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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

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    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/03/16 in all areas

  1. TEL's TALE's 058/2016 Rockingham March 2016 So here we go for the 2016 speed series which has a good number of entries despite the enforced MSA changes to roll over bars, cages, tyres etc. Class F seems to be well supported and this years sees a few more in single seaters or having sold their Westfields. Despite all the doom merchants suggesting it would be cold, wet and snowy it was actually dry, reasonably warm and we had sunshine. Nine speed series contenders were there. Only the track stayed a bit on the cold side but we are still in March so we were happy with hat we got. I had the usual start at 0445hrs meeting up with John Hoyle and Steve and Margaret Everall on route. Due to his blown engine Steve had to spectate which was a shame as he went well here last year. Spectators included Martin and Michell Harvey who turned up on the Harley Davidson, Derek Hodder and Matt Hillam. After a straight forward scrutineering for all we got stuck into the convoy runs. John Hoyle and I were out alost last wth me leading John as he had not walked the course. John was having trouble with the electronics on his new Sadev gearbox and his altered rear brake calipers. I has a brake snatch at the first corner so I opened up a gap from John down the main banking straight and just before the bend I braked hard to test the brakes. The car snaked around a bit and had a short lock up but were then fine ( no use since October last year and sat in the garage does not help). John slowed behind me but his brake bias was wrong so he moved alongside me as there was plenty of room. Unkown to us the Sierra cosworth turbo car behind John for some reason thought we had stopped on the circuit (we never got below 40 mph) and locked up, skidded , just missed both of us and slammed into the wall. I felt a bit sorry for the guy until I heard him say that he was in 4th gear and doing 130mph!!!!!. In reality this was a convoy lap where you do not overtake anyone, you can check everything is working ok and you normally go around 50 to 60mph. This guy was clearly in his own little world and nearly wiped out John Hoyle and myself. I think that was not a clever way to drive on a convoy lap. Practice saw a reasonable level of grip and newconers Simo Jones and Paul Beesley geeting to grips with their cars on this testing track. Simon Jones admitted that he had been on a trackday practicing the day before so he knew the right lines to take and was feeling confident. John Hoyle and his brakes were still giving him concern as he had too much rear brake bias as well as missfiring due to the electronics on his Sadev box deciding that they did not want to play ball. On his second practice he braked hard for the 180 deg lefthander at the end of the banked section and glanced the concrete wall causing damage to the rear offside wheel arch and his brand new immaculate bodywork. He was not a happy bunny. Eventually disconnecting his gearbox electronics at least gave him some smooth runs but he did need to use the clutch. Pete Goulding was really enjoying his new Formula Ford Mygale 1600cc ecoboost and improved his tomes all day. In summary here is were we all ended Class B1 Simon Jones 85.57 Class C Mark Bishop 87.40 Graham Frankland 88.73 Craig Spooner 83.09 Class F John Hoyle 76.82 Gerry Houghton 88.11 Class G Terry Everall 74.10 Class J2 Peter Goulding 71.64 A good start to the season for most but John Hoyle has a bit of work to do before Croft on Easter Monday but he will be there. Terry Everall Speed Series Correspondent Class G competitor.
    4 points
  2. Hi all I will be publishing the rota for 2016 in the next few days, a massive thank you to all of those who have volunteered their time. We do need a few more people for the following shifts: Sunday 2-4 pm parking duty 2 people read Monday 2-4pm drop off area x 1 person, parking x 1 person, meet & greet x 2/3 people and auto jumble x 1 person. I am aware that on Monday this might be classed as the graveyard shift with lost of people going home, but we still need to ensure that WSCC marquee does not look empty and devoid of members. Please get in touch asap if you can help with any of the above areas. Many thanks Ian
    2 points
  3. I have already collated the Rockingham results into a spreadsheet for Tigger but as he says this years details are quite complex and so you would be surprised at how long it takes to set up the system Good luck mate
    1 point
  4. I have similar and eBay! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161317580859?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
    1 point
  5. 'You have reached your destination..."
    1 point
  6. But it doesn't stop me taking the car to work
    1 point
  7. My excuse is I have completely lost my mojo. The car has been problematic with minor niggles (oil leaks) that have helped tip me over the edge. As for this year, my lack of enthusiasm to compete, is one thing, and I refuse to remove what I consider to be a perfectly serviceable cage to fit an MSA roll hoop. If the enthusiasm returns I might try WSCC Blyton but then again can I be bothered...... Anyone want to buy a class E car?
    1 point
  8. Its plane to see it is not my fault
    1 point
  9. MOT passed and taxed last weekend so back on the road here to. Went out for a little drive in the sunshine Sunday afternoon and popped out again last. A little chilly but roads were dry so all was good .
    1 point
  10. I think kingster may have a st170 engine amongst his many spare stocks of engine parts? may be worth asking him
    1 point
  11. just checking me data and I was doing 130 mph around the banking with slight 2 second lift down to 128 and then back to 136mph before breaking for hairpin .. I think in going to enjoy my new toy once I driven it a bit more. next time I will do it flat out
    1 point
  12. Don't forget that last year there were a lot of entrants that did none or very few events. Would be interesting to know the reasons why.
    1 point
  13. Whenever I have fitted a new carbon dash, I have always started by making a template up with 3mm thick MDF. Then use the template to cut the carbon dash
    1 point
  14. Plus 1 to what Julian said! Though I'd go even further, how the cars built can affect the shape/fit of the dash too! To give you an example, my old car was aeroscreened from day one, so my scuttle had never had a windscreen sitting on it. I trimmed the beautiful Mickmade carbon fibre dash to fit perfectly and follow the line of the scuttle. Five years or so ago, I took the aeroscreen off and fitted a full windscreen. This changed the shape of the scuttles top edge enough that the dash no longer matched that well!
    1 point
  15. Is that thing that makes your Westfield faster, chromier or more full of fuel
    1 point
  16. I am glad I did mine with bigheads, it looks so clean. Darve - I undersealed mine before fitting
    1 point
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