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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/06/16 in all areas

  1. me to Rab we need to support the Pensioner. in more ways than one it will start off with mild abuse and then full McWesty onslaught on the noddy car
    3 points
  2. And here is a video of our day out..... https://youtu.be/FrI_kIPmNSw
    2 points
  3. Holes are very useful. If you buy some and tie them together with string, you can make a great in-car storage net.
    2 points
  4. Scott, This is a car forum so I have edited your post :-)
    2 points
  5. Have a read of article 50. I wholeheartedly agree with Dave and (if you hadn't guessed) I am a brexiteer. The issue of reform is important. If the EU reforms and we decide we like it, we can withdraw our Article 50 application. Article 49 sets out the framework for a country that has left to be able to re-join. In other words we have not lost any of our choices here. Our exit vote IS the catalyst for reform and isn't that what we as Brits do best? We stand up and if necessary we WILL stand alone. It has served us well for a millennia or two already. Long may it continue to do so. Another key consideration here is that we, the majority of the UK population, have spoken. Usually that doesn't mean much. The good and decent politicians in office will recognise they are out of touch with the majority of the population and should seek to rectify that. In doing that at the same time as influencing the EU reforms (and we ARE influencing EU reforms whether they like it or not) we have already begun to shape things that I hope will prove advantageous for the UK and EU in the medium to long term. Suddenly we (the UK) have some real power here that hopefully cannot be as diluted as it was if we went for the status quo.
    2 points
  6. Sorry I didn't make it but I was at Goodwood. I think I would have turned it into a ploughing match going all the way down that field though. Luke.
    1 point
  7. I reckon you will get in Barney. Loads of people will pull before then due to car maladies etc
    1 point
  8. Not complaining - just observing. I haven't entered anyway
    1 point
  9. As above...... Can't wait to see the Pensioner in action
    1 point
  10. My favourite was the time I was in the local market and some old dear who needed curtain tape went to a stall: "I need some curtain tape please." "How much do you need?" "I'm not sure. It's for my bathroom window." "How big is the window?" "Oh, it's an average size." Market stall owner looks at me with exasperation while I grin at him. "All right darling, tell you what - I'll sell you two yards of tape, okay?" "Oh no, that's way too much. I'll just take six feet please."
    1 point
  11. Count me in Rab. This event is too good to miss, especially when it's right on my doorstep! The 'pensioner' has also entered his Austin 7 Special, so that will be good entertainment ;-).
    1 point
  12. Got myself a set of these recently, don't really have anything to compare to but I'd say they were worth the money: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOTORCYCLE-MOTORBIKE-KIT-CAR-DOMINATOR-SINGLE-3-5-HALOGEN-HEADLIGHT-LAMP-BLACK/271993945498?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D35391%26meid%3D8fb105e239a84dbf9c12722b147f65b4%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D2%26sd%3D221247191253
    1 point
  13. Dave has a very good point about looking at what appealed about bikes. For me it was all about corners. Top end never interested me - I've done the autobahns flat out on 1000cc bikes and was underwhelmed. I love the way my car does corners and boots out of them. So big power isn't a prerequisite and although I'd not be too happy with less than what I have I don't feel the need for much more right now. [EDIT] - I reserve the right to revise this statement after my first track day at Blyton in a couple of weeks though!
    1 point
  14. We met Gareth and Fraser there, who were already busy photographing the cars and the Yorkshire Terriers, Rickyboy and Robin Andy and Debbie soon joined us, we bumped into Jason in his Tiger too, so all in all it was a good turn out. Richard and Brooke Robin Too soon it was time to disperse Thank you to Andrew for leading and to everyone for coming the long journey, Lincoln is not really on anyone's doorstep and the roads are mind blowingly straight and flat, so the show of commitment was admirable. Next weekend is Robin's car show in Wakefield on the Friday (good excuse for an early finish) and very possibly a run around the Peak District on the day with the better weather, stay posted
    1 point
  15. Have a look at the link I posted yesterday. It suggests that the gun now being held to the head of the EU may be a valuable bargaining tool for a 'proper' revamp of terms. A second referendum, one that returns a decent majority either way, could then be held. We (the major members of the 'club') have allowed the EU to develop too far in a wrong direction and like the frog in the saucepan we have (almost) left it too late to jump out. Luckily we now have the opportunity to either steer it in a direction more to the taste of the populace(s) or to get out of the pan with minimal injuries. UK is far from the only member with a restless population. Democracy is not age dependent - at what age do you become disenfranchised? What price life experience vs naivety and ingenuousness? Is this Logan's Run time? Sorry Maurici but please credit we oldies with the intelligence and responsibility to bequeath a sound country to our descendents without selling their future for today's benefits.
    1 point
  16. Taking in account that 75% of population under 50 was in the remain side... and that the final result have been that tight... you are leaving to your next generation a non wanted situation. Personally I think have been the biggest mistake ever. I don't really mind. Unfortunately I'll leave as soon as the exit have a real date. There is not plan for us and is not financially affordable for me to work outside the EU... as I'll have to pay taxes twice... but I have the strong feeling, as a outsider that have been thee biggest mistake ever, and will be recorded in the history books as one of the saddest days on the modern history.
    1 point
  17. A member over on the Dark Side posted a link to a very interesting article. My view was that I neither want to leave nor to remain. It is too extreme a choice. Remaining in a very differently run EU - one that was properly democratic and accountable and preferably without a single currency (for now anyway) - would have been my choice. See what you think: https://waitingfortax.com/2016/06/24/when-i-say-no-i-mean-maybe/
    1 point
  18. Now the barcode idea I do like, would really suit my colour scheme
    1 point
  19. This is just a thought....i am a member of another kit car club a few people on there were finding uploading pics from photo bucket ECT a nightmare....also a lot of them only use there phoned...anyway the site has been changed so you can upload pics straight from your phone takes only a few seconds...works great....anyway just a thought..martin
    1 point
  20. Hi ABC, If the weather is OK and we are not away then we will be along to this one. Is it possible to meet at Lincoln in the morning and go and see the Poppies first in the grounds of Lincoln Castle? The Poppies are the ones that were on display at the Tower of London in memory of lost soldiers in the First world War. Cheers OCLO
    1 point
  21. I had no real opinion on "brexit", not that is until they started painting EU opposition as being racist.... As soon as they start calling you racist you know your hitting a nerve, because anyone that has a non-conformist opinion is labelled as racist just to shut them up and to tarnish their reputation so that nobody listens to them.
    1 point
  22. It is a very difficult situation but history has shown time and time again that when times are difficult people need someone to blame. Austria has come very close to electing a right wing leader, unthinkable a few years ago but with all the stories of immigrants giving rise to crime in mainland Europe, this is just the start of people rising up against those telling us they know best. When the monetary union went tits up we came out, we were finished according to the EU and yet we prospered. We were able to control our economy, where as Greece had no control dictated by Brussels and Merkle they are still a basket case. Had they control they could have devalued the currency and made exports and tourism attractive, instead they are still in deep hock with no end in sight. The UK imports more from the EU than we export. so if trade barriers were imposed, if we had a leader with balls we could do likewise. Look what the states have done with Chinese steel, whilst we have sat back and watched the industry die in the UK. I love Europe and the people, it is the unelected string pullers in Brussels I distrust and dislike. It is a corrupt money hungry monster which needs reform, if we stay in that will not happen and more unsuitable members will join and suck funds out of us. When Cameron says we will lose jobs, how many manufacturing jobs went to Poland and Hungry when they joined, bolstered by cheap loans, cheap labour and cheap land funded by us? Many of us will not live to see what it will become if it is allowed to carry on unchecked our children will live with it.
    1 point
  23. My view is simple, the common market was a great idea which we signed up for. The EU experiment is failing and we need to be able to have our own control of laws and borders. As we have the most generous social system in the world it is easy to see why people want to come here from all over the EU where the economies are in taters. The Government machine has been in overload and everything from the NHS to house prices is going to collapse if we vote out with little fact to back it up. My brother lives in France and to the French we are stuffed whatever way we vote. Vote out and we will be targeted to put us at a disadvantage, to send a message to others who might want to exit if an example is set by the UK. If we vote in, they will have a mandate to take what they want and make demands on us that we would be forced to accept. like the Scottish independence vote the quality of debate has been woeful and to many the only thing that they dislike is all the immigrants, but they miss that many are the very people we would want anyway if we had a choice. My fear is that there is a very serious problem brewing in the EU with the rise of the far right and history has shown where ordinary people feel ignored by the main stream parties they seek support in areas that are unsavoury.
    1 point
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