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    Martyn Vann - Warwickshire AO

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    Howden Insurance - Specialist Vehicle

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/03/16 in all areas

  1. It's no secret I'm not a fan of Hamilton, but his interview in the run up to the F! highlights on C4 really annoyed me. From the 6kg of gold round his neck to his diamond earrings it was like watching an interview with rap star Fuzzy Rascal or whoever... And all the stuff about getting a piano in every hotel room for 'his music' I really miss Hunt and his ilk, too many pretty boys in F1 now. And yes I probably am just jealous...
    2 points
  2. Moto GP, Moto2 and Moto3 for me.
    1 point
  3. From a brief conversation with our speed series champ, he managed to back the car slowly into the wall on one run. It has done bodywork damage so he was able to continue his next runs. The spin was due to mechanical, well, electrical problems and subsequent runs seem to have highlighted other mechanical anomolies! Hopefully all will be sorted for Croft.
    1 point
  4. Raikkonen knows how to do an interview... https://youtu.be/fqy4uClJcs4
    1 point
  5. Mind you, when you look at Alonso's 'little off' I suppose they do earn the right to act like they want... I do wonder how they decompress after something like that. When I had my Glympton bump (as per the Accident thread) the Traffic Cop dropped me in Woodstock to "get a drink and a taxi". And I got well bladdered on his official instructions. I still vote that Button and Weber are some of the good eggs in F1 Hamilton however is one of the biggest plonkers (oooohhh, get his earrings glinting in the setting sun - I'm in )
    1 point
  6. I can't help but laugh when I see him wearing those non-prescription, clear lens glasses. Does he think he looks more sophisticated?
    1 point
  7. You going to change your signature line..?
    1 point
  8. If you are unable to make it to the Rockingham, like I am, Rockingham put up a link to a live timing page on their Facebook, so far, they haven't posted any of the practice times, however I am sure that they will post the 1st, 2nd and if there is one, the 3rd run times. http://lt2.tsl-timing.com/161181
    1 point
  9. Yeh! Too heavy for you to handle
    1 point
  10. Hi Robin, we will be along with Julie and Glen as long as the weather is not too foul.
    1 point
  11. Well it was 8am and 6oC with patches of drizzle to start off with but traffic was very light so it was a great early morning drive to the meeting point at Ollerton, especially so as my new heated gloves (birthday gift from Sue) were doing a good job of preventing numb fingers . Julie and Glen were already there with Russ when we arrived. After some refreshment and general discussion we decided to follow some of the GBS Zero cars we had spotted passing and head off to the GBS factory. Andrew and Claire were already there holding up the Westfielders tradition of getting stuck into the tea and biscuits! So it was even stevens with four Westfields and the same number of Zeros (not including those in the workshop) however the number of Zeros grew to more than a dozen with a smattering of Robin Hoods and a Tiger. There were some very good examples of the GBS Zero on display including this supercharged MX5 engined car. Also this Honda S2000 engined car. The tour of the workshop and machine shop were very interesting, the CNC machines were busy turning out brake calipers and damper components. We were surprised at the amount of parts that they manufacture on site, brakes, dampers, throttle bodies and all manner of general parts for the Zero. The chassis fabrication and fibreglass/carbon fibre parts are also manufactured by GBS. Overall it was a very interesting day and well worth the visit. We extended our thanks to the Staff at GBS for their welcome and of course the tea, coffee and biscuits! We all went our separate ways at around 12.30pm, leaving Sue and myself to uphold the Peak District honour by cruising back into Matlock Bath to park in amongst the bikes and get a spot of lunch. We then had a good run through Via Gellia, past the quarry and the Bentley Brook, down into Ashbourne and out to Ca**ington Water for tea and cake. After stopping at our daughters on the way home we headed out for the 30 minute run home to find my gloves had run out of heat though my hands did remain warm until we finally put the car back in the garage at around 10.15pm after a good Westfielding day
    1 point
  12. That reminds me of a wealthy mate of mine..... he earned every penny of it so I don't run him down for being rich.... he is however utterly utterly stupid..... Let me explain....... We toddled off to Germany by road in his new Jaguar XK8 convertible.... in Shaguar Purple it looked a stunning motor...... I wasn't going to pass up a chance of thrashing that on some of the unrestricted roads now was I ?? So long story short, post thrashings and many fuel stops later he's asleep.... I'm bored..... push all the buttons there are and then..... still bored..... he stirs and says "oh F**##..... don't press that button.... (the one that turns the traction control off)..... I says "why ??" he replied "well it's like a dare button....... I'd only had the car a week..... and been watching top gear.... they were showing how well the Jag goes sideways..... I pushed it 3 weeks ago..... and said to one of my clients in the passenger seat "watch this....." the rest is history mate...." I had to ask..... "Well What happened?" The reply made me laugh so much I had to stop the car because I couldn't breathe..... He said "I hoofed it.... turned the wheel a bit and promptly left the road backwards.... couldn't see a thing for all the smoke..... stuffed it into a semi soggy field and wrote the exhaust system and the rear bumper off.... cost me twenty five and a half grand..... " I commented that it sounded a bit expensive for some fairly light damage..... his reply killed me..... "Oh the damage was trivial mate..... even if you include the new passenger seat.... they didn't reckon they could get the fecal matter and staining out of the stitching.... I had to buy him a new suit..... and do his job for free"
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. As Ade says, this will be a MAJOR upgrade to the forums and there will be outages and almost certainly issues afterwards that will require bug ironing. It's a big job and Ade's doing it unpaid over the Easter holiday weekend. Please be patient while this is happening, and be prepared to work in a different environment afterwards. One change the first time you log in on the new forums will be that you MAY need to use your registered email address to get in if your forum account user name is different from your forum display name. For example, my display name of Scott Young - WSCC Chairman is not the same as my forum account user name I use to log in, which is much shorter. However, you'll only need to do this once if you select the Remember Me option in sign in. Sorry to leave you to the mercies for your families and putting you through cold turkey, but it needs to be done and is overdue. Thanks!
    1 point
  15. Car is getting prepared saved 1/2 kg hoovering all the stones out and polished so I slide through the air. Shame my daughter can't come!
    1 point
  16. I got mine from Pro-Bolt CS625-10BK countersunk bolts WAC619-10BK countersunk washers NYN6-10BK nylocks
    1 point
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