2 weeks before the 5 in ones went back on
    1 point
  19. His eBay name is Maisey999, eBay number#112024268641. I have just ordered a set from him. £50 plus £9.99 p&p, takes a couple of weeks as he makes them to order. Ian.
    1 point
  20. If you use the car in the dark at all I would stick with 5 3/4 inch lights,4 inch/dominators are awful in the dark,even with premium H4 bulbs
    1 point
  21. Can only echo what everyone else has said. Great day Friday. Being a complete novice on tracks there was plenty who were helpful and gave some advice, and put my mind at rest about doing one. Nice to put some more faces to names as well.
    1 point
  22. Absolutely fantastic couple of days. Thursday night was nice and quiet on site, but very sociable. The overnight rain was not great! Fridays trackday was brilliant Friday night GF meal was very good Today the weather was awful this morning, but I did a couple of hours marshalling in the paddock which was enjoyable. I left at lunchtime after the rain stopped. It was really nice to meet some club members from other areas and spend some time with them all. Everyone was great company. A top top top couple of days Thanks to Panda for organising it
    1 point
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