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  1. Kingster



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  2. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

    WSCC Life Member

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  3. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  4. Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator

    Marcus Barlow - Show and Events Co-ordinator


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/05/16 in all areas

  1. Managed to get my nice new Carbon-NV Half Doors fitted today - just in time for the Alps trip on Friday. Thought I'd post up some pics and share my fitting technique. So, my priority here was to avoid making any more holes in the tub or scuttle. This meant that I had to have a cunning plan that involved using the existing screw fixing that holds on my aeroscreen. I figured that if I did this, then I could do a Lamborghini Stylee flip up door hinge - and then just had to figure out a way to hold the doors on without drilling the tub. I also wanted it to be as easy as possible to flip forward and thus make entry/exit easier. So, here's what I came up with: After affixing the front of the door to the pre drilled aeroscreen fixing point - attach a small bungee with some P Clips... This is held in place with a small domed head allen bolt in the alloy panel using a rubber 'rivnut' The door then gets held in place - with only a couple of rivets visible (I'll paint them black and you'll hardly notice) and more importantly no extra holes in the bodywork - result and can swing up out of the way in a few seconds I also have another small bungee held in place by the JK rear seat fixings - this can loop over the pointy bit of the door at the rear (forgot to take a pic though!) I'll probably replace the bungees with some shock chord so there's no sharp edges to catch on clothing, but it works well for now!
    5 points
  2. Roger, I'll be friendly but as brief as possible here - the short answer is no, and the long answer is nooooooooooooooo... I'm sorry and sad you don't like the magazines and the calendars. Many people in the club work very hard to produce these, and reading you just throw them straight in the bin is depressing. However, if you don't like what's in it, the best way to make it better is for you to submit material you find valuable for the rest of us who read the magazine to enjoy. Everything in the magazine and calendar is submitted by the members. To be blunt, and leaving aside the mags and the calendars, £27.50 per year to have these deep forums (which are not cheap to run and maintain, BTW - I've just authorised nearly £1,000 for a shiny, powerful new server to come online in the next few months to ensure the forums are stable, available 99.99% of the time and has room to expand), events like Stoneleigh, the Silverstone Classic, insured local area meets, the Speed Series, special offers from sponsors, discounted insurance, 30 years of advice, tips and experience as Mark says (plus 30 years of magazines with advice, tips and experience), the friendship and support of many kind and wonderful people, all run by unpaid volunteers, and dozens of other things that more than pay back that sum every year, is preposterously, stupidly, insanely good value IMHO. Being a member has paid for itself a dozen time over - at least it has for me. We very nearly went broke 6 years ago when we had a forum that was free to post. Memberships halved, we were losing money hand over fist, the forums were full of trolls and halfwits, the forums were a very unfriendly place, and people were deeply unhappy. The WSCC came THAT close to dying. We're not going back to that, nor are we having an expensive to set up and maintain two-tier membership system - ever. The club provides equal benefits to all, or there's no point having a club whatsoever. Final bit: Click Sorry if that comes across as negative, but them's the facts. The proof is that we have twice as many members now as we did in 2011. I appreciate the idea and I'm not directing anything at you personally at all but the idea crops up every few years and it needs to be explained why it's not going to happen - hope you understand.
    5 points
  3. Notwithstanding technical advice, friendship, banter, club meets etc, any WSCC member who went to Stoneleigh this year came away with T shirts, free teas, coffee and snacks (available elsewhere on site for £2.50 a pop), burger and hot dog for lunch (available at £5.50 a pop each elsewhere on site) plus beer, delicious lamb roast and free camping in the evening. I hardly had to spend a bean and at similar events I'd have paid way more than the annual membership fee on the above. And I get mag, calendar and monthly meets. If you actually get involved in the Club, the benefits outweigh the cost. If it is just the technical advice you want, pay for it at your local garage or pour beer into another Westfield owner until he talks. Both could prove more costly. Mr Chairman is spot on and I support his line to the hilt.
    4 points
  4. Hey it's great no longer being on the committee or a moderator, means I can say exactly what I think, so please bear that in mind. THIS IS A GREAT CLUB THAT HAS GOT IT SPOT ON I was around when the Forum was free and all the **** stirrers that paid nothing and were never seen in person came on here and p******** off the real members that went to club events and meets and the Speed Series etc. Since we went paid membership all that crap has gone and this forum has improved beyond measure. There is hardly any moderation any more which proves it's right IMHO We should all ask ourselves, not what can I get out of this club, but what can I put into it. That's where the true fun and friendship's are and I have made many great friends over the years and had a whole lot of fun. Long may it continue.
    4 points
  5. More pics to go with answers about fitment: Bungee bolted to JK and looped over the tail Here is where it actually 'clips' in on driver's side - uses the lip I made in order to allow the JKs to fit and has some rubber trim & heatshrink to protect things - I'm still not 100% on this as if I move seat whilst driving in anger, it might flex and snap the rear pointy bit, so will probably do the same bungee method. But it does clip in very neatly and securely! camera angle makes the JK 'trimming' look more severe than it is here, but illustrates the way it clips in And a shot showing front fixture and how neatly it clips in at the back (for now!)
    4 points
  6. £27.50 to be a member of a club per annum is very reasonable. The fact that you don't necessarily want to use parts of the package shouldn't mean that ask for a discount. Its like getting an assorted tin of biccies and not liking the ginger nuts. You wouldn't go back to Tesco and ask for some money off. You just enjoy the rest of the package
    3 points
  7. ''I only get my bins emptied once a week so why does my council tax include fire and rescue?'' ....because it is there for when you need it ''but I never use it?'' ...... you might need it one day
    3 points
  8. I’m not a great “club” person but I value my WSCC membership and think £27.50 is jolly good value. I have saved that amount many times over what with the various discounts I get and the invaluable advice I have received on a wide variety of subjects. Many of my friends refer to my car as a “toy” car in that it has no really practical application and am grateful that I am in a position to afford it and have fun in it. The price of membership, in the overall scheme of things, is a small price to pay to enhance my enjoyment of the car. Long may it continue!
    2 points
  9. I have to say that I think the club has it about right now - I joined when I first got my Westy but left a few years later due to some of the reasons outlined by our Chairman. I think in the time I initially joined I posted about 3 times and 2 of them ended up being knocked to bits so I left. But it's so different now and I feel happy to join in discussions and post new things as I hope they may be helpful to someone, somewhere. sometime - I have certainly learnt many things about Westfield (and C20XE) ownership via the club. I must admit to being something of a "quiet" person so don't tend to join in on the social side but then that's the nice thing - you can dip in and out of things or just pay your subscription and little else (though that "Tall Dutch Bloke" has twisted my arm to go along to the next meet and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at Silverstone ). I've even told myself that I'll write an article or two for the mag - even if it turns out to be either self indulgent or technical (or possibly both ). I find the club magazine (and calendar) useful and informative, sometimes for the "expeditions" people have been on, but also as a reminder that this club is, very much a "club" - of like minded people and it's good to read and see what people have been doing either just pootling about or in competitions. So is the annual fee worth it? Well, I'm "retired" and we're currently living off my savings (and looking forward to next year when the government can start paying me a pension) - so every penny matters at the moment, but yes, the cost of membership is nothing compared to the facts of life - for heavens sake it's just cost me £50 to take my cat to the vet for some eye drops !! I really do hope that the Westfield car, and the WSCC make it for another 30 years.
    2 points
  10. I've been biting my tongue about posting on this topic, but now I feel i need my say to get my thoughts written down. When i found the club I did so because I was looking for a car, i thought the first membership fee was excessive, I joined with reservations thinking it was a lot of money for a "free" mag and the forum. 1st renewal and after going to Stoneleigh with all the extras the previous year I had no problem renewing (well apart from actually paying) and thought it wasn't too bad a price to pay. This year, with a new car, all the questions and responces I've had (and still am getting) regarding it, plus Stoneleigh this year, well actually I consider it a privilege to contribute to such a club with such great members. I didn't know about the club or forum back in the free days, but i suspect it is similar to the viper pit "Piston Heads" where the IQ and age are often the same. I put it into perspective that when the yearly fee actually equates to 90 miles worth of fuel, well in the grande scheme of things it is peanuts and value for money.
    2 points
  11. Apparently the Zetec needs dcoe's with 5 progression holes (standard carbs have 3) - the progression holes supply fuel at the stage between the idle jets and the main jet taking over. The holes are actually in the main casting so unless you feel brave, adding another two could be errr....interesting. Some good general info about Webers here http://www.tr3a.info/WeberDCOEinfo.htm And the 5 hole type here http://www.webcon.co.uk/shopexd.asp?id=15161 If you can't live with it or get a compromise tune, I'd go for a manifold from DanST and either bike carbs (so no need to get an ecu) or bike throttle bodies from the GSXR for example but then of course you'll need a new ecu and fuel delivery system .... As for buying a Westy - I suspect many of us have bought one and discovered a number of "interesting" things that the previous owner has done (knowingly or otherwise ) Been there, fixed them all now (only taken 14 years ).
    2 points
  12. oh yes, well with 5x Westies, a Dax Rush and three motorbikes, I reckon there's be one or two pics!
    2 points
  13. I have never been a "people" person and always been a loner all my life.... that sounds sad I know. Since joining this club, I have never been involved with so many great people and if I knew how much this club was going to change my lifestyle and "me" then I would gladly pay a lot more. This club is worth every penny and I am not interested in any of the technical stuff at all to be honest. I still enjoy reading it though, just wish I understood it.
    2 points
  14. YDG Tour of Wales 2016
    2 points
  15. Booked! Will be up on Thursday night
    1 point
  16. Many thanks señor Buttercup.
    1 point
  17. David (1959grantura) show and track . We want the parade laps too Tom to get the wife out :0)
    1 point
  18. Sorry Dave :-( I'm out this weekend :-( . Got to work but it pays for my toy :-) R
    1 point
  19. He's got a 4.3ltr V8 better make that 50 miles.....lol Edit to add Oops just noticed you've got a V8 too, maybe your right.
    1 point
  20. Needless to say i wont be in my imaginary westfield!!! Haha..
    1 point
  21. Do you know the wheel offset?
    1 point
  22. I use this too. I velcro the remote around one of the spokes on my steering wheel. I just then press the button.
    1 point
  23. Fozzie1970


    Thanks TC I ll give this a miss, much appreciated for your time to respond. Neal
    1 point
  24. I feel some upgrades coming on.
    1 point
  25. fitted mine on kia sportage cost about £175 plus wiring kit which was dearer but cheaper than £600 dealer price . bar took 30 min max to fit did not even have to jack car up. wiring took half a day only because you need to remove a lot of trim but still easy with instructions
    1 point
  26. It's 53 pence a week. Price of a bag of crisps. I'm very happy to pay that little to be part of this wonderful club.
    1 point
  27. Nearly missed this- happy bornday mate!
    1 point
  28. Came south from Roscoff, dropping the Merlyn and trailer off at Mark Stanton's. Now touring the south Brittany coast from East to West in the motorhome. Started at La Forêt Fousesnant, then Audierne, Tréboul and now at Locronan. Probably a day in Quimper tomorrow and back to site in Locronan for the night as is just a brilliant campsite overlooking the village with the sea in the distance. Then heading to St Goueno, via Msr Stantons to pick up the car, and then the real fun starts. You know you need to do it Terry!
    1 point
  29. Think of it as £2.25 per month, or 7.3 pence per day..... Almost any club you want to join will have a subscription. It is not a forum, it is a club, and the forum is part of the club
    1 point
  30. That's fine, we've both put our points across and shall agree to disagree. Not going to get into a debate about it, it would be pointless and possibly counterproductive and argumentive which would be wrong. The club and its offerings aren't for everyone, and as Mark points out, much of the forums are publicly visible to non-members anyway, even if that does cost the members money to host and maintain - it's just that non-members can't post questions and receive specific valuable information and advice for free. It's up to each person to decide whether or not it's for them at the end of the day. I wish you all the best whether you remain a member or decide to move on.
    1 point
  31. Fuel situation is getting better and now have the motorhome full of diesel and two gerry cans full of race fuel. So relaxing in the sun on the SW Brittany coast. Enjoying the food, cider and wine and looking forward to St Goueno.
    1 point
  32. The difficulty is that there is a significantly greater percentage of members that don't use the forum and voted to retain the club magazine. In order to offer a "forum only" membership we would have to ensure that only those members who have paid for magazines have access to them and the online and back scanned issues. The question has been raised a number of times in the recent years and discussed to death, but the majority vote at the time was to retain the magazine as part of the membership. IMO a two tier membership will not work and will create an administrative nightmare for the unpaid volunteers that run this club in their own time.
    1 point
  33. As a non paying "guest" you are free to browse most of the clubs forums and glean information from the many posts contained their in . However would you consider £27.50 an unreasonable amount to pay so as to search and gain access to 30years of archive material and seek answers to your technical questions for which members offer their time and assistance for free?
    1 point
  34. https://youtu.be/sISqAoUlReQ
    1 point
  35. Oh, hilarious, just reading this and I said to Glen 'ooh that's good, hey, we could go to Congleton to meet Dave to go to the start of our run in Ashbourne?' Me thinks that is the result of too much motorway today and no Peak District roads.
    1 point
  36. A&S Towbars did a good job for me recently. Good comms and were spot on time. PF James were a bit cheaper but the fekkers couldn't be bothered to answer e-mails.
    1 point
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