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  2. Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 29/05/16 in all areas

  1. Its finally on.. 8:00 on BBC2 Looking forward to it
    2 points
  2. Hi Everyone, My last post stated how I started my adventure looking for a 'Westfield' After many late nights looking at forums, talking to Westfield owners (big thanks to Martin AKA Rory dad and Jeff AKA jjem53) and finally visiting Stoneleigh where my mind was blown to see how many Westfield's were there, all individual!! everyone was polite and more than happy to talk about their cars. I have finally took the plunge and BROUGHT my first Westfield. Thank you to Andrew from Toybox cars who was also at Stoneleigh. I have had the car for a week and cannot stop smiling........... http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153511_zpsrip6a9on.jpg.html http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153528_zpsv8walmue.jpg.html http://s1208.photobucket.com/user/snowy892snowy892/media/20160528_153411_zpsuljroqpe.jpg.html
    1 point
  3. They had a chance to reinvent the show. And instead decided to copy it in its entirety with presenters with zero chemistry and not very good at reading their script. Awful. Properly disappointed.
    1 point
  4. The fact that the only noise coming out of the EU seems to be in favour of us staying in tips my hand - get out quick 'cos you know they ain't saying that for our benefit.... Alternatively.... If something clearly isn't working, try doing something else. ...and finally in a really shocking turn of events, I happened to catch an interview on the news the other day where a 'leave camp' politician was being grilled and he steadfastly refused to be drawn into making wild claims - he told the honest truth that nobody knows what will happen either way. (ETA, what I found surprising was anyone, regardless of which camp they were in, was willing to speak a simple truth - nobody knows what will happen) Posted my vote.
    1 point
  5. Albeit brief we, Fraser and I did enjoy the meet at the castle, as for photographer, I don't mind doing the odd snap!
    1 point
  6. You deserve to win Britains got Talent for this day out Julie. A big YES from me.
    1 point
  7. Replies first and stories second. Luke - what's happening Sunday? we are out in the car but there is a 10 mile hike and a big hill in the day, so I can't recommend anyone follow us to the Peak District for that kind of torture. Rickyboy - good choice, the next best thing to being in a Westfield in Bakewell must be to be with the wife, kids and the caravan in Bakewell. You have it all lad. IanK - gutted for you, hope it is a quick fix, keep us posted. Story time - I must just check my wings because I must have died and now be in heaven writing this, all these people in their lovely cars and the weather, oh the weather. We met at Ashbourne where car after car turned up, I was squeaking inside with excitement. With 12 cars in convoy I employed the locals, Alan (Thundernuts) and Ben (Yakatak) to lead from the middle as we were bound to get split up. They did a brilliant job and I thank them very much for helping me. So off we went, posing through Ashbourne, then Matlock Bath before turning up the 'Elton' road. There is never anyone on this road, and the bends are just, well, bendy and nicely hilly, what a joy. Then it was round to join up with the Via Gellia road, which is always good, before turning into the Castle. I had booked a table for 12, thinking 'Julie, you are being a bit optimistic here girl'. There was actually 21 of us, so they had to reset the table and the manageress pulled me to one side and said that they could not cater off the main menu for so many. She suggested that they serve us buffet style sandwiches with chips, followed by lemon tart for £5 a head. I didn't have to think long about how to answer that one! The goat in Jurassic Park comes to mind again, Scott The food was lovely, the service was great and they accommodated our strange parking requirement's, well done Willersley Castle Hotel. Car park? what's one of those then? We met pre-lit Steve and Lauren at the castle, as well as newcomer, Peter in his Morgan and another newcomer Gareth, who I have now instated as the Peak District photographer, wow, you know what to do with that camera. Peter's wife, Cherrill has the Westfield but unfortunately was working today and couldn't join us. Save your best photo's for the calendar because they will not be used if they have been posted on here. The castle has a lovely garden area, overlooking the river and across to the limestone crags, can you spot the rock climber? The hotel has a swimming pool and sauna too, if I didn't live so close I would definitely stay there. After lunch people scattered in different directions, we decided to follow the group heading south and called in at Darley Moor Airfield Cafe to watch the planes on the runway. Darley Moor Airfield Not without a drama, a bi-plane crashed into a motorised wingy thing What a splendid day out, I hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as we have and I thank you all for coming. Next weekend? well you have to drag yourself away from reading the forum first, we have got Chris Kingster in the Alps and Geoffrey in Scotland, all good reading. It is Middleton Motors Monthly at Middleton Hall in North Warwickshire. Although it is a motorway job to get there, the route home will include the Peak District.
    1 point
  8. Just thought I'd share my latest bit of DIY - Up-cycled, Home made car intercom I was looking around for an intercom for my car, but was put off a bit by the price, about £250 for a basic kit, going up to £1000 or more for a pro kit But I had a old Autocom kit for my bike so I wondered if I could do something with that. I could of got a pair of proper Autocom ear defenders, but again I was looking at about £230-250 the pair. Anyway, a trip to the local B&Q and I got a pair of ear defenders for £15. A couple of hours work, drilling, threading wires and I have a working pair of ear defender/intercom - they even match the colour of the car! Might be useful to anyone else who might have an old bike intercom doing nothing and wants a cheap intercom for their car
    1 point
  9. It's a xflow, I will have plenty of oil with me!
    1 point
  10. I think I'm staying well out of this argument, apart from the fact that my mind is already made up on which way I'll vote, and I can't wait for this all to be over.
    1 point
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