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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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    Captain Colonial

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/16 in all areas

  1. Just watching the one with the roller. I really like matt le Black ( ) so much better than Chris It will be a better program without him
    2 points
  2. At least we will no longer have to listen with ear plugs in!!!
    2 points
  3. Chris Evans has left TG - good news IMO, not a good fit in that format, too perky and noisy for my liking.
    2 points
  4. What a great day we all had. I spent a long time plotting and researching a number of roads and we were not disappointed. Two of us met on time and one didn't...I think Rob has issues getting out of bed in a morning. We set of for our first stop and this was Kirkham Abbey. The abbey is in a beautiful setting next to the river and the ruins are bigger than you think. Really clean toilets, nice coffee machine with reasonable prices and the friendliest shop assistant I have ever met. We drove over the pack horse bridge that spans the river and headed towards Ampleforth Abbey via Castle Howard. The roads were smashing, miles upon miles of single track with very few cars and really pretty villages. The next stop was Byland Abbey. This place is massive. We stopped again in a really clean and welcoming coffee shop. Really clean toilets and a garden to sit in outside. The cafe was also all very rustic. Next was Riveaulx Abbey. We went via Hemsley and passed Helmsley Castle. Riveaux is a beautiful Abbey in a stunning location. Again there is a cafe here and toilets. From here it was over more single track roads and the roads were amazing for our cars. We went through woodland and up and over the moors. Whilst on top of the moors we met a group of triumph cars. Everyone of them said hello....[not like some]. Dropping down into Rosedale Abbey we stopped for dinner and we were given a table that was reserved for another group...they did not look happy. Some of their party was late and the landlord said they needed to carry on serving customers. Sunday dinners and chicken and ham pie was the order of the day here. Whitby was next on the agenda via Grosmont. Grosmont is where the steam trains run on the NYMR and was used in the Harry Potter films. Really twisty, single track roads and this chap in a Mondeo would not let us pass, so were were stuck. Whitby was heaving, so we didn't bother on a cruise through town or visiting the Abbey. We headed for Scarborough and the castle. Stopped on the sea front and a group of people asked Rob if they could have their picture with his car. Rob said yes and then they all started climbing in....We thought they meant "stood with the car" I told two chaps to get of Buttercup and one asked if he could drive and you can guess what I said...They all just looked so heavy handed and we were all worried about damage. That was then the end of our marvellous day and what a great day we had. Big thanks to Rob, Dave, Emma and Carol for all joining in.
    2 points
  5. Here is a video of our day. I have tried to show what the roads and areas are like that we travelled through. I will post some pictures and a write up sometime tomorrow. I hope you like the film.
    2 points
  6. Usual time and place, The Whipping Stocks, this Thursday evening, approx 7.30 pm. Wonder whether we'll have another Ferrari meet on at the same time? If the weathers good, does anyone fancy another run out? (Including making some noise in the airport tunnels?)
    1 point
  7. John I am losing it mate. I have already entered but forgot to update my records so its just the final Blyton one I am after
    1 point
  8. Sorry, off to Scotland hopefully be there in August though. Bob
    1 point
  9. I'll be there. Formula Ford Festival and a entry of 15 in the Pre 94 FF class. Will be awesome! See you there.
    1 point
  10. I ended up going to this at the last minute, I'm guessing you guys left before I got there. Unreal turn out and some great cars there. I'd have come through in the westy as I only live 5 mins away but it was pretty late in the day when my mate called to ask if I wanted to go. The nut and bolt stall was amazing, spent rather a long time on that one!
    1 point
  11. Great run Mart, especially as it was your first time at shelsley
    1 point
  12. I agree about age related cambelt changes if the car were old at the time but the dashpod stranding was a mystery. He was commuting from SW17 to Frimley Park (Surrey) and the car would not start one evening when the dashpod had died the same morning. All he got was a few clicks and a generally dead car. I drove him to the car very early the following day to supervise its collection and amazingly it started again with a functioning dashpod - for a while. No it wasn't the battery either. After the dashpod was replaced the fault(s) never recurred. Don't know what caused the cambelt to strip but there was a misunderstanding in official VAG service schedules - the classic km versus miles error - but even allowing for that it was inside the recommended mileage for the OEM belt. All in all it was a disappointing car with a lot of enjoyment to give when it ran properly. There was a moment when a hose split on the turbo but that made the car faster and thirstier until it was replaced. We did work out why that was but I cannot recall the details now. A pair of ARB bushes failed too I recall. It was being serviced by an Audi Indie so it ought to have had all the necessary attention. For myself, I now avoid all cars with cam belts in favour of chain driven cams - Pinto powered Westfield notwithstanding!
    1 point
  13. You know, I thought the powers that be had boxed him into a corner, TG wise, and assumed they largely banned him from changing the format. But as more snippets emerge, it does almost look like a large part of the direction the series took may have been down to him after all. I agree whole heartedly with what you say Kevin, regarding his abilities, I think I've even called him the format King when defending him in the run up to the new series. I genuinely hoped the whole team production/talent would come up with something properly new, hopefully, they will try harder for season 2. Now please tell me Eddie Jordan is next to go!
    1 point
  14. I'm not a huge Chris Evans fan, but do think he has the capacity to be innovative and edgy. I thought the BBC would take advantage of those skills and that we would see a brand new format for TG. To simply get him in as a straight replacement for Clarkson (another person I'm not a huge fan of (understatement!)) was, in my opinion, a missed opportunity. I think the show will be better without him, but still feel short changed overall.
    1 point
  15. Looking forward to the next series more now...!
    1 point
  16. I'm aiming to be there and tunnel testing is a must
    1 point
  17. Quick change the locks
    1 point
  18. Just a quick bump to the top so people know it this coming weekend.
    1 point
  19. Let me know if you need help with the small print, it's difficult at your age
    1 point
  20. I know it's a little late but I was thinking of popping over & spending the day with you on Friday for the track day if my good lady can get a day off work! Am I to late or is there still some places left ? John the panda
    1 point
  21. Just a very quick update. I got word from Westfield that my ITB's and shocks have both shipped and the tracking shows that I should have them both this coming Thursday July 7th. I thank Westfield for making it happen and look forward to getting everything up and running. dave
    1 point
    1 point
  23. Luckily not a problem for me as my MIL is dead. Had her buried faced down in case she tried to dig her way out.
    1 point
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