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  1. Morning Craig. Not cycle wings as I already have those from Mark. I have had some replacement mirror covers made, as on my others the lacquer was coming off very badly. My others were nice but these from Mark are nicer. I have also had a carbon surround made that covers the exhaust hole and a bit of damage where the cycle wings rubbed on the bodywork. Mark has altered my drawings slightly to improve the look and he has also thought about how the two parts to the cover will be put together and the finish of the two parts when joined together. The parts are also not flat as they go over the chamfer at the bottom of the bodywork. I am really impressed with the thought that Mark has taken to make sure it looks "nice".
    4 points
  2. So the last post of my build adventure takes us back to the beginning.
    4 points
  3. Had a really great weekend - thanks everyone! After a shakey start I felt like I got my confidence back and started to put in some reasonable (novice) times, coming 0.5secs off TT on Saturday. Unfortunately a lock up on my only timed run in the miserable conditions on Sunday put me off track so a DNF which is very frustrating, but all part of the learning experience! The best thing about it? By Saturday evening I'd forgotten all my work stresses and was feeling myself again - the best (and probably most expensive!!!) therapy there is - speed, beers and banter! Thanks to Dave Cleaver for putting up with my endless set up questions and helping me get the car balanced, it's never felt so good. And to Mrs Loudon for ever so kindly holding an umbrella over my head in the start line yesterday! Thanks also to everyone in the speed series for being generally all round top folks & making it so much fun!!
    3 points
  4. Just poped into Aldi & picked this up for £9.99 Not the largest but ideal to put in the footwell
    2 points
  5. Made it to Varese 330 miles - new bushes inbound from the UK on 24hr delivery.
    2 points
  6. Days 1 to 5... After 4 x 12+ hrs on the road finally time to get a post done. All 4 seasons experienced so far and a few photos.... more to follow and hopefully something in Westfield World Not looking too good Tour Badge Loading up on the ferry First sighting of Millau Viaduct Grand Canyon (French) St Tropez - wrapped up for Breakfast - 140Euro for coffee and omelette x 6
    1 point
  7. That stainless is going to need a lot of elbow grease ! Lot of car for the money and a good starter seven.
    1 point
  8. So good ole' Alan got you going again Apparently all jobs get a text now saying who's coming with the engineers phone number. I hate it, there are some buffoon customers who ring us days after, saying they can't get their emails
    1 point
  9. luckily were on a boat and midway across the channel as I type this. Customs delays were only around half hour once we got through the riots and into the port and other than a 10 minute wait we drove straight onto the boat. We were about 15 mins leaving port as the boat was held so as to fill it.Others weren't quite so lucky as us though, several cars on our ferry were reportedly damaged by rocks being thrown and there's others still queuing to get past the gendarmes and into the port.
    1 point
  10. Have a good one....more PB's expected
    1 point
  11. a drop of blue loctight might be a good idea if the screws are working lose
    1 point
  12. we could possibly get clan McWesty to join in for a wee meet .
    1 point
  13. Lets hope you can get another in the future. Anytime you are over this way, give me a ring and we can go for lemon tops.
    1 point
  14. Bit dryer Saturday for the International https://youtu.be/PoBKYYs1VQM
    1 point
  15. You did a great job Barnevald after a shaky Saturday P1! A great weekend as always with brilliant people. Happy with my weekend, nice to feel like things are now coming together after a frustrating 18 months or so, no-one said developing a car and engine package and twatting it big time last year was going to be easy, but things are starting to work...where's that wood! Few little gremlins to work on before the next outing, see you guys at Blyton. Here's yesterdays T1, twas wetter than an otters pocket! https://youtu.be/yOFuIR7QgY4
    1 point
  16. The links are broken as they're carried over from the old Boardroom software Article 1 is here: http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/83455-anti-roll-bars/ Article 2 is here: http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/83563-tyres-gripping-stuff/ For those that weren't aware, Nikpro is the old Boardroom name for Fraser, in the pre BLiNK Motorsport days.
    1 point
  17. Great idea for a thread Craig. Can you add the following please. I have used Oliver on a number of occasions and never had a problem. Great service and phone manner and I have also used their breakdown service and it was very fast and hassle free. Oliver Redpath Allstyles Insurance TR Youngs Insurance Brokers The Insurance Centre, Clacton Road, Elmstead Market, Colchester, Essex, CO7 7AA Telephone 01206 821330 Fax Message 01206 821331 Web Site:- http://www.allstyles.co.uk
    1 point
  18. Hi All, Just an announcement to all those who have bodywork on order currently or are looking to order in the next few weeks, we have been informed by our supplier that they shall be closed from the 22 July to the 8th August, resulting in bodywork not being delivered to us before the 22nd July unfortunately being pushed back a further 2 weeks. We apologise for any inconveniences this may cause, if you have any queries please contact us for further information. Many Thanks Parts Dept.
    1 point
  19. Thanks Dave I'll get the hang of it soon! The Father's Day beverage intake didn't help matters!
    1 point
  20. ...And as if by magic, Marcus is back again! (You have a certain window in which certain types of deleted stuff can be restored using built in board options. After that, or if it's not in the restorable category, I'm afraid it would be resorting to backups etc). I thought it looked like the original Boghouse, though I don't think it had the cage last time I saw it.
    1 point
  21. Oh bottoms! Being the master of the forum has a downside! I was supposed to hit "quote" and accidentally deleted Marcus post! Sorry ☺️
    1 point
  22. Would be a good idea like in Andys pic to mark the long bolt so you know which one needs to stay attached to the clamping ring to stop it dropping in the tank if it ever needs to be removed again
    1 point
  23. Wattune Meets the A-Team Murdoch, Hannibal, Peck and Mr T survey the problem Wishbone sans bush........ What can we use? How many tools? Modifying a Ford wheel brace....... Shim manufacture Shim installation Installing the nylon (ty-wrap) bearing Wattune (Europe) - the A Team..............
    1 point
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