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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  2. corsechris


    WSCC Member

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  3. snowy892


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  4. Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative

    Julie Hall - WSCC AO Representative


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/05/16 in all areas

  1. Have a great trip, well impressed you're doing your own running-repairs, blimey, who'd have thought it....
    2 points
  2. Foggy start on both Sat and Sunday but once it lifted both were gloriously dry sunny days. The WSCC team did well in the bar and on the hill. Significant amounts of wine were consumed and the team took 4 class wins.
    2 points
  3. What a ice car for you. I can see why you cannot stop smiling. Great to see you got the best colour.
    2 points
  4. Well thats the first 379 miles done. The day started in fog and it was that really wet stuff like rain. Anyway when we got to Middlesborough it cleared and we have had glorious sunshine all day. We were spotted on the A1 by A15CRO and it was well smart to be spotted when we were so far from home. This truck pulled up along side and the horn was tooting and the chap was waving. Not sure who was most excited. Today we met up with Paul and Claire at Darlington and also Tom and Seonad here at Glencoe. Everyone is getting on and they are all a friendly bunch and myself and Carol have enjoyed their company today. The room I booked and paid for in full months ago was double booked. They put us in another room and then tried to turf us out of that one but I said no. WE WERE NOT MOVING. Anyway it was amicably sorted and I was telling the rest of the group over food and then Tom looked a bit sheepish. Turned out he had our room I had originally booked. . On the way, Buttercup dumped some brown liquid over my left leg, just above my ankle. It did not smell of oil and I looked under the bonnet and everything looked clean. I will get it checked out on my return. I also had to carry out a repair. My lights stopped working and this happened last year exactly the same. I had a new light switch installed in Buttercup and this one has now stopped working. It was fine when we called in Maccy D's for a coffee but not when we came out. I had decided this year to carry some tools and bits and bobs and I replaced the light switch with with my two speed heater switch and my lights are now working again. We have all had food and to be honest, it was not very good at all. New owners are in the hotel and it is clear that they are having problems. we are going to find somewhere else to eat tomorrow. I took my drone out tonight to do some filming and "crashed" it on landing..... It did not turn off and flipped over. Its scratched and battered a bit but just needs new blades. As I type, I have my window open and watching the sunset over the loch and its so peaceful. Still birds singing and its a lovely place to be. Bit of a disappointing phone call though as Bollocky Bill cannot join us. I therefore have a spare bed for two night if anyone wants it in Durness. Here is a link to the post. http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/117931-free-hotel-room-for-1-on-my-scotland-trip-4th-5th-june-in-durness/ Also had some good news though. Ziplob and Lorna are joining us a day earlier so that rounded the day off nicely.
    1 point
  5. These kind of holidays are more an adventure. Modern cars just work too easy. Being able to complete a tour in a seven is an achievement tbh.. The mishaps will be talked about for years to come.
    1 point
  6. Ooooh excitement is building, and I am not even going!
    1 point
  7. will be in Applecross on Thursday will let them know the clan will be there soon enough . board up your windows and lock up your daughters ??
    1 point
  8. belated greets big guy
    1 point
  9. suns out in livingston , looking good for the rest of the week . looking forward to my shandy in the Applecross inn .
    1 point
  10. It's this key point really - we will have quite a chunk of cash to spend however we see fit, and I for one will always support a party with the brain to back science, technology and industry. We simply can't run the country on corner shops and beauty parlours, despite what the late M Thatcher may have claimed.
    1 point
  11. It was on here for £12000 which in my opinion is about right, even if the dealer paid the list price he's making not far short of £8000 on it at that price. I actually viewed it in Apr 2015 when the previous owner first wanted to sell it (later on he removed it from sale, ran it last year on track and then re-advertised it a couple of months back. My impression was of a car that wasn't especially well built and really needed money spending on the suspension and braking setup and a good tidy of the electrics (and as someone on here noted, as new speedo, it's stuck at 30mph!). However (and please bear in mind my Rover V8 knowledge is not extensive) the drivetrain itself was pretty spectacular and had had a lot of money spent on engine, gearbox and diff. It went very well and sounded fabulous. For me it's a car for someone mechanically competent to buy for circa £11000 and then spend another few thousand and a lot of time on. At that point it could be a pretty special car.
    1 point
  12. John Some names suggest double drives Steve Broughton, Roz Kennett and Chris Hussey for example
    1 point
  13. ^^ Agree, Dom I'd say there was not enough Schmitz either!
    1 point
  14. Hi Everyone, My last post stated how I started my adventure looking for a 'Westfield' After many late nights looking at forums, talking to Westfield owners (big thanks to Martin AKA Rory dad and Jeff AKA jjem53) and finally visiting Stoneleigh where my mind was blown to see how many Westfield's were there, all individual!! everyone was polite and more than happy to talk about their cars. I have finally took the plunge and BROUGHT my first Westfield. Thank you to Andrew from Toybox cars who was also at Stoneleigh. I have had the car for a week and cannot stop smiling........... http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153511_zpsrip6a9on.jpg.html http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153528_zpsv8walmue.jpg.html http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153411_zpsuljroqpe.jpg.html
    1 point
  15. Rubbish tfi friday meets top gear, just a load of rubbish , hope it gets better but it wont . Evens is dreadful and its an insult to a once fantastic motering show . R.I.P top gear
    1 point
  16. Good spec for a first time Westfield owner. Your chats with members obviously help you find the rightcar. Happy motoring pal.
    1 point
  17. Yanto, want to sell yours??? . What I might do then is go back and offer a much lower figure the guy can take it or leave it, otherwise I guess he will have it for a long time
    1 point
  18. This is the beautiful car I saw at the Northants meeting the other day. Shame you're selling but I can see your dilemma. If it had been a few months time I'd have liked it for myself. Good luck with the sale.
    1 point
  19. I keep laughing to myself. Two fellas are going to go into a hotel to share a bedroom and when they see the hotelier to book in, we say. Hello, I am Bollockybill and this is Buttercup. Wonder what the reaction will be.
    1 point
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